
51 Decks, 497 Comments, 75 Reputation

I like this a lot, it looks pretty damn evil. :) Have you play tested it, yet?

Posted 02 August 2011 at 17:09 as a comment on Assassination Tango


You might be better off asking someone locally to help you with this as they can see what you have for artifacts and land as well, not to mention you might able to trade to get more duplicates for some of the good one-of's you have (Mirran Crusader and Puresteel Paladin, for example).

Also, are you looking to make this competitive or casual? That can make a difference since you might not want to just make a deck that will kick faces in. XD

Posted 02 August 2011 at 16:52 as a comment on ALL MY WHITE CARDS need help!!!!


Okay, so I put this deck together for FNM last week (with a little help as I was missing a chunk of the rares) with a few changes as suggested to me during the building process:

-3x Dispatch +2... something I can't remember, I do remember agreeing that Dispatch is a little weak without more artifacts.
-2x Due Respect, +2 Into the Roil
-2x Frost Breath, +2 Oblivion Ring

I won 1 game out of 7 (24/24 Avenger ftw!), had a couple of close games versus a strangely scary Empire-ramp deck and dropped before 4th round, determined to make this work for this coming Friday. I will admit, I had a couple bad matchups: the ramp deck out ran me, as did a U/W Golem deck (can't remember the third deck) and RNG was not my friend (mana-screwed twice, one of those games I saw two Avengers, nothing to tap with, AND stuck at 4 land with Gideon in hand) but I was able to note a couple things.

Into the Roil was a bad choice for this deck. I couldn't afford to use the mana to kick them and, frankly, Due Respect would have been just as effective a stall. I switched the latter back in after I dropped. Wish I could remember what we replaced the Dispatch with, I'll have to check tonight after work.

Sunblast Angel DOES need to go in here. I ended up with her in my board, but I get the feeling she'd be much stronger main. Maybe out the Wurmcoil for at least one Angel?

Posted 02 August 2011 at 16:32 as a comment on Taps


Everyone uses Venser's first and third abilities (or tries to), but I don't think I've ever actually seen his second one used. Looking at your build, this is a crazy strong use of it, too! Very nice, I definitely approve. :D

Posted 02 August 2011 at 16:00 as a comment on Venser, the Unblockable


I like this concept a lot. Half of the spells you'll play will have belonged to your opponent originally. XD It's fun and inventive, I like it a lot!

Posted 01 August 2011 at 17:27 as a comment on Sakashima the Impostor EDH


I was never a huge Kamigawa fan, but that's definitely some of the better and more interesting cards from the set. Good combo with landfall.

Posted 01 August 2011 at 16:52 as a comment on Tides of the Mirror (EDH)


This looks like a hell of a fun deck to play. :) You have a good number of global pumping in there to make your illusions fast AND beefy, plus some decent control! I like it!

Posted 29 July 2011 at 19:26 as a comment on PONDER FROG =)


I agree, you need to get some early defense in here. I mean, yeah, you want the creatures out, but only when you have the mana to take them! XD Unsummons, like you said, might be a good bet. Maybe put some search lands in there to speed up how fast you get land/thin your deck?

What do you do against creature light decks?

Posted 29 July 2011 at 14:28 as a comment on Thieving Gypsy!!!


Prince of Thralls = awesome-sauce in this. XD Can't believe I missed him in my attempt at a Thrax build.

And, to be honest, yours is a much more stable and focus build than mine. Nice work, I like it a lot.

Posted 28 July 2011 at 18:09 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


It's entirely possible. I like them for more nostalgic reasons. One of my very first decks, the original "Salad Shooter" was a Thallid deck from back when Fallen Empires first came out. I rarely one a game, but between Thallids and Island Sanctuary I could swarm them for great annoyance. :D

Posted 28 July 2011 at 17:08 in reply to #185983 on Thallid Shooter Redux (Fungus EDH)


Crap, you're right. Can't believe I missed that. Well, easily replaced. :D Thanks for letting me know!

