Use sunken remains as land so you can get the BB for the rats. Not a bad version but remember that every card that isn't a rat makes thrumming stone a little less potent.
WOG, Planar Cleansing, Hallowed burial, or Austere Command wrecks lifeline and your rats. Sorry. unknownhunter763 is right, I made a rats deck almost just like this one a year ago on this site and even when I did it, it was cuz I got the idea from someone else, can't tell anyone it's an original deck idea, it's common sense really. Everyone knows about it and everyone knows how to stop it, conveniently the cards to stop it already exist in most sideboards. Don't kid yourself into thinking that if you play this against people at a tourney that they wouldn't just sideboard in a card that utterly wrecks your deck.
Here is what I say to your combo, to any combo really... Planar Cleansing. For this there are more fun things too like Austere command which wrecks artifact tokens and your chamber together. Make a combo that doesn't give your opponent another turn to live. "Add blasting station to kill 1 turn faster" more like add blasting station in general. Who doesn't want to win 1 turn faster?
Make this standard legal, you won't get any mana accel but you can add stigma lasher. The giant doesn't need to come back to your hand since it has persist you can simply kill it with a lightning bolt to give your creatures the ability the following turn but with lasher you shouldn't need to worry about lifegain decks. Also Soulstoke as riftsrpg is a great idea.
THIS IS NOT A DECK, so please don't leave stupid comments like "there aren't enough cards" or "You don't have any lands"
You want it to work... here ya go:
Oh yes, rise of the hobgoblins to make tokens AND give your creatures first strike.
Honor of the Pure is 10X better than the smiths, Akrasan Squire is more of a single attacker, go with goldmeadow harrier to slow your opponent down and protect yourself, since you'd add harrier, you don't need the guards for protection so add preeminent captain to play soldiers faster. To make more tokens add Militia's Pride. add more Elites. Your better off replacing the terramorphics with Bant lands since the basic land will come into play tapped anyway and at least with the bant land it can create both colors you need. For any more ideas check out my 2010 soldier deck:
Actually, just saw you have the tower in sideboard, sorry. Ok, so I get the Sorcerer, eye, alarm combo to draw yourself out and deal a ton of damage but what are you going to play to untap the sorcerer? OMG Got the Funniest inf creature combo, which in your case means inf damage cuz of the sorcerer. Alarm, Ant Queen, Life and limb or just Life. AMAZING. I might make a deck based on that haha.
Throw in that land that says "you have no maximum hand size" and you're good. GU got hit REALLY hard for lands in M10, the loss of Coast was HUGE. But your land base looks pretty good. Props. You really like wheel of sun and moon don't you? haha. It's ok, it's an anti mill engine, helps with discard phase, and it helps if your coatls get blown up so it actually fits well in here. Why mirrorweave? you know that if you copy the coatl then the counters don't transfer to all creatures, also the weave changes your opponent's creatures too. It just doesn't seem to fit, to me. Mirrorweave goes great with cards like ashenmoor gouger, since it can't block and is a 4/4, so 5 craetures out and you win. May want to include overbieng of myth for extra draw and it also gets big when you have a big hand.
That's essentially all this is.
I actually use the assault to blast their creatures to make a path for the crusher or a terravore. It works really well actually, though it's an odd use of seismic assault since most people go for the player damage.
The thing about Elspeth is that she is PERFECT for a token deck like this, and she is totally worth the $25 in many opinions, including mine. You do have a lot of 5 drops as you say above, I suggest cutting down the 5 drops and throw in some small soldiers for early game.
The funny part is that I built a similar deck but B/W that also stalled until my opponent milled himself to death, it took so long that we started turn 1 of the second game on a 5 turn clock, needless to say the match was a tie... Not a bad draft though and certainly a few pieces you can use later if you get some more copies of them.
Elvish piper has a HUGE target on its head when it comes into play, since you won't have any protection for it it will more than likely be destroyed before you have a chance to use its ability. You may want to find a way to protect it, I mean, silence would help I suppose, but you would need both of them in your hand pay 1 for silence, then 4 for the piper, then 1 more for a silence on the upkeep of your opponent's turn but watch it cuz they could, in response to silence still play spells to kill your piper. Remember that spells can still be played before silence resolves so once it goes on the stack your opponent can play instants and cards with flash in response.
and your giant coatl gets terminated... or terrored... or path to exiled... or bladed... or deathmarked... yeah... A back-up plan might be great. There are too many ways to get rid of a coatl or overbeing for that matter. 6 Counter abilities aren't going to be enough. If you add more protection for your creatures then the deck will be a lot better. The idea is definitely there.
Hurricaneshand is right. Tokens hit the grave and are immediately removed from the game so they don't come back, but things like gravepact WILL activate since the token is sent to the grave for a very brief time.
you can put in more lands if you include a way to get rid of the ones you don't need, like seismic assault or retrace spells.
It's easier to use the Moonfolk from a while ago to return lands to your hand so you can play them and tap for the upkeep cost of the stasis. Also they printed a blue colorshifted version of kismet, can't remember the name but you'll find it if you look.
no worries, eventide has a while left in standard (provided wizards doesn't decide to be jerks ans send lorwyn and shadowmoor out together) since Lorwyn should be going out first and Especially since a new set JUST came out today. Filter lands will be in standard for a good while still. Thanks for the thank you =] The deck list looks good, mana is always the trickiest part, especially now that the duals need basics... ugg. Savage lands isn't bad, but it isn't great, it's an option though. I'd take it over any other non-rare land for this deck.
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