Actually, yeah, I agree with some of that. Drop the Survival Caches instead of Ajani, you don't really need the lifegain and the draw isn't worth the cost. Either more Honor of the Pure, Oblivion Rings, or a one drop as thegathered suggested.
Evil evil deck. That's all I can say. Just evil.
Indeed, you can't heave the castle without a member or two of the Sengir clam themselves. ;) Otherwise, good story you have going with this in the challenge thread!
I really like this deck, it feels solid. :) Although I wonder why you're not running any Kemba; she would fit well here. Maybe take out one Jedit and one Raksha for two Kemba? Either way, very nice.
Honestly? Drop an Ajani and one other card (your choice) for two more Oblivion Rings. Otherwise, this is a REALLY solid deck and I kind of want to play it. :D
You're running duplicates of three cards (Sphinx of the Steel Wind, Emrakul and Archivist), unless those were an error. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of this being HIGHLANDER? Otherwise, I like this, it could be thoroughly devastating and looks like fun to play. :) Who's your General?
I don't know why so many Griffins are traditionally over-cost. At least, IMO. :/ Good job making a viable tribal deck out of them, though!
Agreeing with Voraba here. I fear for your creatures, though. With only four, you're going to have a lot of dead cards in hand.
Damn. O.o Mono-blue beatdown FTW! Very nice build, I can see it running fast and hard.
Drop Cabal Therapy and Toss in two Megrim. More damage ftw!
Drought is really a sideboard card, unles you were thinking to try and combo it with Spectral Shift? Otherwise, drop it and get a fourth Eon Hub in there; maybe another Auramancy, too.
Maybe I'm missing something... Thopter Foundry relies on sacrificing artifacts. You're only running seven total and you're not running anything that turns all your crap creatures into artifacts. There are sooooo many ways to improve this deck (switching out at least half the creatures for starters) but since this is just casual, I'm just going to focus on that one aspect. If you don't plan on running a slew more inexpensive artifacts, run Liquimetal Coating. It will be easy to get right now and will give you a way to make your creatures useful when they serve no other purpose.
I agree that Strength of the Tajuru doesn't look like it will do you any favors and Gigantiform loses half its effectiveness if you're only running one. Your creatures doesn't have much protect, though, and that could be a problem. Canopy Cover would be one option that's a heck of a lot cheaper and evasion is nothing to sniff at. Or, since you're not running any ramp, maybe a couple Explore? OR, since you want trample and pumping, a couple Sword of Vengeance might be your friends. :)
Having the Hexmages main deck isn't really going to do you any favors, IMO. A couple of Contagion Clasps might have been better; you can only benefit from proliferate in this deck. :) Especially since Consume the Meek will kill them off, although I suppose you could sacrifice them to the Dais. You'll need them against infect and planeswalkers, but otherwise they'll just be a bear. Also, unless you need the weenie board wiper, another Consuming Vapors would probably be better than Consume the Meek. Again, something to sideboard.
Drop the BoP and put in a 4th Scepter. You don't need the color fixing and it's in there for the flying, there are better birds out there. I like Snap and Distortion Strike in this deck. Comboing them with the Constable essentially locks your opponent down pretty damn fast and early is you get one or both instants on the Scepter. . :) Hence why you really need a 4th. There are soooo many cards better than Beserk that you could be running. With your creatures all having a power of 1 or less, the only way Berserk is good is if you have all four Hierarchs on the field, and that is very unlikely. For one more mana, Predator's Strike or Sylvan Might are worlds better and might actually provide your creatures with a little protection via extra defense. I might even take something out and replace it with a couple Whispersilk Cloaks. True, it's a little above the fast and furious mana curve you've set up, but shroud and unblockable seems to be right what you'd want.
I really wish there were more cascade cards for you to use, but Demonic Dread is crap and I can see why you wouldn't want more Remnants. I like the potential this deck has for hand manipulation evilness. :)
I can honestly say I've never seen a deck like this. :) I like it! Even with all the enchant hate running around, NO ONE is going to be prepared for a deck that entirely enchantments and, really prevents everything without actually being a control deck. Does Rune of Protection: Lands protect you from man-lands? If so, that makes that card even more entertaining. :D I do wonder why you're not running 4 of Opalescence and Greater Auramancy, but for the life of me I can't decide what you could remove for them. Same goes for search cards like Idyllic and Enlightened Tutor or recurrence like Replenish. They would all fit really well, but I'm not sure what you should take out for them. Maybe remove the Palace guards to search for the enchantments that make your deck run? Either way, fun build!
Browbeat is EVIL in this build! You get them no matter which way they turn! I've seen a highly successful U/B only version of this deck, but the addition of red certainly does give you interesting options with Browbeat, Niv-Mizzit and the Vortex. Very cool!
Get a fourth Dark Ritual, if you can. I was going to question the Demon's Horn, but you really do need something to counteract the Ankh. Also, it might not be a bad idea to get a couple more swamps in there, unless you've never had problems with mana.
Some Fabricates wouldn't hurt either. Plus, you're never going to see Mishra on the field unles syou have some way to guarantee that you'll get the colors you need. Then again, you might not even really need him.
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