Try replacing a couple of the Arcanis with either the new or the original Niv Mizzet. :D Has perfect synergy and gives you another win con. Might be worth throwing in a one-off Venser's Journal, too?
You miiiiight want to add in a few kill spells? It's deliciously tribal, but it's going to get in trouble against other creature decks.
NICE! :D I hope it does well!
I'd play this for sure. Just my play style. :D
Sphere of Safety is awful pricey on the mana side, though, especially if you're not running heavy enchantment. I agree on including Blind Obedience in there somewhere, though I'll leave it to DD to pick what he would want to switch out. :3EDIT: I'm a little slow, apparently, and forgot that he's HEAVY into enchantments. LOL Yes, Sphere of Safety might be a good choice for protection.
Maybe switch out at least one of the Furyborn Hellkites for a Utvara Hellkite. Making even more dragons can never be a bad thing. :DI'm a little confused by the single Flame Slash, especially since it bumps your deck over 60. Take it out, you don't really need it. Or, maybe just move it to your SB if you want to keep it in there since your SB is short a card. :) On that same note, the one-off Darksteel plate might be better served as a SB card as well. Maybe switch it in for a 4th Lightning Bolt or Seething Song?.... Actually, looking at it, is your "sideboard" just the cards you might switch into the deck and not an actual sideboard? I know I do that when I'm building here. :3
I honestly don't think the dragon is fast enough for this deck. It's the only non-haste creature you have and it seems really out of place. :/ Maybe switch it out with Flamekin Harbinger to replenish all the elementals you're throwing at your opponent? Or Evoking Glarewielder so more damage gets through? Incandescent Soulstoke to make them bigger and cheaper? I ran a deck during Lorwyn block that centered around using the Soulstoke to put out Nova Chaser for cheap then sac it to Rite of Consumption. 10 damage to them, 10 life for me. 8D
Bleed decks are traditionally B/W for good reason and Orzhov is the guild of bleeding everything dry. Extort is your friendly life-leaching mechanic. :D While the walls are a nice idea, you don't really need blue to make this deck work. :) You could ACTUALLY even just stick to mono-black, if you don't want to play white.My thoughts? Drop all creatures except for the Hired Torturer and replace them with Extort creatures. If you want to get the most out of Shrieking Affliction, replace the Stab Wounds with some discard. Also, Contaminated Ground and Doom Blade are going to backfire on you every time you play against another black deck. Either switch them out for more discard/other kill spells, or have something in your sideboard to deal with black. :)EDIT: Ooo! Almost forgot. Gray Merchant of Asphodel from Theros wants to be your best friend. 8D
^This. And it does look like fun. :D
You are actually one creature short of having 20 drakes. :) Switch a Talrand out for another Spiketail Drake, or something like that. I actually just did this tribe recently, too! I took a different approach, but I can see where you're taking your. :3
Fog Bank wants to be your best friend. :D Also, you want to stop and stall stuff like your like depended on it (in a way, it does!) Dryad Militant is awesome against certain decks (Delver, Frights) but otherwise she doesn't really do enough for you when your goal is to stall, not do damage. Put her in the sideboard and bring in the Fog Banks. Also, consider cards like Pacifism, Arrest, Oblivion Ring, and Detention Sphere. Not to mention effects that get stuff off the field, like Cyclonic Rift, Dramatic Rescue, Peel from Reality, or even just Unsummon. Stall away! :D Grind the political gears to a halt!
Not bad, considering your limited card pool. A solid amount of early damage and tricks. You might want to consider adding one more of both Swamp and Mountain. Your curve is actually pretty good, but you don't have any real mana-fixing, so 22 is likely a safer number.
AHAHAHA! I love how Squee combos with Lotleth Troll and Tortured Existence. That's just awesome in so many ways. XD the best part is, with this being casual, who's going to be able to disrupt the combo? :D Awesome.
Sadly, the first thing that came to mind was "Savra under her brother's complete control? LAWL" XD I like it! So many fun tricks.
Mulch and Grisly Salvage are not a good ideas in this deck. You have too few actual creatures for the Salvage to be really worth it and there are better ramp cards than Mulch. In the end, you would just end up pitching the cards you need and, if you're lucky, bringing a few back for their much higher flashback cost. If you're on a budget, something that might help here is 4x Gatecreeper Vine and 4x Golgari Guildgate. 4x Evolving Wilds, too. That will help with your color and mana fixing. Also, maybe add in a couple more Centaur Heralds. This gives you a nice base of creatures to hit with Vile Rebirth, in case you get it early and can't hit your opponent's graveyard. If you're not on a budget, or had a way to get them, Thragtusk goes in anything green. Kessig Cagebreakers might be something to consider, or Garruk the Relentless, too, for some variety. :)
I know what the cards do, I'm just saying the same thing could be done faster. But, whatever floats your boat, I wouldn't presume to insist on changes to a non-competitive deck. And I know enough people who play rogue decks (off-the-beaten-path, not the creature type) in FNM that if it works for ya than it works for ya.
You just picked a deck at random, didn't you? :P
Make sure to read up on the rules for EXACTLY how Epic Experiment works. For example, I don't think you're allowed to play a spell for its Overload cost, but I'm not sure. Also, Xcmc spells would fizzle because you can't pay the extra into them.
I must not know enough of the TurboFog basics. Is that enough Fog effects? Should Common bond be replaced by a fourth Fog, fourth Safe Passage, and another O-ring?
Of course, after I write this, I notice the "budget" part of the header. >.< Yeah... My comment still stands, although, instead of Lili's, maybe just some direct kill/burn that doesn't depend on you having a creature?
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