BTW, M10 totally fucked up the mana base for Bant, I've almost given up on bant but I made it M10 friendly by changing the lands around. It still rocks house but loses to my 2010 soldiers. Go figure, $500 deck loses to a $200 deck. Wizards has once again found a way to skrew over the best deck in standard.
more charms, no ultimatum, more growths, no blessing, fix your land base. Use dual lands, like the M10 duals and filter lands. In 3 color, especially bant you should never be running all basics. 70 cards is WAY too much for bant. 3 more rafigs, 3 more hierarchs, take out benediction, no sage, ranger isn't made for bant, it just needs some trimming and you need to get more copies of the better cards. This is the bant deck I'm currently running, have a look:
oh yeah, last thing, Now that I recognize that angels as actually being there, the deck looks great, especiially if you fix up your land base to have cycling lands, strand (which doesn't actually net you ANY land but it nets you tundra or fountain which is what you'd want anyway and doesn't put them into play tapped [unless you want the fountain in play tapped so you don't lose the extra 2, but make it easier and just search for tundra]) and nimbus.
Sorry, I missed the angel up top, it isn't that I didn't read it, it's that sometimes you forget about those things when you are re-checking the deck for win conditions. (yes unknownhunter763, baneslayer kicks major ass and that is exactly why it's priced at about $24 right now and may go up a bit, filled my playset the other day, made me ultra happy =] ) Good cycling cards: Any lands that cycle (lonely sandbar and secluded steppe being best). and choking tethers, that may be enough for this. Add in nimbus maze, and flooded strand, they are GREAT wu lands. In legacy you usually don't care about losing the 1 for the strand and you get to find any land, that's key. Sorry about deck cost, Legacy is an incredibly expensive format to play in.
sorry, you already have birds... haha. my bad. Still add growth, keeper, paths, gift, godspeaker.
Ornithopter is one of my favorite cards of all time, it's an amazing combo piece and when it's not used in combos it's a great 0 cost chump blocker. Never dis the thopter. My question is why does everyone hate naya? I built a naya deck here too and it's got like -2 or -3 for no reason. Naya is a great deck, it's fast fatties, who doesn't like that? In your case I'd run more mana accel. Birds, rampant growth, things like that. Uril is a GREAT card but you need his pairs, like shield of the oversoul, suddenly you have a 9/9 flying indestructible opponent shrouded monster on the board. Maybe focus on him rather than the other fatties. Good luck with this, naya is a tough build. Maybe check out mine for more ideas for mana accel, there are a lot of naya specific ones that would be great here.
In addition to k405's suggestions, Drop miror-sigil for another jenara, drop 4 armored ascensions for 3 finest hours and 1 more noble, you can drop the holy strengths for the infiltrators and balmgivers for 2 baneslayers, 1 escort and 1 more elspeth. Drop giant growth for bant charm. Run path to exile in sideboard along with austere command. Don't add the lifelinks, you don't need it. Drop them for rhox war monk, that's all the lifelink you'll ever need. Replace some your lands with filter lands and Reflecting pools. They're expensive switches but great bant needs lots o' money.
There's a 1 mana blue card in M10 that mills 5, might want to look into it. Not that ghastlord is a bad card, cuz it isn't, but it just doesn't seem to fit in with your whole mill theme. For a big drop I'd think Oona would be better. Cryptic command is clutch, especially since it gets 3 blue symbols for the grinding. Actually, drop the 4 counterspells for cryptics and make this standard legal. Also think about running BU instead of mono U, since black has some great mill.
btw Thanks for the compliment! =] It's nice to know that someone likes my decks.
