
466 Decks, 554 Comments, 95 Reputation

i think you should lean a bit towards token generation, such as dragon fodder, fists of ironwood, imperious perfect, ant queen, etc. also, you should add at least one more mycoloth, and focus in on more copies of a smaller amount of creatures. and you are missing what i think are the best cards for R/G devour: Dragon Broodmother, Soul's Fire, and Elemental mastery. think about splashing white with Jungle shrine for Mayael's area. i also play a R/G devour deck, which is fast and regularly pumps out 10/10's turn three. please check it out:

Posted 09 June 2010 at 17:00 as a comment on devour deck


no Sedris, the Traitor King? and what is the main strategy?

Posted 09 June 2010 at 16:27 as a comment on Crypt of Agadeem (U/B)


Sedris, the Traitor King seems relevant. i think that fireball would be more relevant than consume spirit, considering that you can only use black mana on it. i think anothe liliana vess would help, considering all the cycling cratures you have. also, what happens in u don't get crypt of agadeem? and you might think of throwing in some more fast cards, such as blood husk ritualist. otherwise, looks like a fun deck.

Posted 09 June 2010 at 16:25 as a comment on ARISE!!!


that looks NICE!!!!!! man, this looks like a great deck. i want to try it, but i dont have the money... man, and its even got a nice mana flow... this looks like an awesome deck. but deathless angel might help to keep your army alive when you wrath of god. otherwise, this deck just looks awesome!!!!

Posted 08 June 2010 at 21:42 as a comment on FALLEN ANGELS


y rootbound crag? Y? and y 26 land? 24 or less should do, considering nothing is above 3 mana. otherwise, cool deck.

Posted 08 June 2010 at 20:13 as a comment on Level Up!


the highest mana cost in this deck is three, so why so many lands? i would run at most 20, maby even 18, and through in some drawing like muldrifter, ponder, things like that. and i think Drowner initiate is better than cathartic adept. also, where is tramatize? otherwize, cool deck.

Posted 08 June 2010 at 19:59 as a comment on Jacerator


man.... it looks slow... but besides that, i've been looking at a deck like this for awhile. this deck looks like it'll fare well late game, but get rocked early game-- we'll have to see...

Posted 08 June 2010 at 12:43 as a comment on Abyssal Persecutor


oh, and how can you have a deck named "strength in numbers", and not have Strength in Numbers?

Posted 08 June 2010 at 12:34 as a comment on Strength In Numbers


take out atleast 2 dragon broodmother or 2 flameblast dragon. sorry but 8 creatures at 6 mana and 2 and 7+ is a little much for a deck with only 12 cards of mana exel. i'd say you should then add 2 rampant growth, and 4 dragon fodder/fists of ironwood, mainly because they are solid second turn cards and will give more fodder for helkite hatchling and your remaining dragon broodmothers. but it looks fun

Posted 08 June 2010 at 12:33 as a comment on Dragoncaster Outmast


i made an ola's temple deck list a while ago, and showed it to my friend, who made a deck of it. it was AMAZING-- if it got ola's temple on turn 1. otherwise it would loose horribly, no matter what, even if he got it on his second turn. heres a tip though: add a bunch of library arangers: Ponder, Sage of Epityr, Sense's divining top, and sage owl are some of the cards i used. they make quest for ula's temple even faster. and if they seem stupid late game, thier good with dijin of wishes -- another card in my friend's deck. with a bit of swaping cards, i think it would be a nice deck.

Posted 08 June 2010 at 12:03 as a comment on beware the kraken


i am a huge fan of mycoloth, and will always will be. i simply love the card. this deck looks awesome, and i used to have a fungus/saproling deck that looked something like this. how about coat of arms? thats always lots of fun. think about splashing red for Thunder-Thrash Elder and Soul's Fire (the exact simple combo that led me to making my devour deck), maby even furrystoke giant and Elemental mastery. soul fire is a simple win condition with big devour creatures, and thunder-thrash elder is devistating with fists of iron or elemental mastery. and furystoke giant -- well, its furystoke giant. and you can always devour it to use it again with persist. This deck looks fun, and reminds me to finish my playset of mycoloth. Nice deck man.

Posted 08 June 2010 at 11:52 as a comment on Strength In Numbers


looks cool, but to keep this deck from being pretty slow, you're going to have to using the kickers as just late game bonus. this is strange because you will want to save the quick cards because thier kickers are amazing. so i would suggest some mana excel, like giant growth, lanowar elves, kadoma's reach and things like that. but the deck looks fun. i've always wanted to make a kavu deck...

Posted 07 June 2010 at 19:45 as a comment on Kavu Clan


looks cool, but to keep this deck from being pretty slow, you're going to have to using the kickers as just late game bonus. this is strange because you will want to save the quick cards because thier kickers are amazing. so i would suggest some mana excel, like giant growth, lanowar elves, kadoma's reach and things like that. but the deck looks fun. i've always wanted to make a kavu deck...

Posted 07 June 2010 at 19:45 as a comment on Kavu Clan


this deck looks AWESOME! i've always been a fan of mycoloth, especialy in my token/devour decks. but it looks a bit slow... maby lanowar elves could help u with that. why only one scatter the seeds? it isnt good enough to be played in only one coppy. i'd suggest to add another, or take them out and add another rampant growth. and think about splashing red for Thunder-Thrash Elder and Soul Fire.

Posted 07 June 2010 at 17:45 as a comment on And it Grows


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