I don't get it... why all the one-of's? First thing you might want to do is pick the creatures and spells you really like and get duplicates of them, trimming away the rest. Focus is key. I thought this was an EDH deck at first, with all the singletons. ^.^;;
Actually, thinking about it, switch 2xSword of War and Peace of 2x Sword of Feat and Famine. Green is going to run right over you and black is just going to wipe your board. Another point: Faith's Shield > Stave Off. They are almost identical except for that extra oomph you get if you're in desperate need. Might even want to consider Akroma's Memorial over True Conviction. Yeah, it's 1cc more, BUT you get a lot of bang of your buck and who can resist that many flying cats? :3
For the title alone you get a like. XD I like it! Fast and sharp. :) You might want to take the Skyhunters out of the sideboard, though, and replace them with some of the other two swords, however. Also, remember that a creature equipped with SoW&P is going to be an illegal target for Stave Off.
Why Unsummon and not Vapor Snag? I'd think that extra card or two milled would be welcome. :) Also, don't forget to sideboard against graveyard shenanigans.
Rendclaw Trow is illegal in this deck as it has green as part of its hybrid cost. Toss it and get Orzhov Signet. It might not be indestructible, but you need more mana fixing. :) Otherwise, not bad from what I can see. Its effectiveness can really only be found through play-testing.
Ha, thanks. ^_^ And, actually, if I were to rebuild this now, I would add Honor and likely switch a lot of the creatures around. Hero of Bladehold REALLY would be in here. Sadly, this challenge was way back when Scars first came out, so the meta was quite a bit different.
Replying now, BUT... Saying you play Mark of Mutiny. Normally, you would give the creature back at the end of turn. HOWEVER, by using the Trader, you choose yourself and the creature you stole and voila! You now keep the creature! :D
Indeed, actually. Mono-black ramp, who'da thunk?
Oh YES. Played a G/B/u Pod deck for a while, all Undying and Clone-type creatures. It was crazy fun.
Ha, this looks like fun! :D Start 'em small and pile on the tokens!
I'll say it now: Birthing Pod does NOT help aggro. With the Pod, you want a good balance of creatures that do useful things when they die/hit the graveyard. Right now, you're going to stall out after Podding once to 4 (if you're lucky and Yeva isn't already in play or hand -- Not to mention, you don't want to sac Yeva). Without shifting your deck too much, 2 more Skinshifters would be much better. Or a couple of the new Rings to boost your creatures.
This many 1-of's makes for inconsistent play. Pick half a dozen or so that you really like and get multiple copies of them.
M13 has brought in some NICE additions to my B/w Vampire Bleed deck. :D Not only that, but my BF and I are working on resurrecting my Taps deck and I'm seriously considering building a mono-green stompy (Rancor, how I love you...) Overall, I was very happy with this set. ^_^ I like the mini themes and the inclusion of some Ravnica AND Innistrad creatures/characters.
Might I suggest removing Moonsilver Spear? It can be cool, but it doesn't really help either of your goals and it's too expensive for just the first strike. Also, Goldnight Redeemer really works best in a token deck, at least if you want to get maximum potential out of it. Switch them out for 2x Sunstriker and 2x Pilgrim. I like the Restoration angel option, too, especailly wwhen combo'd with soulbond creatures. Hmm... -1 Chalice, -1 Seraph of Dawn, +2 Silverblade Paladin? And as much as I hate to, you might want to switch the other two Seraphs for 2 Resto Angels. Just some ideas for you. :D
Agreeing with most everyone above. Dump Child of Night from MB, and Interloper, Dead Weight, and Rats from your SB area. You really don't even need to be considering those cards. Move the Doom Blades to MB or, better yet, put Go For the Throat in and leave the Blades in the SB. Since GoaTs and Blades cycle at the same time, you might as well. :) Same idea for Blackcleave Cliffs, switch out the 2 mountains for them. Actually, switch a couple non-land cards of your out for 2 more Cliffs to bring it up to 22 land. 20 is much too light for anything short of a weenie/burn deck.
I've seen a Niv-combo deck, those can be fairly nasty. He "pinged" me for 100 damage via an almost unbreakable loop. XD Conjurer's Closet! I forgot about that! :D I considered Cloudshift since it does what I want it to, but the fact that it doesn't do anything else made me hesitate. There are spells that HAVE to be in here, so adding either card might mean losing some control.
Oh, wow, I see what you mean. By sacing the Rector, it can't be the target of the spell since the scrificed creature and the target art two separate creatures.
-4 basic lands +4 Hinterland Harbor -1 Plummet from your SB. :) Looks like it might be fun, though 4 Reflections is a bit much. Might I suggest -1 Sleep and -1 Reflection for + 2 Predatory Rampage? :D
Looking at this again for the first time in a while, my best best for getting Reaper King into play is to get it into the graveyard and have Scarecrone bring it back. Might need to adjust this with that in mind. Hm...
IKNORITE? and all Hallow's Eve has the potential to be really evil. LOL
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