Yeah, true, you don't have a sac mechanic to eat what you steal. Better to just destroy the darn things. :)
I did just realize that you might want to add a couple cards to your sideboard, though. LOL
I like it a lot. :D There's several ways to get what you want so that you're not relying on just one or two cards to be devastating. Plus, if you get any of those combinations off... whoo boy, watch the deck disappear!.
And, because I read that you would go back and look over a deck... :D The perspective of a "budget" player is exactly what I would like.
Hmm... Well, I can see how you're holding them off, though I get twitchy seeing one/two-of's of good cards. That may just be me, though. I think you're running enough dual-colored lands that the Evolving Wilds is unnecessary. Replace it with a fourth Tec Edge, or maybe even a Mystifying Maze, if you can get one. On the note of speed, though, you might want to bring the Seachrome Coast down by one or two. It's a great early game card, but after the first few turns it will only slow you down. Throw in another basic Plains for stability. :) On the note of stability, seeing only one Deprive on that list HURTS. Since Tumble Magnet, while useful, seems like a throw-in card, take it out for a second Deprive. Better to deny them the card at all then to just tap it down temporarily. ^.~ BTW, THANK YOU for running Purges in your board. I'm frankly surprised how few decks I see running it and I can't fathom why. Also, thank you for reminding me of Revoke Existance, I have to go replace the Divine Offerings in my board now. XD Last, I have to ask, what situation has you siding in the Luminarch Ascensions?
I've seen a deck like this in action before, it's amazingly fun. :D Sideboard Metallic Mastery and Burn the Impure for artifact-heavy and Infect decks respectively!
I like it and you might even have the right balance of proliferate and proliferate-targets, something that was a big problem for my deck of this type. :)
Down Jace to 3, put in another Corrupted Conscience. Other than that, I like the speed and control of this deck better than the green. Yes, the green had ramp, but this moves just as fast AND has better early game responses, IMO. Still not a fan of Adventuring gear in a non-landfall focused deck. Remove them for a couple Into the Roil or even Disperse.
I know you said you're a big fan of the Vatmother, but she does put you on a clock, especially against another Infect deck. Maybe take out two of her and a Hydra for 3 Rot Wolves or Septic Rats? Most of your one and two-drops require creatures to be on the field and I'd be worried about having any sort of early offense if you don't have a Stinger out on turn two. Yes, the Nexus could technically be a turn-two creature as well, but relying on that might just hurt your land situation if they have a response. Eh, maybe I'm rambling too much. Although, I do have to ask: Adventuring Gear? Really? Is that in there because of the number of pain lands you have? There's plenty of better early game cards out there that don't rely on you pinging yourself. ;)
It's amazing what fun little cards you can find floating around in the older sets. :D
Been sitting on some cards for a lifegain deck of my own; this is certainly inspirational. :D And, btw... EPIC sideboard. XD
Not sure if I like having four Sarkans in there or not. :/ On one hand, four of ANY planeswalker is usually 1-2 too many. On the other.... Well, he kills himself damn quick. He may be the only planeswalker who CAN get away with being a four-of. Personally, I would like to see another outcast or two in there because it's a sick one-drop, but otherwise this looks like a fun and deadly deck!
I'm not knowledgeable about how T1 Elf decks are built, but I have to ask: why Staff of Domination? And, for that matter, why no Nissa? Is she too slow for T1 or just not worth it?
Indeed, cut at least one Chandra and 1 each of the Song and Ritual and you can throw in three Shock! Yay early burn! Otherwise, I really like this build, it looks like it would be fun to play. And I don't even like Chandra. :)
If I were seriously considering building this, I would cut it down. :) Even though I do own and play a 70+ card monstrosity, that is the ONLY deck I have that's over 60 and isn't meant for serious play. I agree that 60 is the goal to hit.
Wrexial would NEVER be hard-cast with this deck. In fact, most of the creatures shouldn't be. Quest for Ula's Temple is the engine that gets everything out. That being said, if I were building this deck for real, I would likely cut down the number of creatures a bit and replace Capsize with a card that was a little more effective and efficient. It was thrown in for flavor, to be honest, and would be much better replaced by Jace, Cancel, or any number of inexpensive control.
I like this a lot. Good curve, fast to get creatures out and solid survivability. This is a deck I wouldn't mind playing at all. :) Very nice.
You're missing the point of a mill deck. Having few to no creatures doesn't matter when you're not letting your opponent have any either. ^.~
If you're going for lifedrain (often called "bleed" decks) then you can stand to remove some of the defensive spells which are only slowing you down. Drop Indestructibility, Armored Ascension, Greater Auramancy, Privileged Position and Eland Umbra. Those are all far to defensive and really do not suit the style you are going for. Mourning Thrull is awesome all on it's own, with Edge of the Divinity it's a 4/4 flyer with lifelink for 3. You really can't beat that; running 4 of each would be a good idea. Wall of Reverence can be made even better if you were running less wall-like creature. That and Souls of the Faultless should really be the only ones you need. Drop a couple of the angels, the Palace Guard and the Moth for Pulse Trackers, Nip Gwyllion, or even Soul Warden. Also, a few more Death Grasp wouldn't hurt you either. Lastly, for now, if you can get your hands on a Sorin Markov to replace Liliana, and maybe one more Deathbringer Liege that would be PERFECT. Making those changes should allow you to knock a few land out as well and you should be down to 60 or close to. :) I tried to keep "budget" in mind, so only Sorin should cost you anything trade/money-wise.
I LOVE THIS DECK. Evil evil and FAST, brutal even in the worst conditions. Throw one more card in your sideboard for legality and I would TOTALLY play this. :D
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