It's a bleed deck with a steep learning curve. LOL Definitely interesting, you've made me ponder what spells could be put in there for direct creature control. Ans what would have to be rearranged against a creatureless/light deck.
Ha! I was thinking about that. XD Might be a fun thing to play with, especially if the game drags out and/or a Hedron Crab survives the first few turns.
Well, I've got untargettable covered between Greater Auramancy and Sterling Grove. However, might not be terrible sideboard tech, just in case someone is running an enchantment board sweeper. LOL You're right, WoG would be good. Hm.... what to take out...
4x of Faithless Looting AND Wild Guess is a bit much, especially since you only have so many creatures and spells you can afford to toss. ^.^ I mean, that's 12 looting effects! 13, if you count Reforge the Soul. Maybe drop a couple and put in 2x Liliana of the Veil? She gives you the discard, plus some added protection.
Bloodbond March is amazing with Relentless Rats, but... How do you plan on casting it with no green source in you deck? For that matter, you have nothing to play before turn three and no win con earlier than 5... at the very least, throw in 4 Dark Ritual (removing the Coat of Arms that's almost redundant with Rats and possibly 2 Memorials or sideboard the Orbs).
Your mana curve is insanely high. I understand what you're doing, but unless you can get something out and really moving before turn 3, even casual would be a rough place to play this. Ever think about any of the early game lifelink creatures?
Damn.... Simple and FRIGHTENING. It's like a basic framework for Zoo! I have no suggestions. this deck is wonderful and SOLID. Should be fast as hell.
"Simple" Is why I used to train people with a mono-green deck. XD Shanolin Dryad, Llanowar Elves, Scryb Sprites, Grizzly Bears, Giant Spiders, maxing out at Craw Wurm. Boosted with Regeneration, Giant Growth, and a couple other random spells. Granted, that was back was 4th Edition was just cycling out... >.> *cough* ANYWAY... If it wasn't for the Dread Warlock, I'd think you were trying to keep this T2. If this is just a casual deck, maybe replace Dark Favor with Unholy Strength? It's one less power, but I usually try to avoid self-induced life-loss in training decks. LOL I like the idea of giving them some basic creatures and a toolbox to play with, though. Hmm... I would say, drop the Hulk and maybe put in some basic equipment and/or a mana-producing artifact. It would be a more useful way of showing them how artifacts work as opposed to just having anything creature. Not to mention it would help with your rather high curve. ;D If your pool is limited, then just stick to at least one of each of the new Rings and maybe something like Pristine Talisman (though I'd love to put in the old Orzhov Signets). Or even Kitesail or something like Trusty Machete or Darksteel Axe. Hope this gives you some ideas!
Against more decks, Hellfire Mongrel's ability isn't going to be of much use. However, he'd be good sideboard tech against those decks that DO empty their hands. :D And firebreathing is only a win -con if you can hit with it. The Sparring Collars COULD help keep it alive against a lot of things. It's definitely a possibility, I suppose!
Living Hive itself is an Elemental, not an Insect, so that means I would have to switch some of my non-creature spells out for it. :/ I'd rather stick with just Insects. However, the Door is a good point and I hadn't thought of the other two, really. The only downside of Beastmaster's Ascension, after all, is the lack of trample.
Wait, only one Bonfire? Is that because you can't get at least one more, or for some other reason? Undying Evil really serves no purpose since you have nothing that benefits from creatures coming into play or dying. If you were running Blood Artists or something like that, it might be different, but that would require adjusting on your part. Try upping the count on Brimstone Volley and Bonfire, or adding a bit more control if you're worried about your creatures surviving.
Why not toss in a couple Isolated Chapels or Drowned Catacomb for the black to flashback Souls? Otherwise, yeah, if there was a way to protect it, I'd say throw in Geist of St. Traft just for the monster token it would produce. XD
VERY cool idea! :D No one would expect it, or really be able to deal with it after a while. You'll definitely want to have four Oblivion Rings in the sideboard, though, plus some other things to make casting a spell hurt them ... Karmic Justice might be fun defense, although it's a bit reactionary. Quest for Pure Flame would couple with Æther Flash. Just a couple ideas, though not necessarily good ones. XD Either way, neat deck!
You know, half of what's interesting here isn't so much the deck by itself (which, I'll admit, I would have to be shown how to play correctly) but the conversation you two are having about it. :) Soulgorger threw me off for a moment until I went back after reading the comments and really LOOKED at every card again. This deck is meant to win crazy fast, isn't it? Afterall, you don't want to give Soulgorger's cost to get to big... The more I look at this deck, the more I wish it were feasible for me to build it and play it. XD Like Ded, though, I refuse to pay that much money for the 'Goyfs and Bobs. If there was a way to replace them with something less bank-breaking, I know I could get everything else easily. Hmm.... Either way, wicked neat deck!
Hmm.... I like the idea, that's for sure. You'll definitely want Polluted Delta and/or other fetch lands to power Scrib Nibblers. Deprive would make for good control, too. Also, consider adding either discard or mill to fill the graveyard and Surgical Extraction/Extirpate to yank stuff out. :D
I see your point about the Extraction/Damnation main deck. Plus, running less creatures means I care what happens to them less. What would you suggest for search? I have one Infernal Tutor, but other than that I'm not sure what exists for decent, fast search in the format. Do I want to be running a creature that hunts spells down? The first Liliana (though she seems slow to me)?
No Stoneforge Mystics, hmm? Since this is casual, if you can get them it would be ideal.Also, I agree with SWN's assessment of th equipment trade. Living Weapons can be pretty powerful and hitting Metalcraft on the Paladin means easy shuffling around of Batterskull. :3
Oh, it's possible, but you have to be prepared to do damage to yourself. Like I said, I SHOULD be running Jackal Pup, but his damage is pretty constant. ^.^ It's the reason I skipped running 4 Lava Hounds. lol Thanks for the commment! :D It was fun to make.
That is one sick and amazing build. Way to take advantage of everything you've got! :O
No Bear Umbra? Bearscape? I love Bear tribal, it isn't played with enough. That being said, this is a rather vanilla deck for our most vanilla creatures. ^.^;; I assume you're trying to stick with cheap equipment? Otherwise, the presence of Slagwurm Armor baffles me. Also, why the two Regenerates? Why not a spell that does more or protects your creature directly, like Ranger's Guile, Vines of Vastwood, or pump spells? Just some thoughts, hope they give you ideas.
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