
466 Decks, 554 Comments, 95 Reputation

i built a sorta similar deck, but instead of collected company value i had lotus cobras and a top end of primeval titans fetching colonades, and sun titans getting back knight, retreat or geist. i've found 1 dryad arbor to be really good, since you can tutor it up with fetches, and with retreat it functions like a lotus cobra. not sure if it would be as good here, since there's not as much of a top end to ramp into, but its worth a little playtesting if nothing else. sweet deck, let me know how it fares!

Posted 29 December 2015 at 08:32 as a comment on Knightfall [Modern]


good ramp off the top of my head would be sakura-tribe elder, wood elves, farhaven elf, solemn simulacrum, sol ring, mind stone, coalition relic, and far wanderings. Right now, the only really sweet graveyard bomb that comes to mind is death's shadow. now on to generally sweet cards i think you should check out.
necromancer's stockpile is ridiculously good in zombie decks, especially in tandem with cards such as patriarch's bidding, zombie apocalypse, and grimoire of the dead. call to the grave is a great way to chip away at your opponent's board without touching yours. skullclamp is one of the best draw engines in the game, and is especially potent in a deck like this. unholy grotto and volrath's stronghold are incredibly powerful lands for your deck. speaking of lands, you should raise the land count to 35 or 36. of those lands, more of them should be manafixers such as fetch lands (verdant catacombs, evolving wilds, terramorphic expanse, etc) or other types of duals (llanowar wastes, opaline palace, etc.). other sweet zombie tribal cards would be cruel revival, soulless one, lord of the undead, and ghoulraiser. dread summons is also a great way to fill up your graveyard and get a bunch of zombies. life from the loam and golgari grave troll will do a good job of filling up your graveyard.

now to make room for some of the above cards. I think there's a few easy cuts here. first of all, archdemon of unx is actually anti-synergistic with zombies, since if it is your only non-zombie you will have to sacrifice itself, thus becoming a 7 mana 2/2. also, deathspore thallid is unfortunately pretty horrible outside of dedicated saproling deaths, due to how slow it pumps out saprolings. i dont think you have enough artifacts or a flexible enough mana base to fully support phylectery lich. also, for some reason you have 3 maindeck primitive etchings, so you can drop 2 of those. I have also noticed you have so few creatures with cmc greater than 4 that quicksilver amulet probably actually isn't very productive. personally i've never found reclaim very impressive. if you really want the card though, and easy swap is for regrowth or treasure find.

well, that's all i got at a glance, though im sure with a little research you can dig up many more sweet cards that i've neglected to mention. feel free to take as much or as little of my advice as you want, and good luck with the deck!

Posted 29 December 2015 at 08:15 in reply to #569475 on growing grave


scourge of valkas, dragonspeaker shaman, and dragonstorm would be sweet in here. in my experiences with EDH dragon tribal, akoum hellkite is pretty underwhelming unless you are running boundless realms or some other ways to abuse it, so that's something to drop. not sure what else though, looks like a pretty sweet list.

Posted 29 December 2015 at 07:28 as a comment on EDH Atarka, World Render


ok sorry i had to get that out of my system. i built one a couple months after erebos came out, and ever since i have been wondering why noone else has one, it's just sooooo fun and very good.
When i was thinking of getting my erebos deck, i made two very different lists. the first was a lot like this one, using pox/smokestack effects and recursive beaters. the second list had almost no creatures, prefering more removal, more discard, and a bunch of mana doublers, with only a few incredibly powerful win cons. I ended up getting the second list, but i loved both and someday may make the first one aswell.
Anyhow, i have a few suggestions. gate to phyrexia is a great, since one of the biggest weaknesses of mono black is the inability to deal with artifacts. liliana of the dark realms is also an auto-include. i was skeptical of it at first, and it only barely made the cut in my first draft, but now i wouldn't drop it for anything. in this deck it may be even more powerful, since guaranteeing land drops for bloodghast/akuta and smokestack/pox effects can be so crucial. on the subject of liliana, ravens crime is super good. you have no idea how many games it has won me. Braids also seems really good in here as just another smokestack effect. curse of the cabal and massacre wurm also seem like great fits for the deck.
overall, great deck! let me know how it treats you

Posted 19 August 2014 at 23:44 as a comment on People live a long time


unfortunately i dont have time for any lengthy comment at the moment, so i'll just suggest earth surge. love the deck!

Posted 09 August 2014 at 20:56 as a comment on Alpha and Omega


...i appreciate you.

Posted 08 August 2014 at 18:59 in reply to #492369 on Combo of the Year.


it started way back when Force ofvWill was just printed. a pro player said "force of will makes any blue card the best card in the game." it just so happens storm crow was printed in the same set, and so people said "ZOMFG STORM CROW IS THE BEST" and the rest is history.
personally, i am a huge fan of storm crow. i run one in my Norin the Wary EDH. i kid you not.

Posted 08 August 2014 at 18:57 in reply to #492292 on Combo of the Year.


tutelage and tombstalker. the definition of fearless. all of the style points.
since this deck is for flavor, why not tomb of urami?
also, though he isn't a demon, death's shadow would be sweet, and still on theme sorta.

