
60 Decks, 399 Comments, 45 Reputation

Wrexial is a lot more fun with some cheap mill cards to supplement it. A few Tome Scours or Mind Funerals to get your opponent's good stuff in the graveyard can make all the difference.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 00:04 as a comment on Release the Kraken!


You need more land-based mana accel, looks to me like you'll have to rely a bit too much on spawns to get out your fatties. One board wipe effectively wipes out your chances to bring out a fatty early.

Growth Spasm is awesome, you get the best of both worlds, land and spawns.

I'd say focus on the smaller Eldrazis, they're big enough on their own to win you the game, plus the Hand is so ridiculously easy to get out. ANything more is overkill; I don't see you needing more than 8 big finishers. I'd replace the Pathrazers and Betray-ers with Growth Spasms and Emrakul's Hatchers, so you can reliably get out the small eldrazis early in the match.

Posted 11 August 2010 at 14:06 as a comment on Eldrazi Again


Halimar Excavators are another easy win con with a kicked Rite of Replication

Posted 09 August 2010 at 21:10 as a comment on Rite of Allies(Please Rate!!!)


I've tried the all-creature allies deck before, I'll just say this: don't. Pick your best couple kinds of allies and leave out the dredge, and support it with some noncreature stuff like counters. I have a Bant Allies deck as well and stuff like Mana Leak and Vines of Vastwood help keep the Allies alive, and AEther Tradewinds is a good way to weaken your opponent's board position while giving you another chance for an Ally trigger.

Also, consider Rite of Replication. That + Halimar Excavator = EPIC MILL

Hope that helps!

Posted 09 August 2010 at 20:25 as a comment on Bant allies


Crab Umbra is an easy way to get Harabaz Druid to generate infinite mana, would make getting Emrakul out a lot easier

Posted 09 August 2010 at 20:22 as a comment on Green/Blue Allies


Dovescape + Guardian Seraph is another interesting way to lockdown keeping with the Azorious colors

Posted 09 August 2010 at 20:19 as a comment on Luminarch Win


Avenger of Zendikar would be lulzy with Doubling Season. Twice as many plants that get bigger twice as fast.

Posted 06 August 2010 at 13:22 as a comment on Spawnling Triumph 2


I'd recommend both the Khalni Garden for plant tokens and the Zendikons to make your lands able to morph as well. The blue Zendikon only costs U, cheap way to get more targets for a mass morph.

Posted 06 August 2010 at 10:14 as a comment on T2 Mass Polymorph FTW


Bombardment and the Coat aren't meant to work together. Probably isn't an issue when Coat is giving all my creatures ~+5/+5 on turn 4, then swing with everything for (probably) the win.

Multiple win conditions so I don't pigeonhole myself too much, and since Meddling Mage is popular around these parts.

I don't have broodwardens because them and the Monuments make Bombardment unusable. Plus, the Monument negates any fear of board wipes. Even if one does get through, so long as I have an Awakening Zone or two pumping out tokens, I'll be able to build up again with not too much effort.

Posted 05 August 2010 at 14:28 as a comment on ZERG RUSH


I decided to take out the Overrides entirely (in practice they never really got used, since I was busy playing other things like, well, artifacts) and instead put in another mask of riddles to make those easier to find, and three skeleton shards, which will be a huge help whenever I get stuck in a drawn-out game.

Posted 12 December 2009 at 15:23 as a comment on Budget Affinity


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