^ that is why you use rings of brightearth to make the combo work, it isn't standard legal, but it's needed. You can't use clockspinning since the tokens come off when the land is returned to your hand, returning the land is part of the cost so you can't respond by activating it again. You need to do it this way: {T}: put the eon counter on, untap with something, {T} Return Magosi: take the extra turn, while you do this pay 2 for the rings and you'll get 2 extra turns, one of these will cancel out the turn lost from the eon counter and you will net one extra turn. This way you get inf turns since you can do this on each of your turns. Have fun.
Congratulations! You Won My EDH Challenge!
I'd look at forums regarding EDH if you have time, it's a really fun (and actually pretty inexpensive) format. The forums will also tell you about which cards are good in EDH and which ones aren't. For example, no matter how expensive (mana cost wise) or crude a search card is, it's usually worth it. Cards like maelstrom pulse aren't worth the money to pop 1 permanent in GB. Things like that. I'm planning on putting up a few of my current EDH decks (none with intet of course since that would influence the competition) but they may help you out with ideas. Also each general has its own playstyle so try to figure out what Intet, or any other general, wants to happen and you'll make a better deck.
sorry man, but the H in EDH stands for highlander... if you've ever seen highlander then you know the line "there can only be one" if not then the EDH rules include that there can only be 1 of each card other than basic lands. You've got a good start though.
for orim's chant you may want to include isochron scepter. That way you can protect yourself until you get your combo. Tutors are important for combo decks too so you may want to add vamp tutor, demonic, and/or diabolic.
add cryptic command if you've got them... or lots of cash... while i'm at it I'll tell you to add force of wills. haha.
Oh yea, one more thing. They make artifact lands so you definitely want to look into that. They are monocolored but are VERY useful with master of etherium, tezeret, and ravager. Also look for cards with "affinity for artifacts"
Here is a basic guide to follow when making decks: 1. If there is a minimum limit to deck size get as close to that as possible. For a 60 card format that means you should have no more than 65 cards (you got that one already) 2. Probability is a huge part of the game, the more copies of each card you have, the better your chances of drawing it. If you really like a card in a deck, get more of them to up the chances of drawing it. 3. Cost is big, well, you want it small, ugh. Let me start that over again, haha. Casting cost for cards is very important since it dictates what turn things can be played on. This seems like common sense but not many people take casting cost seriously enough. Look at baneslayer angel though, right now she is $25 on average, why? she isn't the best angel out there, akroma kicks her ass, but akroma costs 8 and baneslayer costs 5 (also baneslayer is in standard) but the casting cost is what makes baneslayer so useful. 4. Land base. This is the big one in my opinion. A deck's efficiency rests heavily on land base. Notice how a lot of the expensive cards in newer sets are lands, or at least that rare lands are pretty costly. This is due to the usefulness of these cards. Lands that produce more than one color of mana help fix the colors you need to play your spells. the more likely you are to get a certain color, the more likely you are to play spells of that color. In 3 color that is HUGE so try looking for some nice dual lands, Shards has some cheap 3 color comes into play tapped lands. 5. Strategy is a big part of deckbuilding. For this, you've chosen to go with an artifact theme, but now that you have the artifact theme what else will it do? how will it win consistently? what tricks are built in? what answers do you have to your opponent's spells? all of these questions should go through your head when building. They are how you get things together and build a solid deck that will win over and over. 6. Efficiency is the most important aspect in gameplay. It is simply the deck's ability to win consistently, so it basically encompasses every single one of the above. I wish you luck with your deck and all future decks. If I can help in any way just let me know.
the major problem lies in the fact that the land base is no longer standard legal.