In the sideboard, I'd add in 3 stifle replacing 1 of each other aside from needle. Maybe 1 more isochron for the chants, but in legacy scepter gets shut down fairly easily, but no denying that it's great against anything without artifact hate, sadly most people sideboard artifact hate. Force spike for mana leak would be a good trade out but for a "perfect" counter ability go for force of will. Jace isn't a bad walker but he isn't that useful to you, i mean card draw is great but there are other cards that do it without letting opponents draw. I'd throw in cycling lands, you might not think they are that great but trust me, almost every top 8 legacy deck from when I last entered a legacy tourney (which was a long while ago, but still) ran cycling lands for the 1 mana extra card draw. Deck looks good though. My biggest concern is that right now Jace is your win condition, not that that's necessarily a bad win condition but what are you going to do against pithing needle naming Jace turn 1? Suddenly your win becomes beatdown with what? meddling mage? that's not going to work if they have a ton of non-fliers itching to kill something.
Also replace some of your lands with cycling lands (like lonely sandbar), that way you get extra card draw, also sylvan library and brainstorm go great with coatl. I know a lot of these are older, but they are really good for this deck and they aren't very expensive. Others to consider: Archivist Silver Myr (for the combo above) Utopia tree (for the combo above) Noble Hierarch (ironically new, but expensive) Arcanis the Omnipotent (he's a 6 cost but T to draw 3 and with all the birds and stuff it shouldn't be a problem getting him out) Cephalid Looter Breeding Pool (for land base since you would have all the green rampers)
ok, got it. Sorry. You may also want to add the grixis guy that costs U and taps to change the type of 1 land in play, just to get the ability in another card. It looks good. Sorry, I can't believe I missed that. oh well. You may want to use, instead of curio, equilibrium, that way when you play ornithopter you can tap 1 to return it to your hand, then add LLanowar or birds and go for inf dmg. That way it would be: Birds, equilibrium, intruder alarm, sorcerer, thopter? 5 card inf dmg combo isn't too bad. Or BETTER use: Shrieking drake, birds, alarm, and sorcerer. That's a 4 card inf dmg combo with capability for turn 3 inf dmg. that's certainly not bad.
sliver queen inf combos with gemhide and intruder alarm.
pick 1 single strategy for the deck, In here now you have affinity, mill, and a bunch of other things. Split this into 2 decks, look up some mill decks on here and online and some affinity decks, I know there is at least 1 in top 8 extended that isn't too expensive.
soldiers require full frontal aggro that is completely replicable. This means two things: 1: You need to pick out the best cards for this deck and increase the number of them while taking out the other cards. Also M10 has some of the most amazing soldier cards ever printed (like honor of the pure). 2: Cards that make you wonder if you should attack alone or as a group need to go, this means cards with exalted are best left to bant, not soldiers, as soldiers like to attack in swarms. For more ideas check out my soldier deck (it's standard but still kicks ass):
If you use "X" cost 0/0 artifacts in place of your 0 costs and feeder the same thing happens since they all come into play at the same time then die activating the disciples, this way you free up about 4 cards in the deck for pact of negation and summoner's pact to help out. For Ledif: This deck is all over the place, not just on youtube. Also flash hulk isn't THAT expensive of a deck to build so the likely hood that unknownhunter763 has the deck isn't that low. I mean, I built one too, and another one of my friends has one. It's not like they don't exist so be careful who you call a liar. For Talmidutak: It's a dick move, yes, but it puts people in their place. If someone says "I have an unbeatable deck" and doesn't shut up about it for 3 days and you pull this out on them and they crap their pants at the beginning of their first upkeep when you win, it's worth it. That's exactly why I built my own personal version of this deck.
you realize that your storm needs around 11 cards in your hand to work? Look at TEPS or the original perfect storm for better storm cards, such as mind's desire.
lol. funny guys.
Oh yeah, Hateflayer with soulstoke and Giant = WTF. This happened to me in the eventide prerelease: Opponent played hateflayer, next turn burned their giant to death, tapped flayer for 2dmg, untapped for 5more, tapped for 2, untapped for 5, tapped FTW (I was at 16 prior to this).
such a huge deck... and only 1 copy of most of the cards. Might want to work on that. I like the pariah Cho-Manno combo though.
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