
51 Decks, 497 Comments, 75 Reputation

You probably need less white sources of mana since this deck is much more than 50% green. :) Board sweepers will likely get you every time, there's not much helping that unless you have the mana to put a regen shield on everything. Maybe a bit of mana excel so you can get your regen going faster? I'm not sold on Withstand Death, usually, though that can help with controlling the damage from DoJ. No Vines of Vastwood? It's still an extremely solid anti-control card.

Posted 10 February 2011 at 09:42 as a comment on Out of Control


And... You've built the deck I was just thinking of trying to build. @.@ On that note, what do you think about Elspeth Tirel in this deck? True, her final ability gets rid of your pump spells, BUT with the number of tokens you should have out, you could swing for the win pretty easily. :D

Otherwise... whoo-hoo! :D I think I may be copying your build soon!

Posted 10 February 2011 at 09:06 as a comment on White Artifact Token Battlecry


This deck looks hysterical. XD I could never play it, I'm terrible at flipping coins, but I can't imagine how your opponent's head would be spinning by the end of a couple rounds.


Posted 10 February 2011 at 09:02 as a comment on Feelin' Lucky (Coin Flip Deck)


People, you might as well stop posting, this guy hasn't logged in over a year. :P

Besides that... this is a really lousy Insect build. Seriously. It should not be getting this many up-ticks. :P

Posted 10 February 2011 at 08:05 as a comment on Insects v.2 - Help please!


If this deck does what it's supposed to, you'll be rolling right over their face faster than they can get control going. Although, I wonder if you want a few more searching spells? Maybe Explore? With Azusa, putting out three land a turn with any of the Landfall guys would be SICK.

Posted 10 February 2011 at 07:33 as a comment on Found Azusa!


You're running Numot and no other land destruction? O.O Even without that being the focus of the deck, I would think that would be a given!

Posted 08 February 2011 at 10:37 as a comment on Numot, the Devastator EDH


You're running some duplicates (Big Game Hunter, Beacon of Tomorrows, Plague Wind) at least according to this list. Might want to fix that; looks like you just hit them twice by accident.

Posted 08 February 2011 at 09:55 as a comment on Sedris, the Traitor King EDH


Looks like fun! You'll have to add Sword of Feast or Famine to your collection, but otherwise I like it!

Posted 08 February 2011 at 09:40 as a comment on EDH Nicol Bolas


After I wrote this, I went back to your list and realized WHY you made this deck. Yay, themes. Now you have me wondering if there's a way to make this into a "burn yourself to life!" deck. LOL

Posted 08 February 2011 at 08:46 in reply to #126341 on Elemental Incarnation - Purity


I have to wonder why you built this deck if you hate lifegain. :/ There are some perfectly viable black cards that count as "lifegain" (bleed deck, anyone?): Hideous End, Vampire's Bite (kicked), Tendrils of Corruption, and Edge of the Divinity is a great combo with Nyp Gwillion, Child of Night might fit in this deck and Vampire Nighthawk is a BOMB.

Your curve is ridiculously high. I know you're going for major lifelink late game, but you need to survive TO late game first. Down Felidar Sovereign and Purity by two each and put in either a few cheaper creatures (maybe Leonin Skyguard?) or another set of enchantments to fetch with the tutor (if necessary). Heck, maybe even Oblivion Rings, Journey to Nowhere or Path to Exile for stall/kill.

Some pain lands/duel-color lands wouldn't hurt you either. There's plenty of choices and a few would even give you more life. :)

Posted 08 February 2011 at 08:38 as a comment on Elemental Incarnation - Purity


Kiln Fiend really isn't serving at full capacity. To do that, you'd need a few more spells.

Drop Goblin Guide or some of your Equipment for more instants and sorceries. You really want to focus on Livewire Lash and Kilnfiend here, with the Gaveleer as your alternate target for Equipment beefiness. Honestly, Grafted Exoskeleton is rather pricey for this deck, especially since you won't see it in use until turn 5 at the earliest. By then, you opponent should already be near dead. On that note, use of the Tunneler is going to be a pain to manage because once you put the Lash on anything, the Tunneler will no longer be able to target it. Lower the number or get rid of it completely.

