The Shade vs the Husk really depends on what the focus turns out to be. Any deck with token creatures or sacrifice effects benefit with the Husk more. However, in this case, yeah, I think the Shade would be a bit more useful. I can see anything on this deck I'd want to carelessly sac.
So many ideas, so few slots... -2 Myr Matrix, +2 Cranial Plating. The former doesn't do enough (read: much of anything) in this deck, the latter does a HELL of a lot. Adjust the land base accordingly. Why aren't more people diving into the original Mirrodin cards?? There were some CRAZY bombs in there...
I was just about to mention the land base myself. Sort of goggled at the sight of basic land only. O.o Not sure your list is in the spirit of things, but I'll echo you on the land, at least.
Why the anti-red spells in the board? Is red by itself going to be that much of a threat? Or can those slots go to something that effects a wider range? I'll admit, Legacy is not my field. :/ Counterbalance looks strange to me when the majority of the cards are 1-2cc, but I'm not knowledgeable about what you'd be facing. This deck looks fairly brutal to me, though. Why Mana Leak before Counterspell? Color dependency?
I like this deck SO MUCH. :O Send it to your graveyard, brink it back, send it there again -- a dangerous loop of death! Did you think about adding any Dredge to the mix, or was that not fitting the theme?
I WISH Festering Goblin were still in standard. @.@ I had Sac-Kill Golgari deck with him and Nantuko Husk back in Ravnica that I loved to pieces. Might have to rebuild something like it for nostalgia's sake. No set has been as much fun as Ravnica was, IMO.
Taking out the Ghoul would leave me with no early blockers since Gravecrawler can't block and nothing else hits before turn 3. Against any white red deck, turns 1 and 2 are very important. Hell, I'm probably going to thrown Mental Mistep in against Champion of the Parish/Stromkirk Noble/all those other insane 1cc's. Ruinator is... chancy. It's true, he's scary if he hits the field, but if I have two creatures in the graveyard by turn three and neither of them are Gravecrawlers, then something very strange is going on. O.o Personally, I'd rather have him in a Pod or Heartless deck than Zombies. XD The deck had an Army in there, but I took it out because not many games are lasting to turn 7 or longer in my meta. I might put it back in, though... Dunno, I like the card, but 7-9 mana doesn't come fast in this deck. XD maybe I ought to add Expenses/Wilds?
Triple post there. :) It's possible that you won't have any problems at all. :) I just don't like the Fading on Saproling Burst. That and Sprout Swarm + Gaea's Cradle makes me giggle. XD
Are you running 4 Sorin because you find him dying fast and often? Normally, running 4 of a planeswalker is like running 4 of the same Legendary: dead card in your hand while you wait for the other to die. With the number of creatures you're popping out, you shouldn't have trouble protecting him, so 4 might be overkill. Not knowing his longevity in your meta, though, I'm not going to argue the point. :) Otherwise, pretty damn solid deck. Nice wrok.
I'm missing something -- what in this deck is red? Other than that, looks solid.
The only card that keeps this from actually BEING Modern is Crusade. Consider maybe Knight of the White Orchid for mana excel? Knight of Meadowgrain? Or maybe even some control like Journey to Nowhere, Oblivion Ring, or Path to Exile?
During Timespiral block, I ran a BGW Thallid deck and "Thallid Shooter" was my deck back during 4th edition (granted, it's didn't win much back then, but that's beside the point). So, you got me thinking back to all the times I've played with my favorite tribe... First advice? Drop Saproling Burst. You have so many cards at the 5cc slot that this just doesn't do enough to deserve a place, IMO. Doubling Season and Mycoloth trump it by MILES. Also, 4 Contagion Engine is overkill, especially when you're already running 4 Grave Pact. Consider going 2 each on those. That leaves you with 6-8 open slots. Slide one of these guys in there: Deathspore Thallids for targeted kill, Sporesower Thallids in there to speed up counter/token production, Thelonite Hermit for a "lord" + more Saprolings, Sprout Swarm for powerful Saproling production that -- given enough tokens and open green mana-- may NEVER go to the graveyard. Hope this gives you a few ideas, if you're looking for them! :)
No. Either leave an actual comment or don't post at all. :P
The 3 artifacts and Trinket Mage seem really out of place; having and KEEPING Metalcraft is a very fragile wish here. :/ I honestly don't think you need the Mox at all, you have plenty of dual lands for color fixing. Take out those 5 cards. That gives you room for a Gideon or two (essential for this deck) and 2 more Lawkeepers (also essential). Also, I'm not a fan of the Bellringer. You might want to take him out for some solid kill spells (since you're running plenty of black), Gather the Townsfolk (more humans to pump up Champion), or even Lingering Souls (so that the "spirit" part of your description encompasses more than the two Nibilis). Take what you will from that and good luck! :)
Ignore my suggestion about dropping a Messenger. I played Zombies this past FNM (inspired by your deck) and the Messengers are BEASTS. O.o Another suggestion from my experience... main deck a Black Sun Zenith or two. If your meta is anything like mine, you'll need them against the many, MANY token decks. >.< If not, they should at least be in the sideboard.
Curious combo. O.o And I have to ask... Is Spiteful Visions your only win condition? Or are you hoping to force them to draw and discard their entire deck?
I take it your sideboard isn't so much a "side board" as it is "cards I might want in main deck"? ^.^;; Anyway. On the subject of 6cc guys... I agree, fast is better for your deck, but you might consider switching out a Grave Titan for Mikaeus, the Unhallowed? Actually, maybe even dropping a Messenger for a second one? It would make your guys more threatening and feed Grimgrin even more. :) Otherwise, the main deck seems really solid. :D Your sideboard isn't much of a sideboard, ATM, but I assume you'll adjust that before actually playing this in a tournament. GJ!
I just went back and reviewed the list. You have at least 14 guys who can be proliferated. >.< Hurr nurr nurr... I swear I can read. Still not a big fan of Volt Charge, but that's personal preference and there's a good chance that it would in fact be useful.
Agreeing strongly with thewuest here in regards to Elesh Norn and Urabrask. They're beasts, yeah, but in a deck like this they are NOT fast enough. thewuest has the right idea: Heroes of Oxid Ridge and/or Hellriders would be much better fits at the top of your curve. If you intend on keeping the Champion of the Parish in there, I would lean toward Heroes for more humans. Plus, Battlecry would make your little 1/1 token guys a bit more threatening. On that same note, if you're going to splash black anyway... maybe a one-of Sorin? His emblem alone would help you a lot, he's efficient and he makes his own defenders. You definitely could use some more kill/ spells, though, so you might want to at least load up your sideboard with Go For The Throat/Dismember etc. Also, another thing I second thewuest on is replacing Slagstorm with a different burn spell. Volt Charge is a bad fit when you have nothing to proliferate, but Arc Trail, Brimstone Volley, Incinerate, even Burning Oil, would all be easy and more effective in that slot. Throw Slagstorm into your sideboard for when you face token decks or some such.
Ha! Yeah, sorry about that. XD There are cheaper alternatives and other equipment you could run, too, just look around at other Human decks or in the Card Search on this site. Otherwise... hope for good packs, people generous with trades and/or willing to let you borrow cards? At my local store there's a group of us who all sort of share cards between us; we just keep lists or proxies sitting in our collections to let us know who has what. Then again, it depends on how many friends you play with, too.
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