Posted 28 July 2011 at 17:04 in reply to #184770 on Thallid Shooter Redux (Fungus EDH)


Apparently, I had a brief reading disability. Farseek will not fit on a stick, but it's still awesome land search if you're running with Rav shock lands. Evolution Charm is slower, BUT it is an instant and so will fit on a stick. However, it's not your best choice for land searching either.

Posted 27 July 2011 at 19:04 in reply to #183960 on Searing Life


This is.... exactly what I wanted to make for an EDH deck. @.@ It likely wouldn't work in multi-player, but damn...

And I have a crazy craving to play this or something like it in FNM this week. It would be nice to be the one annoying people for a change, especially since everyone already knows the decks I have at my disposal otherwise.

Posted 26 July 2011 at 21:08 as a comment on Taps


I like it a lot, but... Isn't Second Sunrise a little counter intuitive? Unless it's in there against your opponent's board wipers. Actually... That makes sense. It's like going "psyche!"

Very interesting build. :)

Posted 26 July 2011 at 20:47 as a comment on Mageta, The Destroyer


Main deck at least a couple Emeria, the Sky Ruin. There's no reason at all to SB them.

Also, I know you're loath to put non-Angels in, but... Adaptive Automaton might as well be one. ^_^

Then again, if you're not revising this for M12, then all this is moot...

Posted 26 July 2011 at 20:11 as a comment on Angel Delight


Wouldn't that be redundant if all he's running are Angels anyway?

Posted 26 July 2011 at 19:57 in reply to #184386 on Angel Delight


This actually looks like a lot of fun to play. I may have to see if I can build something like this, though I know I'll have to find substitutes for some of the older cards (Propaganda, Rishadan Port). Any suggestions?

Posted 26 July 2011 at 18:00 as a comment on Iso-Rang Redux


Oh man, this looks like fun. XD I always find myself appreciating the decks that use the less played evasion mechanics and use them well. You're causing lots of problems for your opponent and there's not much most people can do to prevent Shadow creatures from going through. LOL

My only suggestion would be to either replace the Terrors with Terminates or SB the latter, at least, because Terror is a dead card if you're facing a black or artifact based beck. Maybe even SB two more Smash to Smithereens.

Ooo, for a fun combo with Kismet -- Royal Assassin! XD

Posted 26 July 2011 at 15:26 as a comment on I dare you!


I agree that at least two of the Tec Edges can be sideboarded and replaced with a couple more basic land. :) Plenty of decks, even in FNM, might not run many non-basic lands outside of fetch lands. Also agree that Geth's Verdict is nice early control and works with your deck. Maybe take the second Dark Tutelage and the Arrest out of your board for two more?

Posted 25 July 2011 at 13:16 as a comment on Smallpox Control


Joiner Adept's are pointless in your side board. You're running more than enough color fixing MB, so don't worry about that. Replace them with 4 Naturalize, you really have no way of dealing with artifacts and enchantments. :)

Also, you're relying far too heavily on your Avatars. All it takes is a couple exiles and you're out a win condition. I saw that you took a bunch of creatures out, so I say, throw a few of them back in.

-2 Eladamri's Call
-2 Enlightened Tutor

If either of these are on a stick, then drawing more is redundant.

+1 Elvish Piper (for consistency)
+2 Ageless Entity
+1 Felidar Soverign

Also, you lands are a bit unbalanced. If you can't get a hold of the Rav lands, leave the Palaces, but please look for another G/B land. You have no reason to be running basic land unless you plan on speeding this up with land search spells. Then again, if you can get them, Farseek is your friend (and it fits on a stick!) :D
-3 Swamp
-4 Elfhame Palace
+3 Overgrown Tomb
+4 Temple Garden

If you wanted to go just G/W, you could easily replace Sanguine Bond and Right of Consumption with some good lifegain equipment, like Behomoth Sledge or Loxodon Warhammer.

Right now you're running a bit slow, but if the early lifegain is enough for you to hold out for your combo theen I guess you're good. :)

Posted 22 July 2011 at 18:27 as a comment on Searing Life


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