Actually, this version of the deck was retired last winter. Losing Sleep and Narcolepsy turned out to be too big of a loss and Scars block really offered nothing good to revive it. Still working on getting a viable version of the deck together now that it's possible, but I keep getting distracted by other decks. XD
Guys, seriously? I like the deck (the dragons in standard right now are evil), but post flooding it to the front page? Really now... Well, at least this was friendlier than some of the ones that get there via dummy accounts...
I can see the amusement and speed of this deck, it does look like tricksey fun. My only question... why the wolf over Champion of Lambholt? O.o
NP, seeing a lot of post-rotation decks lately. Which reminds me, I am seriously going to miss the Blood Seekers and Geth's Verdict in my vamp deck. -.- Here's hoping for fun stuff from RtR. In the meantime, though... I was wondering if you were using Aristocrats as sac engines. I have Bloodthrone Vampire in my build, but I'm not running red so my choices are different. I was going to suggest Olivia for your deck as an obvious color fit; she might be more control-like, too, but I'm not sure she fits your budget. I am confused about one comment, though... What about Evolving Wilds makes it control? O.o It's just a tool to make sure you have both your colors in the quantity you need. I for one have been color-screwed enough times to appreciate it. LOL
Dood, you might as well have gone and built the deck list. LOL I'll admit, Extended on down is not my strong suit; I just don't know the cards. Started playing in Revised, took a loooong break from Stronghold up until Mirrodin, so I missed all the craziest stuff. General's Regalia would be SICK with Obliterator, Between that and VMR, who needs any other lure effect? I definitely see the improvement on the early defense front and the logic on letting stuff live. I got so tangled up in the sac effects that I forgot about abusing Obliterator more.
Add a one-of Dark Depths for s&g. XD A 20/20 indestructible flier will make just about anyone pause. LOL I agree with TheWhisperingOne that Flayer may be too slow for you. At the very lease, reduce the count to 2 and get some earlier game in there. A 4th Dark Ritual and a 4th Innocent Blood, perhaps?
See, now this deck is just evil. O.o Your sideboard is frightening. XD BTW, great name change.
To get full potential out of the Aristocrats, you would need to be running at least a few humans. Since you aren't, switch them out for the Bloodline Keepers. Same CMC, but it's more durable and potentially huge if you have 4 other vamps in play. :) DON'T touch those Blood Artists, as Rosene suggested. There's a reason that card is in so many black decks right now, it can be pretty damn powerful. You're right, you are running too much red for Nocturnus. However, Child of Night would be a decent replacement for Bloodcrazed Neonate. Lifelink trumps what potential growth the Neonate has, especially with how fast standard decks are running right now. On that note, trade Rakish Heir or Vampire Interlopers for Stromkirk Nobles, their price has really dropped since they're no long run in RDW as much. Humans are in almost every deck right now, especially early game (Avacyn's Pilgrim, Delver, Doomed Traveler, etc), so there's always a good chance that you'll get a couple counters on it before that have something out that can block it. :) Get a playset of Evolving Wilds in there, even if you have access to the R/B lands. Color fixing is always a plus.
B/w Bleed deck: Before Blood Artist started appearing in every damn black-wielding deck in our store, I had people who literally swore and groaned at the thought of facing me. Now, more often than not, we have Artists canceling each other out. I still play the deck, but, man, can it get frustrating.XD
I agree, I likely wouldn't play this deck more than a couple of times, if only because I know how it feels to be on the other side of tight control decks and the frustration can make me quit a tournament. LOL A couple of man lands wouldn't hurt, at least in the 'board against, as you said, creature light decks.
Lovelovelove token decks. I don't have any suggestions for the main deck, it's fast and solid. However, Vile Rebirth might be fun tech for the sideboard. :D I'm impressed by how tight your decks are. Good CMC management and good cards. Makes me want to build this!
I don't know what I was expecting when I saw Naya colors, but this certainly wasn't it! Very mean, i can't imagine anyone would be expecting it. XD I'm curious as to whether or not you've consider any of the Innistrad curses, but I wouldn't dare make a suggestion as to where to switch stuff. LOL
Ooooohhhhh.... Herp derp. I can read, really. XD Good plan! A neat way to surprise someone.
I take it this is a "frustrate your opponent until he folds" kind of deck? Because, otherwise, I don't see ANY win condition. XD I suppose that what the Shackles are for, to grab the few creatures they may manage to get out and ping away at them? And the alt win condition you mention would be in the sideboard-not-appearing-in-this-film, right? Other than my confusion, I actually think the deck is pretty neat. :D Low cost AND likely to make your opponent scream!
Awesome concept, looks like it would be alot of fun to play :) Have to ask,though... Is Faerie Macabre a stand in for something else in you SB? I can't see how (no black mana) or why you would ever use it. ^.^
With so many low-cost creatures, Marshal's Anthem would be fun. :D Also, you have Odric, but not his Crusader? Also, Auriok Steelshaper was MADE for this deck. Kemba's Legion? Kor Outfitter for utility? Veteran Swordsmith? Steelshaper Apprentice? Loxodon Punisher? For that matter, Loxodon Warhamer?
A point to remember: M12 cycles out the same day Scars does. SO, unless you're in the camp that believes Birds are coming out with RtR (I refuse to speculate until I see spoilers) than you'll need to replace those. :) Arbor Elves or Scorned Villager ("Little Red" at my store) may work. Or just straight up ramp spells. I like your curve, but a few Evolving Wilds Might not hurt. A little more mana fixing never hurt anyone. lol
I'm iffy on the worth of the Hydra, although you're right about late game. I've been so concerned about out-running control, I may have forgotten that I NEED a late game. Hmm...
I play Skyshroud Claim in my mono-green casual/Legacy deck, so I have a tendency to look at Ranger's Path and go "eew, a bad Claim". It's really a cross between Claim and Explosive Vegetation, the combination actually making Path slightly worse than either, but there you go. My mini-rant on that. In a less biased sense, I could run it for the ramp. My only other 4 drop is Yeva, it wouldn't be a stretch to run a couple more. My only concerns right now are: speed and (now that I think about it) a mana-sink. I'm not really ramping INTO anything. The only thing that really benefits from having a lot of land out are the Elders. The Primordial Hydra that you both suggested might be a good filler for that. Had him in a draft and man that he get big. XD Plus, he holds up well against Mutilate and BSZ since those just eliminate a few counter. Hmm......
Rolling Temblor seems like it's more likely to hurt you that your opponent. Maybe switch them out for two of the Delvers? Also, as much as I like Talrand's Invocation, too, you'd probably be better off getting Dissipates (or even Rewind, later on) in there to protect and fuel Talrand himself. :) You'll definitely want some graveyard hate in your sideboard, there's tons of recursion right now. And, if you can get them, Bonfire of the Damned to protect you from other creature-heavy decks.
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