the 2nd option tends to be more likely and wins, also if all else fails the blue sun's zenith cards are great
oh i had a typo, you need two of them >.< this should still be very possible with the 1 tolarian academy though
comments anyone?
note this is a fun deck, its realistically going to be way to late to actually do much vs a good deck
any comments? or am I wrong about this combo and can someone kindly correct me?
any comments or help would be greatly appreciated
again, any comments would be greatly appreciated
ok reupdated, now entirely red/white can anyone tell me their thoughts on it now?
actually i am going to almost completely redo and take out green entirely, it doesn't add enough for me to be able to justify having it over other cards, will finish changes and edit soon
i am thinking i should replace ajani with red sun's zenith and the grafted exoskeltons to the side board for 2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant, which will give me better damage output as well as a cannon fodder for decks that like to get a lot out early. Anyone have any comments on this idea?
reason for the doubling of artifacts is to make for harder removal, that way 2x crush does not destroy my whole deck
1. fetch land + lotus cobra = 2 mana of any color 2. grafted exoskeleton is because of spike shot elders ability to deal damage, i thought it would stack, correct if wrong 3. maybe i might have too many equipments, granted 4. most of side board is spell removals if needed 5. why do i need more green? the only purpose of any green card on the main board is to generate mana 6. ajani because he happens to be the right colors and his abillities do help my deck 7. fetches also thin out the deck allowing me to draw the cards i want sooner 8. this is not a smash deck, it is a caw blade into a spikeshot elder finish, there are only 4 cards in this deck that actually attack at all, why would i add a lead the stampede?
anyone have any suggestions on how to improve or reasons this is not viable?
bit of a stretch, but just thinking about rules at this point... what i i used a mimic dreadnought to sacrifice for a normal one?
thanks, I was unsure if i could sacrifice the initial dreadnought before it sacrificed itself for the token .... but other than that your prob right... does anyone know if thats legal? Its prob not but I might as well ask
anyone have any comments or suggestions?
i am thinking galvanic blast instead of fireball for replacement, but your right it is a good idea disintegrate-> red sun zenith is a definite
any help would be greatly appreciated.
do you really need the extra cost of the birds of paradise when you alreayd have the gemhide slivers? also think about adding sliver overlord IMPORTANT add a crystaline sliver to give other slivers shroud (this is a must in a sliver deck)
any help would be greatly appreciated
141-160 of 245 items