Posted 03 May 2014 at 00:28 as a comment on The daimonic


sweet deck! I actually built my friend a kraj deck a few weeks ago, and it is a lot like this, but much more budget especially in the land base. we found viridian joiner, nantuko mentor, heritage druid and arcanis to be really really good, if you want try those out. it also runs a lot more untap effects like horseshoe crab and pemmin's aura, and to top it off orochi leafcaller for easy infinate mana with an untap and adept. blue sun and genesis wave make an appearance as solutions to that stupid amount of mana. but on the other hand, i like your build which features less infinates. sometimes its nice to just sit back and enjoy a long game, not trying to combo or insta-win. all around, great deck, i wou- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNO-TOAD!

Posted 21 April 2014 at 15:35 as a comment on Scrape the mucus off my brain


it's all good. i often find myself in the same situation, with a deck i want to build and suddenly all the cards i thought i had gone. it's a sad experience.

Posted 26 March 2014 at 01:41 in reply to #449070 on Star Arise


Thanks allot! yeah i was looking at crucible, but my problem with it was that i couldn't figure out what to drop. yeah it converts land-drops to 2 colorless rituals, but if you really think about it, that makes it just a less dependable worn powerstone. and when looking through the deck, i couldn't find a spot for powerstone, so no spot for crucible either. thanks for the comment though!

Posted 23 March 2014 at 04:51 in reply to #449540 on Eldrazin'


No problem, glad to be of help. i didn't know this was on a budget, what with rings and petals. way back when i had a super sketchy casual reanimator deck, and my MVP was definately overeager apprentice. though he took a turn to play, he provided both a discard outlet and a mana source effective enough to hardcast if all else failed. might be too slow in this built though.
i'll be looking for this rumored legacy deck when you get it up, but i'm not on the vault enough so can't guarantee fast comments or anything.

Posted 23 March 2014 at 04:44 in reply to #449070 on Star Arise


looks fun! i'd run reanimate over exhume due to the lower CMC and the fact kusho will be gaining life back anyway. also, with 4x victimize, it might be a good idea to run a few more creatures. blood pet would be nice since it could also funcion as a mana source. or rotting rats could be really good, since they help to discard kushos and can be used twice. speaking of discard, liliana of the veil would be really good.

Posted 20 March 2014 at 23:19 as a comment on Star Arise


unfortunately i believe mirror still casts, and therefor is stopped by endless swarm's epic. also dryad arbor seems worse than a forest in this deck, what with not being able to tap for mana and being more vulnerable to removal. and manamorphose doesn't seem to make much sense in here -- you're trying to ramp and draw, but it manafixes and as for draw only replaces itself. also this deck doesn't have much draw. i would personally take it the turbo-fog rout, and running font of mythos, temple bell/rites of flourishing, and a bunch of fog effects, running endless swarm as the finisher. if you go that way you could drop your ramp for the fog effects because they'll stall long enough for you to hardcast without the ramp, or you could run more summer blooms as ramp since the card draw will make them much more effective.

Posted 06 March 2014 at 19:31 as a comment on The Endless Swarm


any reason you're not running thalakos seer? i find him to be beyond incredible in ninjas.

Posted 24 February 2014 at 18:41 as a comment on Because Ninjas


this deck is awesome. not sure what else to say. only thing that comes to mind immediately are fetches for the the adventuring gear. it may seem that running fetches just for one card isn't really worth it, but i run a fetch (unfortunately i only own one) in my Erebos EDH just for my one ob nixilis, and it does so much work. then again, ob's ability is much more powerful than gear's, but i'd say it's atleast worth giving a shot at.

Posted 24 February 2014 at 18:16 as a comment on What the Fox?


woah, this deck is nasty. i've been tinkering with my own mono-black EDH and this gives me some ideas. this list looks very optimized, like each card choice was made only after extensive thought. love it. my only suggestion might by gate to phyrexia, in my experience black has allot of trouble with artifact hate, and i've found that it in combination with bloodghast or some other instance of recursion does the trick.
also, i was wondering if your playgroup (which as far as i know consists of you, swn and wumpus and some others) plays more multiplayer or singleplayer EDH? 'cause this deck seems much more like a single player deck, and i was curious how it fares in multiplayer, or if it sees multiplayer at all.
once again, sweet deck. love the stuff you build.

Posted 24 February 2014 at 16:44 as a comment on Where is my mind?


i was running those when i first built the list, but i found they slowed the deck down too much. yes they provide for some great late game with necrotic, but this deck is trying to win in the first few turns, and necrotic is only to be fetched off homing sliver in all-else-fails situations. when i was running manawefts and gemhides, i found when i dropped them turn two it would take a full turn longer to swing for lethal damage, and if i waited and played my more agressive slivers first, by the time i played the manaslivers i didn't need the mana they generated. so i dropped them. however, you'll notice i have one in the sideboard, i side it in against more controlly decks so in the late game i can fetch it off of homing and do some necrotic shinanigans.

Posted 23 February 2014 at 23:07 in reply to #441357 on modern slivers


try -1 thought seize -1 elspeth +2 hero

Posted 20 February 2014 at 04:58 in reply to #440488 on B/W Tokens Modern


i agree with all points made here.

Posted 20 February 2014 at 04:56 in reply to #440488 on B/W Tokens Modern


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