Even as an Un-deck... you realize you're playing 8 Ow total, right? XD Also, for shits and giggles: Replace the Ow with 99 Cheatyface. :D Or better yet, just keep a pile of them in your lap.
I had a brief moment of "How the heck does Torpor Orb help bring anything out? All it does is stop com-into-play triggers." Then I read the cards. XD Truly, an EVIL combination. You better hope to hell that they don't destroy your Orbs.
If you're running Humans for all your creatures (or even just that majority) than it would probably do you good to run the Human-centric equipment from Innistrad. :) Strata Scythe (not worth it when you're playing so many non-basic lands)--> Butcher's Cleaver OR, go for less expensive and run Silver-Inlaid Dagger. Sylvok Lifestaff --> Sharpened Pitchfork. 1 more mana is worth it for first strike, which is much better than a little bit of life gain. A couple of the other two Swords would likely do you good, too. You want LOTS of artifacts to trigger the Paladin. I like the Overseer, but I'm not sure Elder Cathar is worth it. He has to die to be effective and the point is NOT to let your creatures die. :) Replace him with 2 Mentor of the Meek, if you can, those are much more useful. Or, maybe take out both the Cathar and the Travel Preparations (sort of unexciting) and replace them with 4 Champion of the Parish, which is fairly essential to any Human deck. :) I LIKE the inclusion of Skinshifter in here, he's such an early bomb. Just remember, when he's transformed into another creature, he doesn't retain his status as "Human".
Wasn't going to comment because I have nothing substantial about the deck to say, BUT I think I can answer the Sundial question. Short answer: YES. Long answer: http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=357107 :D I had to look that up, but, as the thread says, you have to be specific about how you announce your timing. Like all tricks concerning to the Sundial, timing it right and ANNOUNCING the order in which you are timing it is everything.
If the main combo is winning through Melira + Phyrexian Unlife, making you unkillable, then... why are you only running one Melira main deck?
If you only want Manabarbs in there versus one deck type, shouldn't they be in the sideboard? Otherwise, looks decently solid and fast. Keeping the cost is the way to go with this deck.
Read Cabal Coffers, GeeFru. :p That being said, it might be a good idea to get some cheap defense in there, like kill spells or something.
I really REALLY like the combination of Invisible Stalker and Curse of Stalked Prey. That's just delightfully EVIL. XD I will build my own deck around that combo soon. It's such a great idea.
No Elesh Norn in the Sideboard? I'm surprised that isn't common, it's a board sweeper versus weenie decks.
Book ahead. Take these or leave them. I had fun researching regardless. ^_^ I'm not sure what you're looking for mechanics-wise for this deck, but I'm going to make a couple suggestions. Wizards aren't know for having beef, so that might be a problem against other EDH decks, unless you can REALLY control the board. Since a decent amount of your creatures can become counterspells, I won't bother suggesting that, but you might want some way to defend your creatures OTHER than by a sacrificing or otherwise disabling one or more of them. Apprentice Wizard = not great. I doubt you'll be that hard up for mana when more than half your deck costs 3 or less. Jace's Archivist = Even in EDH, unless you're running a stronger mill theme or some sort, this is going to hurt you as much as it hurts your opponent. Especially since you don't have a way to recover any of those cards lost. Skywatcher Adept= Not terribly effective for it's cost, even if you can make it a 4/2 fast late game. Lord of the Unreal = You aren't running any Illusions or Changlings. Caller of Gales = You don't have anything worth making flying. There's a few other cards, too, that are not fantastic. In EDH, unless you can ping them for A LOT consistently than Tims (tap-deal-one-damage creatures) aren't going to help you much. Some replacement suggestions and other things you might want to consider. Take 'em or leave 'em. Adaptive Automaton=Can become a Wizard when he comes into play and will buff your other creatures. Willbender = Better fits your them of tricks. Voidmage Husher = Reusable tricks/defense Venser, Shaper Savant= works as counter OR a bounce. Sower of Temptation = NEED this. It's going to be a great way to steal their threats. Surgespanner = Reusable control. Sage's Dousing = Mana Leak with a cantrip, plus it's a Wizard spell. Riptide Laboratory = Saves your creatures. ^_^ Supreme Inquisitor = Neuter their deck. Shell Skulkin = Not a wizard, but it can protect your wizards from death. Floodgate= Ditto, and can act as a potential board wiper late game. Jace Beleren / The Mind Sculpter= Just for the chance to play those ultimates. Card draw and deck manipulation don't hurt, either. Swiftfoot Boots/Lightning Greaves/Whispersilk Cloak = Defense. Tolaria West/Mystifying Maze/Halimar Depths = Have a little fun with your land base. ^_^ I could keep going, but ultimately the choices are yours. I'd play with non-creature spells more, some draw spells and enchantments. You really want to control the board until you can get something out there to really take your opponent down.
Maybe more land search to get your color faster? Farseek and Sylvan Scrying are great for getting out the colors you need. Fist of Suns might also help since it cuts the cost of Progenitus in half.
Ha, I don't know how consistently you would win, but getting the ideal start would certainly make your opponent wet themselves. XD
The combo seems a little clunky, especially since it takes you until turn 6 to even really start it. Also, I don't think you meant to make this black, but green since you have no black cards and several green. :) I like the idea of the combo, but I think you could smooth the deck out some. 30 land is far too much. Switch your Swamps for Forests and then redo your land base, topping out at 24-25 max. Since you're running green, you could actually go even as low as 22-23 if you turn some of your now free slots into land search spells and/or small mana-producing creatures (Llanowar Elves, Birds of Paradise, Overgrown Battlement, etc). That will help you get those 5 and 6-cost cards out faster and set up your combos before your opponent gets too much of a head start. You're going to have a little trouble defending yourself, but improving your mana-base and speed is a start. You might want to throw in some cheap burn spells to get rid of your opponents early threats, too. :)
Smart man.
Hey guys, he knows it's easy to kill. :P That's not the point! The point is that he can get out mindblowing numbers of tokens in a single turn, not that they might not survive longer than the turn they come out. Still blows MY mind, at least. LOL
R/B = R/U XP Ha, sounds like what happens to my SO. He builds lots of rogue decks that everyone but him can win with. If he plays a deck he built, it will perform for a round or two, then take a nose dive. It's almost a curse. LOL
B/W control without Venser? *gasp* So... counter counter counter, Oh look, I have a Hero -- swing! Actually, this must have been built pre-Innistrad, though I didn't look at the date. Looks like it would have been fun.
I know you're trying to make this to "mock" Flare... but minus the your choice of a couple cards (Venser, Frosty), this IS Flare. The only cards you aren't running at all are Lili and Snapcaster. XD Other than that, though... I like that you're being more straight forward with the deck. Flare is all about tricks and bringing stuff back cheap. I was ripped apart by a Flare deck running Elesh Norn this weekend, so I'm perfectly happy seeing one without her. XD
Your deck name is misleading, there's nothing "weenie" about this deck. Looks like standard Venser control, but for the Swords. In all honesty, those are overkill. If you really want to run them, take the Skyguards out of your board (they in there just for the lifegain?) and put the Swords in their stead to board in against green and or black. Or, have 2 Feast and Famine and 2 War and Peace, covering your bases. Once you have Venser going with Stonehorn and/or Aether Adept, you shouldn't to worry about much else.
This is.... actually pretty damn stable looking. O.o good defense, good offense, great curve. I wouldn't run Disenchant main deck unless you expect to run up against a lot of enchantments and artifacts... Cut it down to 2 and add 2 more land? 18 is a little on the low side, even for a weenie deck.
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