
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

ugh...I had forgotten about this train-wreck of a deck... we tried...

Posted 19 June 2017 at 17:21 in reply to #601850 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


I would die if I saw someone bring this to FNM. would be so funny. :P

Posted 26 May 2017 at 18:36 in reply to #600999 on Deck of Wits and Stupidity


lol... that's funny.

Posted 26 May 2017 at 06:26 in reply to #600999 on Deck of Wits and Stupidity


Viscera seer, murderous redcap, and Melira, sylvok outcast. Infinite scry and damage

Posted 17 May 2017 at 01:03 as a comment on 30 INFINITE COMBOS IN 1 DECK!!


yeah, the larger creatures are still usable because of the mana abilities, but the thing is that if you swapped cheaper creatures for more expensive is that it makes the mana abilities less effective.
I do like your suggestion to swap a gen wave and a path for 2 assault formations. will make that change.

you should check out my original deck, see what you think about it.

Posted 09 May 2017 at 06:48 in reply to #599935 on modern legal defender deck


ok. :)

love assault formation here, just need a spot for it. any suggestions for what to swap for it would be great.

steel wall is good here, but the life gain perimeter captain gives is simply too powerful to give up.

cathedral membrane is a wonderfully silly card. love it. :) but not sure what I would swap for it.

traproot kami. I agree that this is a better card than wall of vines. I think that I should probably swap out my lands for shock lands just to run this honestly.

thalid shell dweller is also good. but not sure how it fits. perhaps if you could give me an example?

battle rampart is nice. haste for mana dorks or vent sentinel is really good.

carven caryatid... hm... I like it, but it seems slower than I want for the draw. then again I am not sure I really need the draw so... I could swap it for something else entirely.

thanks!!! :)

Posted 08 May 2017 at 07:05 in reply to #599922 on modern legal defender deck


I did find that having B or U felt a little muddy for getting the colors I needed, so I picked the 3 that fit the best. that being said , having dual lands would certainly help.

some of your suggestions are pretty good, and I kind of want to go over them. :)

TLDR at the end.

forbidden orchard is a solid choice here, as it can be used turn 1, and give my anything I need. and my opponent being able to go a little wider really isn't an issue. so that is certainly a valid replacement for city of brass.

shock lands (pay 2 life) are also pretty good, and I am pretty sure my life total isn't going to be much of an issue with perimeter captain out anyways.

exotic orchard and reflecting pool are a little weak here I think because they don't actually add anything I don't already have when they hit the field.
holdout settlement... meh...? if I am going to tap a creature for mana, it is most likely going to be axebane or overgrown battlements, which can already add way more mana usually. and axebane can add any colors in any combination that I want.

I do like assault formation, and I think it would fit here really well. even though I wouldn't use it to attack, but only so I can kill my opponents puny attackers with my absurdly huge creatures. (they get rather large with shield bearers out.)

this is nice, and I actually did another version of this deck with mill as the focus, and he is in there as a key card. that being said mill is not particularly great as a splash, and doesn't work great as such.

consulate skygate
this is good here. love that it is colorless, not sure I like that it is 2 mana. while it is bigger... it simply seems... slower. and speed is key with this deck. it kind of plays out like a "lame duck" elf deck, and creatures snowball out more creatures.
that being said, this is a good pick as well because of the versatility that colorless nature affords.

foriyisian interceptor
simply too expensive. the extra block IS nice, but at 4 mana that is the top of my mana curve, so it should be game ending. and just having an extra block... doesn't do that. flash is also nice, but not sure it benefits me here.

Hornet nest
I like hornet nest, but it seems too squishy for the price. would love to build a deck around this though. :)

trestle troll
trestle troll is nice, but simply too slow. the regen is wonderful, can't say it is ever bad, but seems a little limited here.

Wall of frost!!!
love wall of frost. :) one of my favorite walls by far. that being said I think that, sadly, it is outclassed by something like Gomazoa. Wall of frost is a fantastic card. one of my favorite cards. cheap, simple, big, and almost always useful.

carven caryatid
this is good, but not sure if I like the slower nature of the card in comparison with wall of omens.

as for memorial and monument... lol... :) those would be interesting, but yeah... not practical I think.


shock lands are good.
more expensive creatures might slow down the deck a bit too much despite be stronger overall.
and assault formation is designed just for this deck I think. but where would I put it? (suggestions would be great.)

Posted 08 May 2017 at 06:49 in reply to #599935 on modern legal defender deck


I feel that Primal rage doesn't really add much to this deck. I think Invigorate would serve you better.

Posted 01 April 2017 at 20:06 as a comment on Unblockable Infect +X/+X v2


I imagine 2hg gives you a bit of cover from your team mate while you set up.

Posted 30 March 2017 at 04:31 in reply to #598199 on Pyromania


this deck looks like a TON of fun to play.

Posted 28 March 2017 at 06:32 in reply to #598199 on Pyromania


this does look pretty good. a nice modern take on my deck. certainly gets a +1 from me.

Posted 06 March 2017 at 07:07 as a comment on defender deck


well, I can't really remove the ramp, as my combo relies on it to go off. I need at least 2 mana creatures out to go infinite. but I can drop petals and braingeyser down to 1 each and add 2 Jace.

Posted 07 November 2016 at 00:04 in reply to #592128 on infinite mill


indeed, FoW and jace, TMS would make great additions to this deck. :)

what would you suggest swapping out for them? perhaps the Petals?

Posted 06 November 2016 at 07:00 in reply to #592128 on infinite mill


oh man, I know it is white but just thought of this: Journey to Nowhere ftw. :)

Posted 23 September 2016 at 00:04 in reply to #589019 on Hillary Clinton


Email related card? Letter bomb.

Posted 08 September 2016 at 15:24 in reply to #588983 on Hillary Clinton


you should have footbottom feast, or something similar in here. it would fit very well.
also I think that viscera seer is a better Sac outlet, as it is only B to play.

Posted 05 September 2016 at 18:44 as a comment on just passing through.


I try. :)

Posted 31 August 2016 at 19:52 in reply to #589019 on Hillary Clinton


so expensive, and yet it still does nothing.

Posted 31 August 2016 at 00:02 as a comment on artifact curses


I feel like it needs to have False Cure or Tainted Remedy perhaps?

Now if you had red in here I would suggest Letter Bomb and Act of Treason.

Posted 30 August 2016 at 18:40 as a comment on Hillary Clinton


All that and you didn't actually answer anything that I said.

Posted 27 August 2016 at 16:34 in reply to #588778 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


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