
60 Decks, 399 Comments, 45 Reputation

Mimic Vat with Acidic Slime... :D

Posted 08 December 2010 at 09:54 as a comment on Land Destruction (Green)


If you're going to use Genesis Wave consider Crab Umbra as well. It makes easy infinite mana with Harabaz Druid, so you could puke your whole deck onto the field at once.

Posted 04 December 2010 at 01:36 as a comment on Bant Ally(Help Appreciated)


Try some proliferate! Levelers benefit hugely!

Posted 01 December 2010 at 20:55 as a comment on New Leveler


I would also highly recommend the addition of Splinter Twin and Kiki-Jiki, both easily combo to infinity with Intruder Alarm, and would let you do so with any creature. Even though those tokens produced would die at the end of turn, they all have haste! Likewise, even in case of Fog or whatnot, Stonybrook Schoolmaster with Splinter Twin would still produce an ungodly amount of 1/1 tokens that DONT go away at the end of turn.

Posted 30 November 2010 at 10:12 as a comment on Infinite Godsire?


One last thing of note, Hive Mind will not trigger Memory Erosion, since the copies are not being 'cast' and are simply put onto the stack. Ergo, you might want to replace that and your Traumatizes with something else, like Nighthawks and Doom Blades.

Posted 18 November 2010 at 09:06 as a comment on B/U Hive Mind Win


Counterspell is obviously for a pre-Hive Mind play in the early game, which is good foresight. Though personally, I would use Faerie Trickey as my counterspell of choice, since the "counter target non-Faerie" clause means your own Trickery cannot be countered. Same as Remove Soul and Essence Scatter, those can't be copied and then countered when Hive Mind is out either. I would consider running 4x Faerie Trickery, 4x Remove Soul and 3x Essence Scatter in place of the 11 counterspells you have now, since all of those would bypass Hive Mind.

Other than that, great deck idea, I love the use of Mimic Vat with Mnemonic Wall to reuse your Wish, or whatever else you might need to win.

One last idea: I would run Nighthawks instead of Wall of Deceit. Then, I would also run some Doom Blades, Dark Banishing, and the like. That "non-black" clause means your Nighthawks would be immune once Hive Mind is on the field! And even if they do copy a Doom Blade to kill a Wall, that's just a faster way to stick it on your Vat.

Posted 18 November 2010 at 09:02 as a comment on B/U Hive Mind Win


Mimic Vat is your friend here, imagine that with a Mitotic Ooze imprinted on it! Lots and lots to sacrifice. Also makes your Demon of Death's Gate less of a risk, since if it dies early you can just stick it in the Vat.

Posted 16 November 2010 at 17:08 as a comment on B/G Sacrifice.


Rise From The Grave doesn't seem necessary with the other forms of recursion you already have, and if you want one-drops, a few duresses or inquisition of kozileks can go a long way towards breaking potential combos before mana leaking is even necessary.

Posted 16 November 2010 at 11:30 as a comment on UB Vat Allies


reassembling skeleton, gives yet another recursive target for sacrifices. Maybe not better than Bloodghast, but certainly great alongside it!

Posted 13 November 2010 at 16:57 as a comment on Black Sacrifice


Why not use Fabricate in place of Diabolic Tutor? More than likely the only thing you'll need to search for is the other piece of the combo you still need, and they're both artifacts, so Fabricate is a perfect cheaper and less color-dependent solution.

Posted 13 November 2010 at 16:54 as a comment on Mill Deck Wins


If you can afford him, this would benefit from Venser as well. Many of your creatures have 'enter the battlefield' abilities, which you can abuse using Venser's first ability. Imagine attacking with Frost Titan to stun one thing, then bouncing it during your second main phase to tap another one when it returns at the end of turn?

Also would work with Sunblast Angel to wipe their board whenever you feel that's necessary, and any of your auras, since you could then re-equip them to something else as needed.

Posted 09 November 2010 at 07:50 as a comment on I'd tap that


Jinxed Idol is only really great if you can manage a Leyline of Sanctity on the field.

Posted 05 November 2010 at 07:27 as a comment on Jinxed Idol....Or Polymorph


Maybe pestilence demon, in case of tokens? Might be sideboard card versus Primeval ramp decks that use Avenger of Zendikar to win, just give them all a damage in response to their landfall triggers, and they'll all be wiped out.

Posted 29 October 2010 at 12:28 as a comment on abuse the ooze


Wall of Omens for card draw, a lot of it with Venser.

Kor Skyfisher to bounce itself upon resolving, letting you use Venser's emblem a lot.

Posted 26 October 2010 at 14:38 as a comment on Venser is a Pimp.


Mimic Vat with Acidic Slime?

Posted 25 October 2010 at 14:31 as a comment on GREEN Land Destruction


Since you already seem to have a lot of walls, I would suggest Overgrown Battlement.

I run a wall deck (seriously) that uses Door to Nothingness among its win conditions, basically ramp out a ton of mana and then store it into a Gemstone Array, then search out a Door and win with it. Makes color fixing not as much of a problem, since the Gemstone Array is color fixing as required.

I also use the combination of Perimeter Captain and Rage Nimbus to gain a lot of life (Guard Gomazoa helps too since it can take any attack and live) and then include some Felidar Sovereigns as another win con.

Third and final is some Fireballs. Simple and effective.

Just some ideas....

Posted 25 October 2010 at 14:28 as a comment on Door to Nothingness


You could (and should) exploit Venser a LOT more. Suggestions:

Wall of Omens for continual card draw
Halimar Depths for a 'Sensei's Divining Top'-type ability
Sunblast Angel to make boom happen, repeatedly
Glimmerpoint Stag to deny your opponent a card until the end of own their turn
Kor Skyfisher to repeatedly activate the ability of Venser's Ultimate (cast Skyfisher, as it enters, return Skyfisher and cast it again)

Though to be honest you should be running Skyfishers anyways, since that's the easiest way EVER to trigger Vengevine.

Posted 23 October 2010 at 09:41 as a comment on Venser's Vengevine


This deck is all about speed, and you lack a turn 1 drop -- seems like a bad idea. BoP or Llanowars, use them

Posted 19 October 2010 at 09:07 as a comment on R/G Valakut Titan Ramp


Since you're already running blue and white, why not use Mirror-Sigil Sargent instead of Chronozoa? Much much faster to make a huge swarm.

Posted 18 October 2010 at 00:06 as a comment on Zur Haze


Agree with Splinter Twin and Join the Ranks, those are pretty much Ally staples.

Also consider running either removal or counter-removal. Red Burn is good, white RFG (Journey to Nowhere, Condemn) is better, but personally since maximizing your own number of allies is huge, I would use something like Vines of Vastwood, since it's spot counter-removal for the early game.

Later in the game that's no so much of a problem, since Kabira Evangel can protect your dudes from removal using either Join the Ranks or Splinter Twin to create ally triggers at instant speed.

Posted 17 October 2010 at 10:43 as a comment on Three Color Allies


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