Shadow sliver is incredibly risky since your creatures won't be able to block anymore. Go with shifting sliver instead, it's 1 mana more but it allows your slivers to block still. It's ability reads: Slivers can only be blocked by slivers. Brood sliver and toxin sliver are key too. Maybe wild pair since a lot of slivers have the same power toughness. even though it's a tad slow but not too bad. Aluren is a HUGE risk since it helps out your opponent out a ton, usually it's only used in combos, avoid it if you can.
the rise is better for first strike since it makes tokens too. That's why I like rise so much. The rhino isn't bad, but turn 4 has better plays than the first striking rhino, like elspeth or ranger, also I've usually got something that wants open mana for an attack by then, such as militia's pride or charge. He isn't bad, it's just that rise replaces his effect, rise is a great card since it can replace the rhino and martial coup.
armorsmith actually slows this down. Swordsmith works a lot better, I tried subbing in armorsmiths for a few other things but in the end just took them out completely. They are nice against volcanic fallout and pyroclasm though. That's why I added glorious charge, great for offense or defense or just case a fallout is played. They've saved my ass a bunch of times.
there are more efficient ways then junk roller tunnel vision since most people run at least 2 copies of each card in their deck. Use traumatize and haunting echoes, it's been used for a long time because it's incredibly effective, also add more of your necessity cards in your deck, like junkroller and tunnel vision. The psychic drain combo isn't bad, but again you need more copies of your pieces or you won't get it out efficiently.
you gotta add isochron scepter if you're running orim's chant. The rules for isochron even allow you to pay the kicker, so now for 2W your opponent can't attack or play spells and it's recurring. have fun.
Everyone is overlooking the fact that every deck in any format now runs cards to deal with this, even if you get your perfect hand out, and get progenitus turn 4, you still need to attack turn 5 and 6 so it won't be over until turn six at absolute best, in which case you're usually dead in standard, definitely dead in most other formats. The idea of using piper to bring out huge guys is not a new idea and has failed many times in the past simply because she dies so easily. Dramatic entrance helps in case the piper dies but then it's still another turn before you get out your big creatures making it just too slow. It's not a bad idea, it never has been, but don't expect to see Piper progenitus in the top 8 for standard.
Dallas: I actually find that rise works a lot better, the speed of the deck is such that I never let the game go on long enough to need to wipe the board or have the mana necessary to do so, the first strike is much more useful. Trust me, the decision took me a while to make. I'll contemplate the Harm's Ways since everyone seems to like them.
OMG I STAND CORRECTED (Haha, by Myself): 10/1/2008: For your life total to become 20, you actually gain or lose the necessary amount of life. Keep in mind that you may have a negative life total when this happens. For example, if your life total is -4 when you would lose the game, Lich's Mirror's effect will cause you to gain 24 life. Other cards that interact with life gain or life loss will interact with this effect accordingly. FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the funniest things I've ever seen but one tiny hiccup. Lich's Mirror doesn't gain you 20 life, it makes your life total 20, which don't seem that different until you look at the wording on rain of Gore, which requires a gain of life ability. There are ways to do it with this, don't get me wrong, it will just need some tweaking to get around that. You could, for example, use illusions of grandeur (Obviously take out the Rain of gore), Despotic Scepter, and Skull of Orm. It will take considerably more mana but your game suddenly becomes: If your opponent plays a land, they loose, sort of... then it starts all over. There are other ways as I said, but t do them at instant speed, may want to check out tefiri. Good luck with this, it's funny as hell.
EDGE OF THE DIVINITY. Turn 2 you have a 4/4 lifelink nip. You're going to need some saving graces in here, stall cards to help you out against (the now slower but still badass) bant, (FREAKING AWESOME) 2010 mono white, mono red, and red/white aggro and burn decks. Going Teneb colors (GBW) might actually help you, you can use the accel of G (Garruk, birds, growth) and the lifegain from it (like the crazy XG/W gain X life if you payed G, gain X life if you payed W, gain double X life if you payed both), you can throw in control cards like Pulse and some others. Just something to think about.
Exalted is great for early game but honestly, nothing that Elite vanguard can't do alone anyway. I mean, I had exalteds in mine and turn 2 swing for 3 happened a lot, but then replace them and guess what? still turn 2 swing for 3, isn't that funny? Now, instead of turn 1, akrasan turn 2 aven swing for 3 it's turn 1 vanguard, turn 2 honor of the pure swing for 3, difference is that vanguard stays a 3/2 while the others go back to being 1/1s and later in game I'm not debating if it's better to swing with aven or just run with all, it's always better in soldiers to just attack with all. Don't get lulled into baneslayer angel for soldiers though, stay on soldier course and you'll be better. I tried her out but she wasn't nearly as good as I thought for soldiers (she isn't a soldier hence she doesn't get any of the bonuses).
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