Your mana curve looks like it's running a little high for a deck with just about zero mana accel. I would say replace the weaker and vanilla creatures with mana dorks like Llanowar Elves and the Birds, and if you add the awesome (and color-appropriate) Behemoth Sledge, you can get rid of your big 7-drops and instead rely on equipping the Sledge to one of your (hopefully huge) Hydras to BAP THEM IN DA FACE.
Might be wise to add some way to protect your mirror gallery, if that gets destroyed your whole plan implodes. A few simple counterspells might be hugely useful to do just that. Deprive is excellent, with the added bonus that if you run Khalni Gardens, that's even more free creature tokens to eventually morph!
I'm a little skeptical of a fast mana deck that only runs 15 lands...
Idea: Doubling Season, so your Myojin can enter with more than one Divinity Counter
I think in this deck, Hedron Crab would be a better choice for a first-turn drop than Steppe Lynx. Your 500/500 lynx will just get chump blocked, but it's hard to avoid getting milled for 3087 cards.
There's also Oblivion Ring and any bounce card, like Into the Roil. Kind of complicated, but it works like this: 1. O-Ring enters the field. 2. First effect goes on the stack, you target something to RFG 3. In response to the first effect, play Into the Roil on your own Oblivion Ring 4. This triggers O-Ring's second effect, which returns nothing to the field, since it hasn't been RFG'd yet 5. O-Ring's first effect resolves, removing that thing you targeted from the game FOREVAR. Lets you recur O-Rings and remove all sorts of stuff from the game, I think it would fit in a deck like this.
Since you have cards with landfall (or psuedo-landfall) effects it might not be a bad idea to throw in some terramorphics, even if it is a mono-color deck. Also, Khalni gardens!
Harabaz Druid Harabaz Druid Harabaz Druid. GET THEM. Makes Allies so much more playable of a tribe.
Something tells me that Chandra's Spitfire would be EXCELLENT in this deck, probably moreso than the Dragonauts. Brainstorm = 3 separate pings from Niv-Mizzet = +9/+0 = 10/3 flier until end of turn, 13/3 if Niv-Mizzet uses his ability too, 16/3 if you drew a card at the start of the turn... I think you see where I'm going with this. With that much damage potential I'd honestly recommend using less burn. Replace the Volcanic Hammers with See Beyond, for the same cost you can replenish your hand, deal 2 damage with Niv-Mizzet, and make the Spitfire a 7/3.
Not really seeing how higher health means higher attack... try the actually Ajani planeswalker card for that, his ultimate should do the trick for you.
Wind Zendikon, easy way to have more creatures to morph. Other than that, looks good.
Would recommend Chandra's Spitfire as another easy creature to make huge; and Searing Blaze, since it goes so nicely with both the Spitfire and Kiln Fiend.
I would try Phylactery Lich, gives you a turn 1 indestructible 5/5 if you have a Vault of Whispers and a Dark Ritual in your opening hand. Also would recommend Skeleton Shards, they're a nice cheap way to recur artifact creatures and using it with Frogmite is basically {B}, tap: Return Frogmite to your field.
I would add some Join the Ranks. Being able to trigger your Evangels at instant speed means you can essentially counter creature destruction like Doom Blades.
Maindeck the Evangels, and add some Join the Ranks to get some instant-speed ally triggers. Those two go great together, actually -- essentially gives you instant-speed counters to anything that targets any of your allies. Doom Blade my Warlord? I think not!
Time for the obvious suggestions: DOUBLING SEASON
I run a Jhoira EDH as well, Clout of the Dominus is one of the best support cards for her, easy shroud to let you actually use her abilities. Strategy-wise, I would recommend any of the red or blue boardsweepers to suspend, anything from Decree of Annihilation to Obliterate to the newer Destructive Force of Disaster Radius. Suspend one of these and one of your big scary fatties, imagine having an Emrakul hit the field the turn after destroying all lands and creatures -- pretty much a guaranteed win right there.
Sorry to say, but from the errata of Hive Mind: "The copies that Hive Mind's ability creates are created on the stack, so they're not "cast." Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell (like Hive Mind's ability itself) won't trigger." So copies of spells from Hive Mind, won't trigger Lurking Predators, which I'm assuming was the goal of this deck.
Harabaz Druids are a MUST for any ally deck that uses green.
And now I feel strange giving this comment after having commented that other guy's deck the other day.
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