I would include a playset of aether vials, but other than that it looks like a really solid deck
it won't play right the idea for dredge is to sac 3 creatures and cast dread return generally so you can't really get a dredge engine going since your living death counts on having 5 mana and being played from the hand yes you do have noxious revival but this should be slower than the normal dredge since you do not include some of the best dredgers (stinkweed imp and golgari thugs come to mind) and you are waiting till atleast turn 5 to combo off, which slows down your game significantly. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh, but this deck is close enough to a dredge deck that i think you would be better off just changing it to the more traditional version.
any help is much appreciated
i would think about replacing the frost breath with cancel
i would remove the liliana (too slow) and royal assasins (doesn't actually work as well as you would think it would) personally, but that is up to you Also, what is the metagame like where you play? it makes a big difference in your sideboard. I would include a couple more big threats personally too, 1 wurm coil engine is not always gonna be there when you want it, neither is one obliterator. Ther is very little point in including only 1 of something in your deck unless its like a 1 preordain functioning as your 5th ponder, or a similar senario
wow ok I am answering my own question but no because there is no way for me to use something like a drakmor salvage to trigger bloodghast, so I need the lands
Actually, in theory, I don't need any more than 3 lands, should I redo this deck to be nearly manaless?
again, any help is much appreciated
i think you would want grand abolisher more on a sideboard for facing control decks than for in main deck. I would instead use more along the lines of Hedron Crab spellskite is always nice if you have a couple too but by no means required in this deck i would argue for increasing it t 3 jace 1.0s, but i don't have any testing to back that up, its just a hunch if you have them, adding some, celestial collonade is always nice i would switch out pacifism for something actually removes the card, like journey to nowhere, but that might just be personal preference hope that helps
sorry but I have to take issue with your sideboard A good sideboard allows the deck to have a better chance of winning week matchups, in some case vs specific decks but more universely vs a type of deck what deck would you need to add cryptoplasm to beat? and what deck would you use ice cage for? generally good sideboard cards for the current modern would be things like dismember, more spell pierecs to protect your illusions, and so on a sideboard is not a random spot for putting in good cards that you can't run in your deck because of space, it is a place for adding cards that help your deck. Sorry, but it annoys me how a lot of players do not actually realize the value of a good sideboard, its nothing personal against you.
i would remove 1 levitation and replace jace 3.0 with 1.0 also remove mind unbound and summonder's bane and replace with something like 4 mana leaks and 1 spell pierce
this looks more like a venser control, so i would make a few suggestions -3 consecrated spynx -3 negate -3 everflowing chalice -1 sunblast angel +1 exclusion ritual + 3 oblivion ring + 2 spell pierce (+3 would be fine too, but this is better than negate) + 4 wall of omens
much better card amount wise, however i would make some changes still there is almost no point to running a 1 of in a deck unless there are other cards that do the same thing, such as how some standard decks will play 4 ponders and only 1 or 2 preordains atm, but just having 1 hour of reckoning is pretty much useless. I would also suggest that you, again, include mycoloth. Sac all your saproling armies to him and watch him pay them back in massive amounts. Also, you have no draws and very few 4 ofs. This means you will never have the card you want when you want it. Try to atleast have 3 of the cards you want every single game.
quick question, am I missing something or where is the actual landfall? this deck looks like it has potential as a casual stompy, but i wouldn't classify it as "landfall"
-2 gigantomancer -2 nemata + 4 mycoloth cut things down to 60 cards, and only use 2 of for finishers generally (in my opinion) unless you plan to fetch something, I tend to say put in atleast 3 if you want to be absolutely sure to draw it in a game, 4 if you don't mind having multiples, and 1 only if its duplicating the role of another card that you want more than 4 of thats all in general though, there are exceptions
yes more properly its a beat down second of all, I do need the free draws, what I have here is essentially 8 free draws mana cost wise, so while I might take them out after a lot of playtesting, I like them for now I am about to update the deck based on some playtesting really the reason I have so few lands is because of all the draws I can get away with it, also the highest mana cost in the entire deck is 2, so that doesn't hurt either
Ok, yes you are right about leatherback baloth, that was a really big error by me Glissa is definitely not too mana intensive in a deck running 4 birds of paradise and 3 lotus cobra 10 ramps means I can play creatures from my hand, and while you are right about me misreading Vengevine, it is still easily useable with how much ramp and how many creatures I have to play in this deck Massacre wurm is mana intensive and I will probably not play it unless I get really lucky on turn 6 if it is in my hand, but that applies to any of the 6 drops that I could play except wurmcoil engine, which I guess I might think about adding 3 of each only slightly lowers probabillity and I do not need 2 copies in any given game so it works
wow ok, I knew about superion, he is in most of my decks, but the etched monstrosity is actually a great idea, I will work on a way to add that in soon
I don't think I want tempered steel, the main attack is not done by artifacts Squadron hawk is nice but he just doesn't seem to fit this deck, but will definitely consider him Mox opals act to bring my land count up, especially since I can bounce them for double use And my theory on removal in decks based around speed is that I sideboard them, dispatch + firewalker definitely go on sideboard Mirran crusader is a maybe sorry, a bit out of it today, so haven't been checking much, but thanks to everyone who commented
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