Christ, Mirror + Time Warp = your opponent never ever seeing another turn. @.@ And the Bauble and the trap combo? Tons of fun, buy the looks of it. The artifact lands don't really help you (they don't count as spells, as the card says, so they don't trigger Mishra) so you might just be better off with regular land, unless you prefer having the artifact lands for flavor (I know I do. LOL) Or, even better, get some dual lands/fetch lands in there. True, you don't have a LOT of color going on, but I can tell you right now that it really SUCKS not being able to drop that third color for Mishra.
Agreed on all counts. Maybe Halimar Depths for some deck manipulation and replace one of those counterspells with Into The Roil.
Okay, NOW I see where you're going with this! I'd actually like to know if this plays out all right, the Liquimetal combos in here could be quite devastating if you can keep it all rolling. Your opponent will never have another permanant again. >:D
I like the Mimic Vat/Clone Shell combo, but for it to really work, you need a few things to happen. One, get a fourth Clone Shell. Consistency is our friend. You'll want more targets for both in the form of more creatures. Maybe Carnifax Demon, the new Masticore, or, heck, a few more Eldrazzi critters. Liquimetal Coating isn't really helping you (the combo with Solemn Offering is unnecessary and on the slow side). Wall of Omen would give you some early protection and card draw. Also, all those sorceries for control? You have no way to respond to threats coming at you. I recommend getting rid of the discard angle since you're not running around it and replace them with Grasp of Darkness, Smite, Smother, Condemn, or any of the white evasion spells, depending on your fancy. A little advice of your mana: See if you can get a couple Marsh Flats. If not, Evolving Wilds are the inexpensive mana fixing alternative.
4x Angel's Feather 4x Dragon's Claw 4x Wurm's Tooth 4x Rockslide Elemental ----DROP THEM. Seriously. You shouldn't care about life gain in a creature swarm deck and the elementals are far too expensive to be useful. On top of that, shrinking your deck down and lowering your land count can't be bad. Also, get yourself some color fixing, the Naya tri-color land or any of the two-color lands from the last few sets.
Unless you're running something that turns people's lands into swamps (Evil Presence?) then all that swampwalk main deck does NOTHING for you, except make the creatures that have them more expensive. If you want to keep the demon theme, use the card search here and see if you can find creatures that fit and are more versatile. Demon's Horn is useless except for thematic reasons; you're far better off dropping them and replacing them with some solid kill cards.
For an "elf army" you actually have very few elves. First off, get rid of everything that ISN'T an elf and replace it with an elf creature. Then we'll talk. :)
Excommunicate is not a good card; it's over-expensive stall at best. Knock them and maybe a couple of the mana Myr out and get a couple more Galvanizers and Myrsmiths. Also, replace the Cancels for Stoic Rebuttal, they are FAR superior in this build. Another Tezzeret wouldn't hurt, either. ;)
Well, first off, get yourself at least one Wrath of God. No "Wrath" deck is complete without it. ^.~ Dust Elemental and Slagwurm Armor aren't really doing more than slowing you down and they aren't on-theme. Maybe a couple White Knights? Or, if you want more life gain, a couple Goldenglow Moths or Knight of Meadowgrain? Trying to suggest some early creatures that will be easy to get and can only help you. :)
LAUNCH! I love that series of enchantments. :D Personally, while I love the flavor, Dreamwinder could easily be replaced by something more useful. For instance, Quicksilver Fountain would be oodles of useful and fun, and, looking around, Floodgate would kind of hilarious. XD I'm assuming -- by the Unglued cards in your sideboard -- that this is very casual, so have fun with some quirky flavor stuff!
SCUTTLEMUTT! :D Love that little guy; so happy to see him in a deck. This looks like it could break apart easily, the combos are a little fragile, BUT, you have several ways of getting out the dragons. I like it. :D
Maybe throw in a couple Lotus Petals to soften the blow of being reliant on the Opals? Yes, you have to sac them, but one Echoing Ruin and you're nearly done for. :/
Oh, I like this deck a LOT. It appeals to all three of my favorite deck types: beatdown, token swarm and mill. LOVE IT. ... I really think I want to try it. O.o The only problem is... there's no way I'll ever get 4 SoBM. XD
Doesn't having Leyline of the Void out KILL YOUR combo?O.o I understand that you want to prevent THEIR graveyard recursion, but... Maybe Nihil Spellbomb would have been better? ^.^
This could be EXCEEDINGLY SICK. I would have thrown in Thoughtcast for keeping your hand full, too, as their will be turns where you're dropping the whole thing at once. XD
Actually, there are a couple of MEAN flying green insects that can mess up a board. XD For example, Xantid Swarm can stall the hell out of blue and forces your opponent to respond to what you have on the field before you attack. I have the in my sideboard and, when they're on the field, do most if not all my spell casting during second main phase. With enough pump ups, they can be vicious. Caustic Wasps could almost act as a mini-Argentum Armor towards artifact heavy decks. If you're ramping fast enough to always have mana free, Unyaro Bees could even survive main deck and have the option of being an emergency creature kill or doing the final bit of damage for the win.
I don't understand why you're running Rhystic Tutor, there have to be better tutors than that in Legacy/Casual. Switch them out for the Dash Hopes or even some standard kill spells, unless you really need to search out those creatures. Also, sideboard the Grips and Naturalizes (at least two if not all), you'd really only need them if you know you're going to be playing against a lot of artifact/enchantment heavy decks. Otherwise, you're better off swarming and there are so many better things you could be doing with green than just a couple of conditional control spells. Not to mention having any color other than black in the deck will only hinder your Nocturnus. Last note: You might want to check the detailed rulings on how Aether Vial puts creatures into play. I'm not sure, but it might stop you from using Gatekeeper's kicker ability. :/ You might be better off getting rid of them completely.
...Revise the first half of my comments. I need to L2R. >.< I'm no longer confused, but I still wonder if there are faster ways for this deck to protect itself...
Doesn't In the Eye of Chaos on hurt you? I understand why you're running it, BUT unless you've got some way to get around an Enchant WORLD, then making an already expensive deck even more difficult to cost only baffles me. And, yes, your curve is ridiculous. I agree with the second poster on possible adjustments.
This or a variation of it was played by the #1 guy at States in Standish, Maine on 10/9.
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