good point.... i was just wondering about why i did that. thanks for pointing it out, and i'll make the switch.
leyline of lifeforce shoud be on sideboard, not main deck. and Radha and Lovisa are Legendary, so u shoud have only 2 of each at most. i think Overrun and Twinblade Slasher woud be good addisions to this deck.
no elvish archdruid??!!!
Cloudpost. and make it faster. oh, and by the way, put in more islands, take out 2 reaper king (thier legendary), and put in 2 fabricate.
ya, when i first thought of this change, i thought that the win conditions would conflict too much. but here's the thing -- the only Countryside Crusher win hurts the other, but it guarantees getting a treasure hunt, which is then played to soak up more land, and possibly a fling, to send them over the top. so it actualy helps almost always more than it hurts! but i've noticed that this deck would be overly voulnerable to counters, just as you have said. but i think that if i just play it differently (by actualy playing more than three lands), i should be able to avoid mana leaks, which are the new favorite counterspell. thank's for the comment and rating.
well, the idea is to mulligan until you get a hand with either 2 or more treasure hunts, or a treasure hunt and a seismic. that way, it guarantees the combo will be pulled quickly. i want to have as little spells as possible, because i don't want to run into something with treasure hunt too soon. though i'll think about adding a few preordain. thanks.
looks like a nice deck. i have a R/G devour deck like this, and it does really well. my deck is slightly more aggro oriented, which i have found works better in R/G devour, because a 10/10 on turn three is usualy better than a 76/76 on turn 10 or 11. so here are my recomendations: Elemental Mastery (tokens to devour, or token rush), Fists of Ironwood (trample, tokens), +3 Thunder-Thrash elder -3 bogart ram gang (TTE is fast, and should never come out as over a 7/7, and though bogart ram gang is good, it doesnt go with the theme), -4 Kazandu refuge +4 Jungle shrine (you'll see y later), -1 manamorphose -1 hellspark elemental +2 dragon fodder (dragon fodder fits better with deck), -4 Wild Nacatl +4 Llanowar elves (mana exel is better for this kind of deck), -2 Predator dragon +2 Furystoke Giant (Predator dragon, though good, wont help much b/c its lack of evation, and furystoke is another win condition). i have other recomendations, but you'll find all of them if you check out my devour deck: please comment.
you realize spore burst will only give u one saproling?and with 19 land, this deck will never make it. my fungus deck needs 23 mana to play well, and wouldnt be able work at all if it had less than 22 (i know this from experience). so i'd suggest taking out spore burst and Echoing Courage (saprolings dont have a name) for 4 more land. i have many more suggestions, but i dont feel like writing them down. so check out my fungus deck for ideas. it does really well.
i'm not going to drop joraga, because i only need to level it up once. i can treat it as a 1GG 1/2 with T: add GG, which will work really well. even in late game, i think that soul's attendant isn't a bad draw -- against token decks, it will still give you life, and even when your not facing tokens, it will still give you aleast 2 life. i have 2 ionas so that i have a higher chance of drawing them, though i do see your point.... so i'll take one out to put in an angelic Arbiter. and i'll take out one land for another arbiter. thanks for the help.
wow, nice deck. the only recomendation i can make is just to add Wall of omens for early game defence and card advantage. otherwise, it looks like an awesome deck. please check out my angel deck:
cool idea. i like the swaps you have made. my only recomendation would be to relook at the lands and exchange second wind for 2 greater auramancy or 2 essence scatter. otherwise looks nice.
i was already thinking of doing that, and i would be happy to see your take on an extended version of this deck. once your done, please post the link. i'll have to take a look.
Thanks for the positive feedback. it works by equipping Paradise mantle to any of your creatures, so you can tap them and float mana of the right color and use that mana to untap them, creating infinate loops. thanks for the compliment.
good idea. i'll take out 2 Order of Whiteclay for 2 puresight merrow. thanks for the comment.
Thanks for the feedback. this deck does okay against decks packing high removal, but it is slowed down considerably. for example, i was beaten a few times by a kind of R/W burn my friend had created, and because of my deck, a simple shock is almost always a kill spell. but most of the time i could beat him by baiting his Lightning bolts with small threats, then pumping out 3 or 4 druids in one turn, hopefuly enough to set off my combo. the times he beat me were when he drew strait removal -- lightning bolt, shock, lightning helix, etc. -- or when he would hold me off till turn 4, where he would through down and one of the Ajni's in his deck. and thank you for showing me Autumn's Veil -- that's going right to my sideboard!
thanks so much! i totaly forgot about Saproling Symbiosis. i'll make sure to swap 2 seedspark for 2 sap symbyosis, and 2 seedspark for Aura shards. if you have any ideas for what else to take out for more of these cards, please comment.
aura shards is an amazing card, and i will definately consider putting them in. the only problem is that i need more token generators for mycoloth. that is why i have seed spark. and without it, it would be alot harder for me to get tokens. so if you have any recomendations of what kind of sap generators for me to put it, do tell. that way i will be able to afford the aura shards.
Aura mutation is definately good, and i'll think about putting it in. but the problem is that it doesn't get artifacts.... so for now i'll stick with seed spark. i agree that pollenbright wings are amazing, but i have no idea what i should take out for them, especialy considering they cost six..... if you have a recomendation, please tell me.
you realize that joraga Treecaller, if you level it when it comes into play, is practically 1GG for a 1/2 with T: add GG? that means it is way better than Fyndhorn Elder, so you should make the exchange. hope i helped.
Tendrils of corruption, and Corrupt are musts. get them. Blood tribute and Temporal Extortion can help imencely, and, well, Divinity of Pride is just fun. hope i helped.
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