Other red spells you could use to trigger Kiln Fiend and the Lash: Thunder Strike, Bull Rush. Better yet, add black: Tainted Strike (there's your infect), Vampire's Bite and Virulent Swipe.

Also, you have WAY too much land for a deck this fast. Go down to 20 and, if you do add black, add in some of the two-color lands, Akoum Refuge at least if you can't get Blackcleave Cliffs, Dragonskull Summit or Lavaclaw Reaches. That will give you 4 more slots for spells, either more pump, or more kill spells, which you are going to need.

Hope that helps! Good luck!

Posted 08 February 2011 at 07:48 as a comment on Equip Gavaleer with infect FTW


Traumatize is great for turn 5 or earlier, but it gets worse the long the game lasts. Honestly, I'd down it to 2 and put in 2 Archive Traps. :) They're a free 13 cards off the top if your opponent is playing any pain lands, Tutors, Evolving Wilds/Expanses, or green ramp spells!

Otherwise, as a lover of mill decks, GREAT BUILD.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 14:01 as a comment on Mill


I agree with Finnien on this one. Getting land out faster would benefit you more than having an 0/2 non-infect creature. Also, Adventuring Gear and Vines of Vastwood are solid buffing cards that can only help your speed. :)

Posted 07 February 2011 at 13:43 as a comment on blitz infection


-4 Iron Myr
-2 Mox Opal

+4 Myr Sire
+2 Memnite

Posted 07 February 2011 at 12:14 as a comment on Omnomnom *crunch of metal* (Furnace combo)


Ha! I was just about to edit Memnites into the deck! You're right, after trying a few of the random sample hands the Mox Opals were actually slowing me down because they weren't doing anything useful. I was going to put in Everflowing Chalice, but it's really only useful as a 2-drop and that would only serve to slow this down. Also, I forgot about Myr Sire! Yes, he would go great in this deck!

Sylvok Lifestaff is a little too defensive for my taste, though I see why you picked it. Ichor Wellspring, however, was in this build originally, in place of the Spellbombs. I switched the two because the bombs are faster, but the Wellspring DOES fit well in this deck, too. :D As for Mimic vat... it has a LOT of potential in many decks and it is a good idea to play with... maybe sideboard tech? Hmm...

Posted 07 February 2011 at 12:10 in reply to #125928 on Omnomnom *crunch of metal* (Furnace combo)


Firstly, I like the fact that you built a mono-white Infect deck at all. A few people are still saying how weird and "not right" it is to see Infect in white. Personally, after playing Orzhov back in Rav days, I think the mechanic and how it's been presented works perfectly. XD

On that note, though -- you almost built this as a mono-artifact infect deck. Which I find even cooler. :D You've brought Ajani to the dark side, using his abilities to pump up fast little guys that will be kicking creatures down fast and furious. I like it. :)

Posted 07 February 2011 at 09:17 as a comment on tournament infect


I agree pretty much with everything Finnien wrote. Tangle Angler is far too defensive and, while Dusk Urchin is perfect for what you want, the fact that he doesn't Infect anything besides himself definitely drive him down to a two count.

The Signet is TERRIBLE mana fixing. It was terrible when it was in standard, it's still terrible now.
-2 Golgari Signet, +2 Explore (or Cultivate/Harrow/Search for Tomorrow, etc.) Searching out your land and thinning it from your deck is far better than just using a sub-par artifact to search for it. :) If you have them, Verdant Catacombs would work, too.

Posted 04 February 2011 at 08:51 as a comment on infectious pump & draw


So, you're missing 20 cards and you have no land... am I do the math right here?

Posted 03 February 2011 at 13:47 as a comment on Storm the foe


I'm wary about having four of any planeswalker in a deck (except maybe Sarkhan the Mad). Maybe take one out for a Jace? Otherwise, solid deck, looks like you'll surprise quite a few people. :)

Posted 03 February 2011 at 10:31 as a comment on U/B Tezzerator Infect


Did you mean one of those sets of Glacial's to be Colonnades? ^.^;;

Great early control, though you might be going a bit overkill with your creatures. Take out the Serra Angels and replace them with a fourth Mana Leak and a second Preordain, or maybe even just two Preordains. Or a fourth Journey. Consistency and redundancy are your friends. :)

Posted 03 February 2011 at 09:47 as a comment on U/W Aggro Control


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