You actually can't. If you have a sideboard, it must be 15 cards, no more, no less. This is completely against the rules.
With 2 training grounds and spawnsire, the ability costs 1 for 2 tokens, you then sac a token for 1 to make 2 more tokens and so on for inf sac. If you can pull that off in this deck, without getting killed or sitting around with board control for 10 turns, I'd be very impressed. The combo is not something that will ever be useful in standard. Why you added it to vamps and not something that can use the Training Grounds, I'll never know though. Just take the combo out and build regular vamps, it'll be much better.
Honestly, it's great against control, yes, but it also helps against aggro. You won't lose your creatures to combat damage that way and when you start to outrun them you can swing (normally) unblockable for the win. Also, enough decks run direct kill spells, most of which are black. You'll need a way to deal with these so if you can give protection from black, that will save you from everything except lightning bolt and flame slash (Pretty much). The only decks that really run flame slash are mono red though, so no need to worry about that one, and with a master out, the armament masters and equipments will usually protect you from bolts. I'm just worried about the armament masters. I might add Honor of the Pure to this (Sorry, they aren't cheap either, but they're so good), to give your masters a boost in toughness (and everyone else a boost too), or add more toughness boosting equipments. Keep in mind, your masters may swing, but really they are there to make everyone else huge. Keeping them alive is a top priority, giving them a big power won't really make that much difference, as they normally won't be swinging (for fear of being killed).
just so you don't go looking, I haven't put the deck up on here since it's still a work in progress. (But it playtests rather well). I will consider adding what I have currently to give you some ideas.
I'd run creatures that throw out the eldrazi spawn, like Kozilek's Predator and nest invader. They'll ramp your mana and creature count much faster than just the zones. I'd add another monument, and take out a Mycoloth or 2, they usually just get blown up the turn they're played, then you're out a ton of creatures. Maybe splash red for lightning bolt (for spot destruction), Hatcher and splinter twin. You won't need nearly as much land accel and you have, keep in mind that you can sac your spawn for mana. That is your greatest accel method. I'd keep the spasm, and maybe drop the Harrow count or get rid of them, but I doubt you'll need the Heart Expeditions. I get that they're for the gel-gen, but honestly, I'd consider taking that out too. You won't need the big tokens, as you'll usually drop the ascensions and swing with 7 creatures by turn 4 or 5. I run a deck like this, and that's pretty much how it runs. By turn 4 all my guys are indestructible fliers, by turn 5 they are all 6/7 indestructible fliers that are swinging for game. The type of deck works well in that the early tokens can ramp and, against fast decks, they can keep you from dying to aggro before you drop the monument, then your opponent better hope they have artifact or enchantment destruction in hand or they're done.
add Terminate
Add Brave the Elements and Path to Exile (Sorry, I know Path isn't cheap, but it's really amazing). Brave is both offensive and defensive. If you're playing against mono, it completely destroys by making all your stuff unblockable, and it can protect your creatures from lethal damage and point destruction. Maybe sideboard Narrow Escape, so you can save your important guys from point destruction and at the very least, bounce a stoneforge to fetch another equipment.
You need 4 Nissa, sorry, I know they aren't cheap, but you really need them. The monument won't really be effective without her.
You need a way to keep opponent's creatures at bay. I suggest Deprive and Jace the Mind sculptor (yes, I get that he's expensive, but there's a reason he is).
Sorry, but it isn't as effective as Poly. It will never hold in a standard tourney, it just isn't quick enough. When you drop warp world, you want to win, not have to wait 2 turns to win. If your opponent WWs into something good then you're toast. What if they swing for game next turn? you have no token creation to WW higher, and no win right off the WW. You'll also WW into a lot of instants and such, which you really can't afford to do. This is what I run WW with, see if it gives you some ideas:
Best part about Preeminent Captain is that you don't have to pay the mana cost of the creature you drop. I usually drop Captain of the Watch.
Yeah, I'd main board the Duress. That should at least help. You need to have some hidden responses, that's what make it easy to control. Once your opponent figures out that you run no instants or sorceries, they'll control you like you wouldn't believe, since they know they have nothing in your hand to worry about.
Deprive is the best counterspell in standard right now. Spell pierce is also really useful. Unified will might not be bad in here either. Spreading seas is one of the best blue cards in standard, I'd add one more.
Yeah, your sideboard is actually very nice, and spell pierce is useful unless you're going against ramp. I've been experimenting with kiln fiend myself now and I find that both green and black are great colors for it. Green can pump and protect it, and also give trample. Colossal Might and vines of the vastwood are really useful. Black can run a ton of hand control and spot removal to get rid of blockers or destruction spells which pumping the fiend. Try out different colors with it. Have fun.
Oh yeah, and I know he's a tad expensive... but Jace the Mind Sculptor is really great in Poly. He fixes your draw or bounces for creature control, so yeah... at $85 I'm not sure he's worth it... but still a good card for the deck.
DO IT! I mean, look at the major standard builds, Jund, Naya, Bant, Vamps, and Summons (and poly, but we won't consider the mirror for this). They all depend on having colors, and a lot of them, or in high amounts. Vamps' turn 3 is almost always a kicked gatekeeper, it costs BBB. You'll slow them down a turn if you can change a B to a U. Naya's turn 3 is always a Wooly Thoctar, and you can mess with the necatals. See where I'm going with this? AND YOU GET TO DRAW!! It's basically one of the best blue cards out there for standard format at the moment. No joke.
But what do you do with the life? and what about alternate win conditions your opponents could run, such as mill?
warning to you: standard runs a TON of 1 and 2 mana creature kill. You'll lose to Jund, naya, bant, grixis control, and allies if you aren't very careful.
I'd main board Spreading Seas. It's amazing.
cuz comes into play tapped SUCKS!!
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