Considering I've been trying to build this deck since before Proliferate was even a keyword... First, Paradise Mantle would not be my first choice for color fixing. If you want a good source of ever increasing mana (in a proliferate deck) try Everflowing Chalice (colorless) or Pentad Prisms (any color). ---EDIT this... While I still don't like Paradise Mantle, after reading the comments I went back and reread the combo. If you're really serious about running that, though, only running two of each is going to hurt you a lot. Tutors or no tutors, running only two ofs for a combo deck isn't a great idea. I agree with Savage, unless you're going to increase the number of Bairns, Training Grounds isn't worth it. If you're going to go for the combo, go for the combo. Also, not a big fan of using Thrummingbirds as a key source of proliferate. They're fragile little buggers. Might want to switch them out for Contagion Clasps. The proliferate cost might be a bit more, but at least it's more of a sure thing, plus you get to weaken/kill your opponents critters. My deck, for reference: I'm going a difference route than you, but I have the two previous builds of the deck listed there as well. Just to give you an idea of what's out there.
Reactor is the main win condition, that's why I'm running four there, but I agree that the Prisms are on shaky standing. They're mainly in there as a target for charge counters. Conduit I might be willing to reduce to two, but have the ability to steal charge counters from any artifact to boost the reactor is too good to pass up. :) And actually, the Dismantles are a nasty surprise. >:D Target the Reactor. It cannot be destroyed so you lose neither the Reactor nor the counters on it, BUT the second ability still happens regardless. So, basically, you double the number of counters on your Reactor. :D
Deck? What deck? Oh, you mean that pile of basic land that you're drawing from? >:D Scary build.
Ha, that's awesome. XD A build where Accorder's Shield and Slagwurm Armor are amazing pumps. What a fun deck!
You must have a lot of people wondering what the heck you're ramping up to. XD If you can't smack them with Lorthos and Guile, swarm them with Elves?
It's like there's a run on this deck type or something. O.o Frost Titan should be at least a one-of in here. Also, you're a little heavy on the 3-drops and you're not running any draw. I'd remove the Timely Reinforcements and put in Ponders/Preordains. Mind Control's a bit on the pricey side to be running four of. Drop it to 2, put in either 2 more O-Rings or even two more land as 20 is on the low side for this.
15 land? Really? O.o Even in a deck with this low a curve, I'd be nervous running so little. Maybe, since this is casual, throw in some of the artifact lands?
I'd worry about the number of 3-casts, too, especially since you're running a bit low of the color-fixing side. You're playing a lot more with Venser's abilities than I am, which is cool. Wall of Omens combos great with him for repeatable draw. Venser + Stonehorn + Aether Adept = Stall the crap out of you opponent. It stinks that none of that can happen early game, though. I would switch your numbers for the Frost and Sun Titans, though, if you want this to have a tap focus. Other than that... I'd be curious to see this run. :) Had a U/W mill with Venser and his first ability is just way to fun to abuse.
Oh, cool! :D I didn't think anyone would even look at this deck since I say flat out that it's a working file. Though, ironically, it's one of only two active decks on my whole list. In that case, I'll keep up the tournament reports. I won't be able to play until FNM, but I have someone play-testing the deck for me in a Thursday tournament in hopes that he can help me work out the bugs.
This deck is doing great outside of tournaments. During tournaments however... W-L record for last Friday's FNM: 0-4 rounds, 2-10 games I was just about in tears I was so frustrated by the time I dropped after 4. At least half of those games I couldn't seem to draw more than 5 land (once was color screw on top of that, didn't see a blue source the entire game) and one game all I drew was land. The ones where I was actually ABLE to play stuff, I either couldn't draw answers or what little I could play was destroyed faster than I could respond. I even lost to a guy who'd only been playing a week and a rogue Aura deck that hadn't won a game all night! So, yes, INCREDIBLY frustrating. Due Respect feels like it ought to do more than it does, I'm thinking it's going to HAVE to come out for more straight draw/control. Venser may be coming out for a third Gideon, but it's up for debate. I don't know WHY I'm having so many land problems because, really Metamorph and Buried Ruin should NOT be the stars of this deck. RNG is determined to remind me why I stopped playing in tournaments...
Awesome, I like Lorthos as a commander. And, hooray for Sphinxes!!!
Pfffft. Get some for if you ever play away from them, then. lol
I REALLY like this deck! It could just be because it's G/W token/enchantment beatdown (all my loves together!) but it really just looks like a lot of fun. :D Sterling Grove will be your friend forever and ever.
On that note, Replenish or Crystal Chimes would be great refreshers, too. :)
Your curve is way WAY to high. O.o If you had a little more land search or a bunch of sac lands to get land faster, having only high cost creatures would justified. As it stands right now, you'll be lucky if you get anything out by turn three of four. :/ My suggestion? Take out Epic Proportions, Wild Pair, Mana Reflection, General's Kabuto and 2 Forests completely. They're all really too late game to do you much good. If you don't care about staying at 70, replace them with any combination of Llanowar Elves, Joraga Treespeaker, Sakura Tribe Elder, Overgrown Battlement, Rampant Growth, Kodama's Reach/Cultivate, Harrow, etc. Basically, you need land search/mana ramp. :) Also, take out Enormous Baloth, Blanchwood Treefolk, neither have trample and they're really not worth what they cost. Garruk's Companion is a great early creature that fits your theme and give you some early aggro and, if you can get any, Rancor is an amazing reoccurring buff. :D Hope that gives you some ideas. Good luck and have fun!
I would assume that's a little too deck specific. Only a couple deck builds run enough equipment right now to make it worth playing.
I've become a big fan of the Ascension, partially because I run it in a token deck. It's easily conceiveable for me to attack with 7+ creatures in one turn. XD
You're welcome! Oo, just had a thought... bouncing Sunblast Angel. @.@ Screw never attacking, your opponent will never have anything to attack WITH.
Ha, okay, now I really like it. XD I was wondering about the Mystics myself, I mean they must be ESSENTIAL WW, now. I do like the ally angle as well. This deck is really going to jump out and startle people.
Never mind, you fixed it... with a card that does nothing in the deck. Am I missing something? Shouldn't have commented, apparently you're still altering the deck. LOL
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