Looks solid, but... you only have 59 cards?
Fairly solid and straight forward. Personally, I would make it a little more complicated and add blue as well, trading 2 Gideon of 2 Venser. Bouncing Stonehorn's = your opponent never attacks again. X3 Against RDW or vampires, Ratchet Bomb is just as likely to blow up your creatures as it is theirs. You might be better turning two of those into Sunblast Angels. Or, better yet, keep the deck mono white, take out a Gideon and a Stonehorn and main board 2 Angels. :)
Point, extraction in your sideboard ought to help get rid of a few pieces. Too bad you can't just get rid of Valakut itself. LOL
Oh wow, that is SICK. XD Kokusho is a bomb on his own, but he really wouldn't fit in here and, frankly, you don't need him. :D
Love Goblin Boom decks. The fact that they dug the Grenade out of the archives and revived it STILL cracks me up. Awesome deck, your opponents are going to hate you. XD
Although, it might be terrible if you did have to. "Oh look, I sac another Arsonist." >:D
Straightforward, fast, and kicks your teeth in before you can draw a Day/WoG. Yup, it's an elf deck. XD
Unfortunately, no, Oran-Rief does not count as a forest. :/ Arbor Elf would probably become a rare if it could untap ANY land and just for that reason.
It has been pointed out before that Jace's Archivist kills Psychosis Crawler. Thew second your hand is empty, the Crawler becomes a 0/0 and dies. If you're going to run one, than you might be better off not running the other. Also, the Archivist combos insanely well off Jace's Erasure; really, Jace mill builds itself. :) If you'd rather run the Crawler, than you might want to knock the Archivist to the sideboard (with the Erasure and confuse your opponent once they're expecting the Crawler) or replace him completely with other draw creatures. Other than that, this is a fairly straightforward build.
I like your concept a lot and not one will expect it. With all that search, you should, in theory, come across XenoGraft along the way regardless, but I can see how the deck would fail to be threatening otherwise. For the next two months, tat least, I could still have regular Garruk and his repeatable Overrun or Overwhelming Stampede (which could be beastly with Superion out). Beastmaster's Ascension is another option, if you want to be agressive, or just sneak stuff through until it gets 7 counters. Or, if you find that you can get some damage through, Hunter's Insight might help you draw into what you need. Just spitting out ideas, I hope some of this helps you. ^.^;;
Hooray, wall deck! The only thin you might want to think about are ways to protect Doran, either with damage prevention or kill. Once he's down and gone, you're pretty much done.
I like it actually, but I can see where you have speed trouble. Leonin Arbiters might slow Valakut down, but probably not enough. Oh well, if it's only two decks, at least you can beat the rest, right? :)
Watch out, rambling recommendations ahead. If you want this to be Angel-focused, you'll want to drop the highest mana-intensive creature that isn't an angel, to start. Vengeful Archon is mean, but you really shouldn't need him. :) After that, next to go is some of your artifacts. While it's true that you need a way to speed things up, I think you over-compensated a bit. You don't need any color fixing, so stuff that produces mana of any color you likely won't need. Especially since you said in your forum post that now you keep getting mana producers and no creatures. However, if you can get another Semblance Anvil or two, those would benefit you a lot. For equipment, Infiltration Lens and Sylvok Lifestaff might be better for your early game. - Darksteel Pendant, Paradise Plume, Prismatic Lens, Quicksilver Amulet (maybe), Darksteel Plate, Whispersilk Cloak (maybe) I'm not sure about the Gold Myr and Pilgrim's Eyes. On one hand, you need the mana. On the other, they're clogging the deck a bit. I'd run the Eyes and drop the Myr, if I had to choose, because of the deck thinning aspect and the fact that fetching a land is better than having just a vulnerable creature. Plus, the more flying creatures you have to play with Archon of Redemption, the better. True Conviction and Celestial Mantle seem really expensive one-of's. Your curve is already high because of the angels themselves, so, personally, I'd drop those two. With all that, you should be able to cut at least 3 land. That's a total of 15 cards off the list, if you cut it all and didn't add anything back in. After that, really, you're going to have to make your own choices. :/ While all of those angels are amazing, they're also expensive, so you might have to narrow it down to just half a dozen you really like and cut the rest. Good luck and I hope this helps!
So, in other words, you want him to turn it into a Caw variation. :P
Hmm... I'll have to incorporate a few of these changes into my own version. :) I did put the Walls in my sideboard, but it's hard to know when those need to go in and what needs to come out for them. And yes, on that note... it's also really hard to know when to use the Due Respect. :/ I mean, do I play it right before combat, forcing them to tap everything they brought in? In response to an artifact they just brought in? At the beginning of their turn, so there's no question as to what's tapped? Made adjustments last night and slaughtered a Zombie/Call to the Grave deck in playtesting. Abolishers really slow it down. Looks much more threatening now, sure. :D Hope you don't mind me kifing it like this. LOL
GSZ is one of my favorite search for EDH right now. Where you can only have one of anything, the Beacons and Zeniths are really boons. I out to make room for it in every deck, good point. And Thoughtpicker would be kind of awesome. :D
If this is Legacy, shouldn't those Days be WoG's? Switch the Cancels with Counterspells? Preordain for Brainstorm? Right now, it looks like the only reason this deck isn't T2 legal is the fact that you're running the two banned cards. :) If you're going to go Legacy, might as well buff up your whole tool box. The only cards that HAVE to be there for Caw-Blade are the Mystics, Squawks, and Swords. Oh, on that note, don't forget you have the original Mirrodin Swords you could play with, too. Both could be really powerful in this.
AHA, just remembered: -3x Dispatch +3x Preordain
Bloodcrank (as we called the deck) was a build I saw running for a while at my store up here. Done right, it's instant death with Mindcrank and Bloodchief's Ascension feeding each other into infinity. Another way to do this is to feed off the Ascension instead of the 'crank; put in discard and watch it spin. :) Keep in mind that those little damage dealers work decently with Bloodlust, too, so that might not hurt as an alternate win condition.
This looks like a lot of fun, once you get going. Your early game looks to be a little slow, though, I can't see the combo going far until turn four or five. Maybe take out a couple cards for Mana Leaks?
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