Except Destructive Force doesn't target, so Gaea's Revenge would be killed as well.
Would definitely recommend some more draw card spells. Jace's Erasure would probably be a better play at 5 mana than Lava Axe.
Eldrazi Monuments might be expensive but they would help you wit your Wrath problem, plus your spawn tokens and spitfires could still benefit from Raid Bombardment.
Think I'd recommend some Whispersilk Cloaks as opposed to Canopy Covers, since you can both move it and reuse it later in case of boardwipes like Wrath of God.
Maybe some Sacred Wolves as a target for Conscription?
Loam Lion?
No Awakening Zones?
Summoning Trap could be a lot of fun.
No Donate effects? Those and the Delusions are made for each other!
Safe Passage doesn't seem necessary when your Evangels can make all your allies unblockable during attacks, and can prevent damage at instant speed with Join the Ranks. So I would recommend replacing those with some sort of removal, either Journey to Nowhere or Condemn depending on your taste.
Personally I've found my decks to work a lot better when they run lands. Might just be me, though
Because it's an easy win con to bring out with all that mana
Polymorph doesn't seem a good idea if you're using mana dorks. Replace the Greenweaver Druids with Growth Spasms, same mana cost and comparable accel, plus you can Morph the token.
Feel free to search for any of the "turn zero win" YouTube videos.
Run Rite of Replication over Clone, at 4 mana it has exactly the same function, and if you can manage to pay the kicker, that's pretty much an instant win. That said also throw in some counterspells, I feel like some Mana Leaks and Negates would help out a lot more than the marginal extra mill of the Hedron Crabs and the "meh" Reckless Scholars.
If you're going to use Pyromancer's Ascension it might be wise to try and replace things with instants where available. Like replacing Oblivion Ring with either Path to Exile or with Condemn, and replacing the Sunspring expedition with Rest for the Weary. Anything that makes the Ascension more likely to go off. And as others have said, replace Fight to the Death with Day of Judgement. Interesting deck concept.
Butcher of Malakir is fun if you plan on saccing stuff.
Instead of Unsummon, try Æther Tradewinds. That lets you bounce one of their things while benefiting yourself by returning allies to your hand as well.
I'm thinking Door of Destinies won't be needed at all, since the Rats already power each other up so nicely. After your Thrumming Stone goes off, you'll have a swarm of 26/26 Rats... probably big enough. Check out the Rats deck I've made, basically it uses Mortal Combat to make sure that even if I do get hit with a board wipe after the Thrumming Stone lets me pull out all my rats, I win anyways.
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