
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

and of course along with the double post, it didn't keep my entire post... argh...

was hoping to get some help with this deck as well.

thanks :D

Posted 24 July 2017 at 14:38 in reply to #603323 on The Deckhelp Alliance


So I do have a single requirement for the cards in this deck that keeps me from putting a few really great cards in here. My original goal was to keep each card at or under three mana to cast. That being said I will certainty look at the suggestions you put here. But a few, like simulacrum, can't be put in with those requirements.

Thanks for the excellent feedback.

And money isn't an issue here. I plan to put a decent amount into this deck. Just not all at once.

Will also answer a couple of cards here. For clarification.
Staggershock is a fantastic card, and in fact one of the first cards I put in the deck, but it can't kill much at 2 damage.

Vectis dominator is here because I think it is a hilarious card. Two life or a tapped creature. :P. But I am well aware of how bad it actually is. The only thing I really like about it is that it takes no mana to use its ability.

Dawnglare invoker is a powerful piece simply because it is very inconspicuous. It doesn't look like much of a threat until after I protect it with canopy cover or eel umbra. (helps it stay on the battlefield) have won many games because of this little stinker.

Posted 24 July 2017 at 14:18 in reply to #603341 on 5 colors, 3 mana


well. figure I should show up here. Thanks for the invite Puschkin. Glad to have a place for good deck feedback again.
I am mostly a casual MP player, who dabbles in standard and wants to start building modern.

I suppose I have a few project decks that I am a bit stuck on.

This is my favorite casual deck. it isn't particularly strong outside of a casual setting, but it is very fun. I would love to see it become better. would like to make it modern legal if possible, and I have a few weak cards.

EDIT: stupid double post,

Posted 24 July 2017 at 04:01 as a comment on The Deckhelp Alliance


Sweet. :) I would be happy to take a look.

Posted 23 July 2017 at 22:07 in reply to #603194 on Mono White Infinite Mill


I am curious. What does walking ballista do for you here? It dies from through the breach of protean hulk. So so you simply hard cast it?

Posted 23 July 2017 at 22:06 as a comment on Protaen Breach


This deck builder hasn't been on the vault for a long time. So probably not.
That being said it wouldn't be too hard to make the change.

Posted 23 July 2017 at 14:22 in reply to #603291 on Mono White Infinite Mill


They are, in this order of introduction:






Posted 23 July 2017 at 01:24 in reply to #603274 on baby's first mill


Yeah... Hurkyl's Recall was an accident. Added it to the wrong deck. Lol.
I originally had Fraying Sanity as a four of, but I think it was a little too good for what I want to play it against. I have a series of beginner decks. One for each color (plus this deck) that tries to capture the essence of that particular color in a simple but effective way. Add this would be used against them.

Posted 23 July 2017 at 01:16 in reply to #603274 on baby's first mill


Well, I left for a while. Jessie left, and I haven't seen many other familiar old names in a long time.

But I would love deck talk with someone whose judgement I can trust. (Like yourself.)
Still looking for fun decks to comment on and discuss. And still looking for feedback on my own brews.
Would love to discuss anything you are working on.


Posted 22 July 2017 at 23:32 in reply to #603194 on Mono White Infinite Mill


Lol... I suppose so. Just haven't seen it (or Jessie) on here on a while. :p

And I think it's good to go back and look at older decks again. If not for the decks themselves then the comments we put on then. :). We were quite the goofy bunch on here at one time.

Posted 20 July 2017 at 13:25 in reply to #603194 on Mono White Infinite Mill


Love this deck. This is hysterical and looks very good.

Posted 20 July 2017 at 00:44 as a comment on Mono White Infinite Mill


Have you thought about running vent sentinel here?

Posted 19 July 2017 at 21:57 as a comment on Pauper Walls


I see. Ok then.

Posted 19 July 2017 at 21:54 in reply to #603056 on it's another sacrifice deck


I would be curious to know if this actually works. Zada says copy the spell, but you don't actually cast the copies.
the only reason I would question this is say... Isochron scepter. you copy the imprinted spell, then cast it. where here it only says copy.
Or Reverberate. also says copy, but not cast. I am probably wrong on that, but it couldn't hurt to check.

This is certainly a cool deck, so I would hate to see it derailed by a judge on a rules technicality like that.

Posted 19 July 2017 at 20:05 as a comment on My Heroic Academia


While that is true... The challenge I gave Jacksonfoohia was to build around Thraximundar. Or rather to look at a deck and find what was wrong with it, and improve it. Which he mostly did.

Posted 19 July 2017 at 15:28 in reply to #603056 on it's another sacrifice deck


... Ok. If you think it's better... I guess...

Posted 19 July 2017 at 06:26 in reply to #603056 on it's another sacrifice deck


The funny thing about tuk tuk is you can play him twice and simply sacrifice one to get to token, due to legend rule.
If your token dies... Just play another tuk tuk and get another token. :P
So it actually kind of works here.

Posted 18 July 2017 at 06:02 in reply to #603047 on it's another sacrifice deck


I did before he posted the deck, but it looks like he didn't take my advice.
Viscera Seer is such a great card!

Posted 18 July 2017 at 04:37 in reply to #603070 on it's another sacrifice deck


this is an interesting deck. :) I rather like it.

Posted 18 July 2017 at 00:33 in reply to #602986 on Turn 2 0 cmc deck


I would be curious to know why you took out Thraximundar? isn't the deck supposed to actually be based around him?

also, since you haven't actually tested this yet, you should say that it is possibly a fast win.
also... you get points for Tuk-Tuk. :)

but I think you have way too many creatures. perhaps you might look at balancing out your creature spells with some non-creature spells. I imagine some kind of graveyard recursion would be usefu, like footbottom feast, or gravepurge. or even disentomb. things like that. and perhaps some more draw or search spells

Posted 18 July 2017 at 00:32 as a comment on it's another sacrifice deck


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