Excellent points and change made. I'll probably be switching one of the six-costers for a land, too, but I'll do that tonight before FNM and see if it works.
Yeah, but Red is conspicuously absent from this deck. XD I'll admit, that card did have me staring at it a bit.
Initial playtesting begun last night. I went 2 and 2 against a mono-white Puresteel/Living Weapon deck. From that small sample, I'm not sure I like Think Twice in here at all. I'm still having the same mana issues I had in this deck's previous incarnation, so have three land free is a premium, not a luxury. I suppose the easy answer would be to just add more land, especially since this is supposed to be control, but that means cutting something essential, too. Then again, if I never see a sixth land anyway, a lot less becomes "essential"... >.>
The fact that you're not running anything to protect your creatures makes me twitch. :/ Not only that, but you have NO one-drops. First: Doomed Traveler is your friend, especially if you want more token generation. A 1/1 that replaces himself with a flyer? I'd take that. Knock out a couple Overseers and one or two of some of the other high-cost creatures and throw four of these OR Champion of the Parish, who would just keep getting bigger as you player more creatures. Because you're only running ONE token producer, currently, Parallel Lives and Intangible Virtue are less than optimal. Unless you're going to increase your output, I probably wouldn't run either of those at all. If nothing else, trade a couple in for Spare from Evil/Ranger's Guile/Nevermore/something to protect your board. Even Fog or Soul Parry would be better than nothing. Sideboard Naturalize and Autumn's Veil, no question. Rampant Growth/Caravan Vigil would help speed things up, too. Hope this helped a bit and good luck!
I'm with you there on that. Just reading the comments here makes me want to go tweak with mine some more. Still not comfortable with the new build and people keep telling me to put Contagion Clasps in. >.<
This looks a LOT better with the updates. :D Amazing what a little shuffling around can do.
I think you went a bit overboard. You don't need to run EVERYTHING in the deck. LOL SO, lots of comments to make... Cut 5 cards main deck. Shouldn't be too hard. The Masks aren't worth the cost and the Stakes are sideboard tech since they're really only worth it against Vampires. Take out those and and the Chapel Geists (obligatory fliers?), add in one more Bonds of Faith and you'll be a bit more balanced. :) Also, I would run Sharpened Pitchfork over Butcher's Cleaver, speed and first strike over slower lifelink, but that's my opinion. Plus, you're running a lot more white than green, but your land doesn't reflect that. If you can, get two more Thickets and replace two of the Forests with them. If you can't get the Thickets, then just switch two Forests for Plains. Gideon, his Lawkeeper and the Angel are NOT sideboard tech. Seriously, what decks would you not main deck them against? So, if you're not playing them main deck (Gideon and the Angel wouldn't be out of place there) then at least replace them in the sideboard with more specific cards. Divine Offering against artifacts (Scars is still T2), Demystify/Urgent Exorcism against enchantments; Naturalize against either. If you want to sideboard creatures, Slayer of the Wicked is good against other Innidstrad-focused decks. Hope this gives you something to think about! :)
Oh god... Venser and Snapcaster Mage... the abuse... There goes Venser's price again! XD Honestly? I don't think you need the Consecrated Sphinx. Between Mages and Ponder, you'll have drawn enough to keep your deck well in hand (no pun intended). I would honestly remove it and add a second Venser. Even with only 5-ish targets, the ability to bounce those few is VERY advantageous. On that note, switching an Angelic Destiny for a third O-ring might be a good idea, too. :) Hell, I'm tempted to throw in one Swiftfoot Boots JUST to protect your Mages until Venser can bounce them. XD I can't think of what you could switch for it, though, and it might just be an unnecessary complication to a deck that's already tricksy.
The fun part is going to be relearning the timing of this deck. Since you can only play Sleep and Narcolepsy during your main phases, it's easy to know when to play them. Frost Breath and FoD are both instants... Timing is going to be a HELL of a lot more important. Thanks for the comments! :D That does make me think, though... Last night people were telling me to either run Think Twice OVER Ponder, or at least run more TT. Anyone else have comments on that?
LOL On my way to do so! :)
I know what you mean, I find myself building a lot of U/W, too. XD It's hard not to!
You're top heavy. That's the simplest way to put it. Yeah, the big guys ARE awesome, but having more 4-5 cost cards than 1-2 cost is going to leave you playing the waiting game a lot. You could potentially take a LOT of damage waiting for the mana to play the big guys. Not only that, by you aren't running any kill/control except for TWO 3-mana Lightning Bolt and that's going to hurt you. Bloodcrazed Neonate is pretty good aggro, she has a good chance of being a 3/2 or higher before she can be dealt with. Also, don't forget Doom Blade, Go for the Throat and now Victim of Night are in the format for kill. Drop Curse of Death's Hold, it's too slow to be really good here. At least one each of the Marauders and the Keeper, too. Plus, running four Curse of Stalked Prey AND four Vampiric Fury is kind of overkill. Make some adjustments there and you should be able to slide in a couple Neonates and AT LEAST 3 Victim of Night. Sideboard Doom Blade/Go for the Throat against Vamps/Werewolves/Zombies.
All those three-of's? NICE. :D It's amazing what people will pass around just because they think it's too weak. LOL
Oh! And if it turns out that your local meta includes more creature decks than not ... well, switch things around! LOL
Hmm, after reading the comments that came after mine... I have to agree, Isolation Cell and Witchbane Orb aren't terribly needed main deck. So, sideboard the Cells for when you go against creature-heavy decks, sideboard one of the Orbs (leaving two to still help prevent mill/burn/discard/forced sacrifice effects) and add +1 Skinshifter & +3 Caravan Vigil.
See above comments about the Giant, theviv.
While it is awesome, it does depend on the format he's playing since that would be illegal in Anything from Modern, up. Then again, he IS playing with Counterspell... And some of his matches had 3 people... >.>
People keep posting comments. Each comment is counted as three "likes" by the site's comment system. Hence why some people abhor said system, I bet.
Well, Caravan Vigil is coming in, that's one possible. Traveler's Amulet, Solemn Simulacrum and Mycosynth Wellspring, too. Horizon Spellbomb and Viridian Emissary are sub-optimal, but still options. Crap, I didn't realize JUST how much ramp we were losing with m11 and Zen cycling out. O.o
o.o O.o o.O O.O *brain explodes*
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