11th edition isn't coming out. It's called M10 as "Magic 2010." Add lightning Bolt. Piper will be gone the moment you play it (in M10 it definitely will), so I would either have great ways of protecting it, a backup plan, or scrap that idea and go for a goblin rush and burn deck.
Diabolic isn't restricted, I thought you were using demonics, which, in my opinion, you should use 1 along with a vampiric in place of the diabolics.
Actually most opponents choose to go first and you would choose to draw first so the first 1/2 will be more like a 9/10 or maybe even 1. It's still low but that is why you use cards like summoner's pact in a deck like this, as well as an elvish spirit guide. Get the odds up a bit. Also if you don't get the caverns you can play an island on your turn and still win. The odds aren't THAT bad, still not great, but this deck does have an average win on turn 1.72 from the last calculation I saw online.
Painter's Servant + Grindstone = Inf mill
The lieges help a lot. Thanks.
Scratch that, replace diabolic with 1 demonic and 1 vampiric I thought you had used demonic. Oops.
Recall is restricted (not to mention $600 a piece) so put in 4 ancestral visions in its place or at least in place of 3 recalls. Diabolic is restricted, replace 1 with vampiric tutor.
I have a similar deck but it uses an inf combo with worldgorger. Check it out: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=12416
One last thing, in order to use Wort to her fullest you will need to get some green and red instants and sorceries that (preferably) accel your mana. Search for tomorrow, seething song (already mentioned), rite of flame, rampant growth, and all of those will help out a lot.
RISE OF THE HOBGOBLINS (it's red/white but it's HYBRID so it's basically great for this deck.) Siege Gang Commander Wierding Shaman Warren Wierding Seething Song (for mana accel) Dragon Fodder Mogg War Marshall Wort, The Raid mother Birds of Paradise Most of these cards give you goblin tokens which create in number so you get more goblins for less mana. Also siege Gang Commander is Amazing and Wort can help you out with mana costs since it gives green and red conspire. Wierding Shaman is nice because you can block and sac or attack and sac the blocked goblins to make more goblins as an instant, same with warren wierding. Seething song will get you a turn 3 dragon or gang commander. Birds of paradise to make the deck go faster. Use shock lands in addition to your filter lands and such to pick up speed with colors.
Ok, this is the last thing, I promise. In order to beat your friend's cards, depending on what they are you may want to add in counterspell abilities (not the card because it is out of standard) It's a control mechanic (similar to terminate) that will get rid of all your friend's best cards. To beat your friend I suggest you go aggro control, this way you will be hitting your friend directly since you are getting all of his creatures and spells off the board. Sound good? Look up some good aggro/control decks online. Have fun!
side note: you will be begging for more terminates so put in 3 more. OH, 1 last thing. Land base is incredibly important in a 3 color deck. Right now you are running 7 of each with 1 necropolis. Ditch the necropolis and use dual lands to help out. There are 3 color lands in shards that are very useful. Pain lands help out a lot and if you have some money, reflecting pool is amazing. Try to keep this deck standard legal since most of your cards are so don't resort to lands outside of that (like old school dual lands, shock lands, etc)
This deck is still in beginning stages of development. Try it out over and over and over again in playtesting, figure out what cards you are begging for and which ones you find to be pretty useless, then Put in more copies of the cards you find yourself needing and take out those you don't. Try to keep your deck at 60 cards, I usually say 65 is absolute max but if you have very few copies of each card the deck needs to be 60. Try to come up with an overall theme for the deck, something it does regularly as a win condition. Is it fast? is it control? does it protect? does it mill? and adjust your deck accordingly to bring out the specific deck type you want.Try to only pick 1 type, 2 max, or else you will have too many cards that do too many different things and it won't be cohesive. Right now Grixis has the 3 colors you are trying to work with so I suggest looking at Grixis decks online with high ratings or good comments and learn from them how to adjust your deck. Good luck.
Your above combo actually doesn't work. The liege doesn't give +1/+1 counters so the -1/-1 counter doesn't come off. The redcap will be a 3/3 but it will still have a -1/-1 so it won't persist again.
To be legal you have to take out 1 petal since its restricted in vintage and your moxes are banned in legacy.
If you put in Power Artifact you can inf combo with grim monolith for inf mana to use on Laquatus for inf mill.
There is an "x" next to the cards in the "edit" section. Hit the "x" and then "yes". Have fun.
Sorry, azen already mentioned it. change demonics to 1 demonic, 1 vampiric, 2 diabolic. This way it's actually legal.
Stuffy loves Guilty Conscience. Inf dmg combo, check it out.
Next time SPECIFY that it is not intentionally being built as a legit deck that you plan on actually building or have already built. if you don't SPECIFY I have to assume that you are serious about this. And YES I DO KNOW WHAT FUN IS. I run a vintage deck with 1 of each power 9 and it is very FUN (and I actually OWN them).
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