Don't have any fetches. Ad. Angel is actually to swing with, her landfall trigger is a bonus. I am running a lot of lands in this deck, so I never have a problem with landfall for her anyway.
Only have 1 atm
Also, your main deck is T2, while your sideboard is not. I would suggest picking a format and going with it.
This deck will show nothing, because you are only running 16 swamps with no fetches. 22 lands is the realistic minimum if you are running only basic lands.
That's basically what the side board is for. I might move some creature removal to MB...
Don't have comet storm. I will look at searing blaze.
Yeah Font of Mythos and Howling Mine and Pyromancer normally go together well. I don't have those cards though :o(
Lots of decks are running it. Go check MTG Salvation
Woa. Interesting build. I am pretty much only good with T2 builds, so I don't have much to add except for this - maybe Nissa Rivane and Nissa's Chosen would work in here somewhere?
The only thing I might suggest is trading Calcite Snapper with Sphinx of Jwar Isle if you can, as Sphinx is A) Flying and B) Works better as an attacker if you need him. Aside from that, I like your build quite a bit.
Lunden - LOVE the Quenchable Fire idea. I am going to get on that ASAP. DJGates - I thought about swerves, etc. But ultimately decided against it because I wanted to be more "burn oriented". Thanks for the input! Keep it coming!!!
I would but I don't have the card. Plus I am trying to keep the deck as cheap as I can
-4 Guul Draz +1 Gatekeeper of Malakir +3 Quag Vampires
-2 Pulse Tracker -4 Lacerator -4 Disfigure +3 Malakir Bloodwitch +3 Quag Vamps +4 Urge to Feed
If this is for play in an FNM-style format, you will want to cut it to as close to 60 cards as you can get. You have a lot of 1x "Creature Type". Aggro decks tend to work better with 3x or 4x of a chosen creature. Since this is a vamp deck I would stick with Vamps (wall of bone, giant scorpion, etc aren't vamps). You need to "focus" the deck a bit more. Do a deck search for other vampire decks to get ideas (you can just type the term "vamp" in and then sort by posting date).
Thank ya
Edited to include some creatures and some other burn spells.
Not a problem. I just try to give opinions based on what I have seen by playing a Vamp deck myself. There were a lot of cards that I had in my first deck that I thought would work great, and worked well in casual games, but when I came up against some stronger decks in tourneys I found that they didn't work as well as I though. Blade of the Bloodcheif is a perfect example. I loved the idea of that card, and it worked well in casual games that lasted longer, but when I played tougher decks I found that it just really wasn't as effective as I first thought. It was a huge bummer :(
Sure thing, man. I always try to be helpful and not "pushy".
If you are playing competitively you are going want to cut this closer to 60 cards. Also, Piranha Marsh makes the deck run slower and Kalitas is WAY more expensive than he is worth, plus you really won't end up using his ability that much in a competitive game. I would suggest -4 Piranha Marsh -3 Kalitas +4 Swamp +3 Tendrils of Corruption To get it to 60 cards... -4 Terramorphic Expanse (you are running mono black, so fetchlands aren't as important) -3 Consume Spirit (you can sideboard these, and adding Tendrils, less expensive version of Consume) -3 Blade of the Bloodcheif (I run a vamp deck that used to have Blade and it was not nearly as effective as I hoped it would be) Mind you, all of these comments are based on the possibility of you playing in a competitive formant (FNM, other tourneys). If this deck is for casual I think naviis is right, you are probably fine. Check out my Vamp deck if you want more ideas: Deck link:
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