Ok. Point of clarification....You are looking for a 3ish cmc card that will put a creature (demigod of revenge, specifically) in hand?Or are you looking for a way to root them all out of library and into graveyard? (ala Buried Alive, but for modern)It should be noted that the Demigod of Revenge must be hard cast (not cheated in or returned from graveyard) to activate its ability.I'm almost 100% on that. Seems like there was a rules debate regarding that in my playgroup once.....Or are you looking for a way to increase your dredge?Regardless, here are a couple early thoughts...Bloodsoaked Champion- cheap recursion.Life from the Loam- Absolutely feeds the dredge in every way. Its cheap and gives you land aplenty.Golgari Grave Troll- Massive Dredge 6 and gets beefy with a stocked graveyardFlayer of the Hatebound- undying on its own, but even better it combos beautifully with your DoR idea.Griselbrand- fat daddy baddyCrypt of Agadeem- big graveyard= lots of manaAvatar of Discord- the discard drawback doesn't hurt. Gets the bridge into the graveyard.Breaking//EnteringRise from the GraveChampion of Stray SoulsEndless Obedience *** This is especially good in conjunction with the zombie tokens generated by the bridge.Grim Return- This may be the best of the lot. Dredge a biggie and bring it into play for 3 cmcSome enchantment/artifact destruction (at least in the sideboard) to counter the various graveyard exilers.Hope this helps! I like the idea! keep me posted!Like +1
Sure! I will take a look.
Enjoy! This is a second attempt at American burn.
Thanks Jessie! I know its not much blue, but honestly I tried to keep it as much in your face damage as possible.
Here is an Aristocrat american burn!Enjoy!http://www.mtgvault.com/shinza/decks/aristocrat-american-diplomacy/
Please let me know what you think!Thanks for taking a look!
Good! I like to throw some seldom used cards in... keep it fresh.Thanks for taking a look!
Thanks dude.Card draw rules.Rep +1
Please let me know what you think or how to improve it.Thanks for taking a look!
I posted for that! Looks intriguing! I'm psyched!For your viewing pleasure (and hopefully some insight), here is my latest Aristocrat deck! Barely Simic, and based on a crazy card draw notion... Enjoy!http://www.mtgvault.com/shinza/decks/aristocrat-simic-to-win-it/
no worries!
So true...I would say that blue and white are considerations for bounce... especially blue.I haven't made an EDH bouncer,though Cowardice immediately springs to mind
Here's my version, marcosknux.Hope it helps!In the end I agreed with your Dragon Hatchling assessment.Enjoy!http://www.mtgvault.com/shinza/decks/splinter-dragon/
Haha! No doubt!EDH is so much fun! Singleton decks lend themselves well to interesting board conditions.I've had fun playing a Toshiro Umezawa deck. Kamahl, Fist of Krosa or Gerrard Capashan were interesting generals too.Mayael the Anima makes for a pretty cool general.Rakdos, Lord of Riots. Wow, he IS a badass. The deck almost makes itself. I can imagine he brings big pain.
s0rinmark0v inadvertently makes a good point about focus. Is this for lethal ass-whuppery? Or for casual playability? or both?
How about Braid of Fire instead of Heartless Summoning? Its same cmc, but red. Crap, I just realized why not. Mana produced by braid must be used during upkeep. It won't help for opening the door for big fat dragons.Would help with instants and pumping dragons though.You have inspired me to try a version of this though.
I went there, signed up, endured a video about girl problems (to enter a security phrase), and posted.Thanks for the direction!
I'm in! sounds good to me!Is there a voting or seconding procedure to lock a card in?Not that it matters, the debate and collaborative effort makes it worthwhile
I was looking at detain spells, I came up with Inaction Injunction. I would put it in, but for what?Are there any instants that detain? Seems kind of foolish actually. Why detain at end of opponent's turn only to have it spring from custody on mine?I was looking for synergy with Isochron. Any ideas?
And now for something completely different.I've made a few of these Aristocrat decks. Part of the fun/frustration is the limitations.Would there be any value to having an equivalency value?Trade a rare for 2 uncommons. Trade 2 rares for a mythic rare?Or to expand on that idea:Maybe a point value or point buy system? Basic lands and commons 1 point each. Uncommons 2 points each, Rares 4 points and mythic rares 8 points?As the rules stand the point value of an Aristocrat deck would be (2x4)+(12x2)+(46x1)=78.The deck would have to be 78 points. Exactly. And 60 cards.
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