Kill one and yank the rest out with Extraction? Eternally hitting Zeniths would be entertaining, but not particularly healthy for your own board. ^.^;; Maybe Memoricides for more deck removal? Or Smallpox, that would cause problems. LOL
You're making me miss my own Stompy deck. XD Love this deck type, I may have to throw together one for the current T2 now. Maybe everyone will have forgotten how to shut me down early? >.> My local meta was distinctly anti-Stompy...
That's about what everyone who looked at my pool said. XD I'm not the best of constructed players, I get flustered and frustrated to easily, but in limited, with a pull like this, even _I_ couldn't go wrong. Well, except when I don't see more than one Pains for two games in a row. -.- That pretty much slows me down to a crawl.
What do you do when you come across a creature-light / creatureless deck? Might want to board either more creatures, or more discard/direct damage. Inquisition of Kozilek or Consume Spirit, maybe. Master Thief might not be out of place for taking care of artifacts.
I hadn't even thought about Cabal Coffers + Urborg. That would make Black Sun's Zenith pretty nasty, too. Good point about the comment system. XD I think I will be posting this and possibly my others to the forums.
I'll keep that in mind. The General wasn't my choice, but you're right, without more multi-colored cards, his effect is pretty slow. I was afraid that Oona would only see the field once since once she's dead, getting her back out is pretty costly. :/ Any comments on the rest of the deck?
This looks like fun, but where ARE Psychosis Crawler and Venser's Journal? Are they going to replace the Owl and the Tower?
Ooo, and Merrow Bonegnawer, too!
Lobotomy, too, for the same reasons. Four is a lot to pay for that... I'm dubious about Haunting Echoes, but when you really need to get rid of their graveyard... There's always Nihil Spellbomb for graveyard disruption, too, and you get a card draw for that. Nihilith might be fun in this deck, if you don't have Leyline of the Void out. Might be a good idea to get a bit more kill/counter in the deck.
Aren't Extirpate and Surgical Extraction basically useless in this format? Or are you using it for the one-card removal and a chance to sift through their deck?
I think you might be over thinking this a bit. :) I agree with Ded and would add some suggestions for cards to remove: Wurm's Tooth - you don't need the life gain, really. Copper Myr - You shouldn't be hurting for mana with 8 land search, especially once you reduce the deck down to 60. If you do want mana on a body, Llanowar Elves are 1 cheaper for the same effect. :) Coat of Arms and/or Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII: These are the "over doing it" cards. What you really seems to want is for the big creatures to feed off the little and vice versa. I might want to keep the empires in because, with Doubling Season, it'll be really nice, but drop it down to two. Blanchwood Armor: Replace this with Verdant Embrace and possibly drop it to 3. Drop down to 24 Forests. I'm a fan of turning 4 of those into Terramorphic Expanses or Evolving Wilds for deck thinning, BUT, this might actually slow you down. *shrug* That puts you below 60, so there's plenty of room for adjustment in there. :)
Honestly, while I really like seeing Keening Stone used, you're going to end up with a speed problem. At the very earliest, unless you get multiple Palladium out early (and assuming those creatures live) you're looking at turn 6 or 7 before this combo goes off. I like all the draw you have, so you should be getting your pieces quickly. Maybe switch 4 islands for Terramorphic Expanse/Evolving Wilds for deck thinning? Or cut out a couple of the draw cards and add in Silver Myr for extra blue mana. You'll definitely want to board Archive traps against anyone searching their decks. :)
Yeah, but, compared to many, those aren't super expensive rares. Jace is going for about $8 at my local store and the others can't be too much more than that. Maybe the Titans and the Sphinx. Trade value-wise, it might cost you a bit, I suppose. ...I might have a different perspective about what's expensive since dating the owner of a card store means i have access to his collections. XD Anyway, I like the idea of being able to create an entirely new deck if the first one doesn't work. It will throw your opponent off completely! Neat idea!
I'm actually very surprised You're not running Extirpate for those cards that DO hit the graveyard. Since you're not running Leyline of the Void or Nihil Spellbombs, Extirpate could act as a cheap Memorcide. :D
I'm under the impression that the "Kuldotha Red" deck refers to a RDW running Kuldotha Rebirth. This deck doesn't run that, nor is it very fast. Ignoring that point (since you might just be naming it for the Phoenix) your curve is ridiculously and unnecessarily high. All I can think of is that you're relying on Koth's second ability, but if you're doing that, then you'll want another couple Koth. You'll be burning through the poor guy like there's no tomorrow. :/ I want to tell you to just get rid of the Battlespheres and Forgemaster, but that's up to you. DEFINITELY drop the Mindslaver for a 4th Iron Myr, possibly the Perilous Myrs for Paladium. You need all the early defense/fixing you can get.
Easy answer: Deck thinning. :) And to give a good shuffle. ;D
I like this, it looks like fun. :) All the early creatures sneak past and by the time the big ones come out, you've already bribed all their blockers with Gwafa. :D It's slippery, with lots of control. Whee!
Erk! O.O I almost choked when I saw this deck. EVIL. Ack. Stoic Rebuttal might be a good replacement for Cancel. Most of the time, it might not be any different, but there's still the chance that it will be cheaper. :) I want to suggest all sorts of mana fixing and control, but, frankly, I don't know how seriously you mean this deck. XD It could be a turn 3 game ender... or it could wait around for a dozen more turns before doing much of anything. LOL
Oh! A note on the Coating: It might actually be worth sideboarding a couple AGAINST Go for the Throat. You might just confuse another black deck. ;D
Why are you running Tempered Steel at all? It's a waste of mana in this deck, unless your hope is to combo it with Liquimetal coating. That's a fragile combo, though, and is more likely to leave you sitting on a white enchantment that does nothing, or a Liquimetal Coating that only helps protect against Go for the Throat. My advice? Drop white completely from the deck, getting rid of both the coating and the Tempered Steel. That's eight cards you can use to make some of those 3-of's into 4-of's (Plague Myr, Hand of the Praetors, Septic Rats, Virulent Wound, for example) and get a playset of Doom Blades/ Go for the Throat. I realize you wanted to be tricksy with Coating/Steel, but it's a slow combo for a deck that could be moving faster and more reliably without it. :)
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