
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Thanks. Thing on the ice just looks so good... Can't wait til it is available. :)

Posted 22 March 2016 at 15:25 in reply to #578222 on shattered ice


Indeed. Hunted horror wround go really well with and against thing in the ice. :)

In fact I heard the it has spiked in price already, just because of that.

Posted 22 March 2016 at 15:24 in reply to #578214 on shattered ice


interesting. :)
glad that I am not the only one who thinks that Thing in the Ice is an amazing card, worth building around. azorius is a good shell for it too.

I went dimir with mine. :)

Posted 22 March 2016 at 05:34 as a comment on Thing In The Ice Control


hm... this is certainly worth checking into. If not.. then hexmage gets dropped for something else.

EDIT: ok, looks like it won't flip it just by using hexmage. BUT!!! if I then play an instant or sorcery after that, it does flip. so if I play gitaxian probe after sacing hexmage I still get the turn three 7/8 board wipe.

most excellent.

Posted 22 March 2016 at 04:51 in reply to #578214 on shattered ice


possibly, but they are at least an hour apart each.

Posted 21 March 2016 at 21:04 in reply to #578104 on Tainted Love


lol.. Beacon is the very definition of auto win in this deck. :) and this Lostspirit dude is super annoying. he keeps posting the same thing over and over. can't the deck owner delete posts?

Posted 21 March 2016 at 16:55 in reply to #578104 on Tainted Love


well ok, this is the deck as it was when I had it, other than the familiars ruse. So by no means is it perfect. it was also only cards that were standard in the Zendikar block. so expedition envoy didn't exist yet. :) I am going to have to edit this deck based on newer ally cards. See if I can improve it.

I guess that when I posted this it was not a representation of the best version of the deck, just the one that I had. :)

also, it won't offend me if you wanted to break what is wrong with this deck further, so that I can improve it more.

thanks. :)

EDIT: while I do like unified front, I am not sure that I like it at sorcery speed. so I will have to think about that.

Posted 05 March 2016 at 22:47 in reply to #577026 on allies of hatred


what do you find confusing about it?

Posted 05 March 2016 at 10:47 in reply to #577026 on allies of hatred


indeed spellskite. :)

Posted 28 February 2016 at 08:35 in reply to #576043 on Tainted Love


ok then, denial of existence etc... for exile.

Posted 26 February 2016 at 00:21 in reply to #576043 on Tainted Love


your deck is interesting, but loses out to naturalize or other enchantment hate cards that are a pretty popular sideboard choice. of course so does this deck but... what can you do, right? :)

Posted 25 February 2016 at 23:18 in reply to #576043 on Tainted Love


beacon of immortality is already an instant kill. :)

Posted 25 February 2016 at 07:30 in reply to #576043 on Tainted Love


also, what makes it unbeatable?

Posted 15 February 2016 at 02:12 in reply to #575241 on Nathan Addington's Style Deck


how long does this take to actually pull off?

Posted 15 February 2016 at 01:15 as a comment on Nathan Addington's Style Deck


I looked at passage, but it's just too much mana. And it only adds colorless mana as well. So I didn't keep it in.

As for more burn, that is probably true. I really do have very little search, but I am trying try keep this modern legal so can't use gamble or a few other tutors that I like. Perhaps instead of braids of fire I might run that plinker goblin. Can't recall the have at the moment. 1/1 for R, can tap to deal 1 damage to target player.

Posted 05 February 2016 at 02:19 in reply to #574453 on Cruel intentions


I assume that you would be vapor snagging so that Master is unblocked, correct? if so, it would have no effect on the life total of the defending player, because the life loss happens before Master's ability triggers. Now if you are doing it after that trigger, then yeah it would work. but I think that gut shot is simply better because phyrexian mana allows you to play it while you are tapped out.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 21:06 in reply to #573839 on Master of Dickery


very nice. I love the use of Master here. :) such a great card.
and the follow up with simple burn is great. :) I am now a bit intrigued to try and build a deck around Master of Cruelties myself. +1 from me. :)

Posted 04 February 2016 at 01:35 as a comment on Master of Dickery


also, would you say living death or living end is better?

Posted 03 February 2016 at 23:06 in reply to #574362 on Tainted Champion


interesting. I did have Cabal Therapy in here to discard champion already. but faithless looting is also a very good option. hmm.... but I also really like the flashback for Therapy as it allows me a sac outlet. such a tough decision... :(

I am going to have to proxy and test the deck with both in it to see which I think is better. for now I will put Dragonskull summit, sulfurous springs and faithless looting in the sideboard.

Posted 03 February 2016 at 18:28 in reply to #574362 on Tainted Champion


I had not even thought about that. Faithless looting might be very good. The real question would be what to take out for it.

Posted 03 February 2016 at 14:22 in reply to #574362 on Tainted Champion


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