thanks for the suggestions, will definitely add some of the pyroclasm to side board and will strongly consider flameslash
thanks for the comments, the thing about this particular hydra is his abillity to do damage directly with the tap2 mana, and I almost think unnatural predation or rancor would be better because of the cheapness combined with the instant use, as opposed to having to store counters on garuuk, but I still need to contemplate whether to use him for the untaps
also, have you looked at tezz affinity decks in legacy? they are much more viable and seem to be what your going after the problem with this deck is its slow to start, which hurts a lot (this is true of pretty much every myr deck) also, palladium myr might be worth looking at since this deck is mostly colorless
i would just like to ask how shimmer myr benefits the deck, cause i dont see how it would
-3 true conviction, dont think it really helps that much i would add in some more removal or a couple cards capable of walling a bit better while your gaining life personally, but up to you maybe add some elspbeth also? doesnt she have a life gain abillity?
its a fun deck so dont really care about standard, but even so the semeblance anvil is pretty much worthless, the dark ritual is turn 1 or 2, after that i really have enough mana ramping from myrs to start producing, and i also lose a card with semblance anvil so meh but yeah, i agree an alternative to the dark ritual would be better, just dont think semblance anvil is the right choice, also jace in a fun deck seems sorta off so might replace with something else... maybe sol rings?
can anyone offer any advice to improve this deck?
oops my bad >.< that as an accident btw
whoa like the changes, i have been away for a while now and you completely redid this deck, well done
my biggest complaint at the moment is actually the swords of body and minds, you have nothing that you would want to use them with
Compulsive Research or any of the discards actually work better imo because of the early play time, which is when you really want the cards so you can sit on your counters and get out your key creatures i am thinking ancestral recall is not an option for this deck due to vintage status and cost
some suggestions -2 herbal poultice + 2 shield sphere -2 bonesaw + 2 shield sphere -4 quest for the goblin lord (yeah i know, but he is slower than you would think) + 4 Goblin Guide -4 rally the forces + 4 goblin chieftan -4 trumpet blast + 4 galvanic blast
JMS does a lot better job of controlling though, and you will be lucky if your jace's ult goes off, however, i will try to make some better suggestions for casual play >.< counter spell > cancel mulldrifter is a nice draw and a creature depending on how you use him, which will help you some against more aggro like decks merfolk looter because of the extra draws is a great idea, particularly with the Sword of Body and Mind, also a creature with shadow wouldn't hurt for that role either sorry about being so harsh earlier >.< i have been playing around with competitive legacy/vintage decks on OCTGN too much recently
i would say - 2 dawnglare invoker and + 2 kor spirit dancer sideboard some kor firewalkers maybe? bear umbra is good add in some mana ramp, you don't really have enough lands right now I would drop a bunch of creatures in general actually, you shouldn't need that many think about uril, the mist stalker, but he is the wrong color so you would have to redo this deck, so isn't a must at all, just food for thought you should have closer to 24 lands when you have no mana ramps and no turn 2 or 3 win conditions that make it not needed
so is vampiric tutor
oh sorry was writing this apparently while above posts were being made >.<, i took a break part way through to do something lol, and any fetchland that you have that has fetch for island would prob work
1x eldrazi in opposing deck == gg on a side note: JMS (Jace the mind sculptor)>jace beleren since this is not std FoW (Force of Will) & Daze > cancel jace's ingenuity is not the best 3 draw, but ok add some fetch lands, they work great with the crab -3 kraken's eye, come on you can find a better card to go along with this deck theme than that eh on counterbore, but ok if you really want it, but 5 mana is sorta steep for a counter Jace's erasure seems a bit slow, but if you really want It ok, but I would take out 2 and put in something else instead i would actually turn this into a u/b deck and add a lot of discard to make it more viable, but up to you so thats my opinion, but I am probably being a bit harsh if this is just a casual deck, sorry on a last though, a merfolk looter + sword of body and mind may help your deck too
naw I just play more next turn, besides hopefully i already have a bunch of tokens out by that point
correction: not up to changing now, will change later
yeah about to majorly update, sorry was my first time working with a legacy control deck
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