take out 2 twinning glass for 2 more thrumming stone. elves of deep shadow/birds of paradice should help mana flow. Sakura-tribe Elder can also help mana problems, and verdant catacombs should help getting enough swamps. essence warden or Deathgreeter for gain life (if you find it needed)? swarm of rats for offence, and Primal rage to give everything trample? looks like a good start.
-4 sprout, +4 tukatonge Thallid. and you need Essence wardens and/or Soul warden/Soul's atendant. and probably another two mycoloth. otherwise, looks great.
wow. i have a deck that is almost identicle to this in real life that does great with my friends. i am unbelievably surprised you have the same thing.... looks good. if you want any tips, look at my deck.
you need 4 dragon fodder and 4 thunder thrash elder -- not just two. Soul's fire is ridiculous, and is a win condition with devour. i like the idea, but you need ways to have your huge creatures evade blockers, and you need quick ways to pump out tokens. ideal candidates are Fists of Ironwood (does Both), Nest invader, Imperious Perfect, Tukatonge thallid and possibly even Dragonmaster outcast. You will Need 4 Savagelands. And Dragon Broodmother is a must. overall, looks like a good start, and with some work it should be a good deck. please check out my take on G/R devour: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=66559
Uh.... i don't understand... Translation Please?
4 Vampire Lacerator is a must. and Black knight is nice too.
ok, so here is my 1st take (definately not a final draft): http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=73259 It is based almost entirely on mana exel, and is only 1 color (with the exeption of splashing for Artifical Evolution). Please comment so i can see what you like and dont like.
the mana exel will help alot, but you still need atleast 2 more land. i'd say to take out 1 sliver legion (because it costs 5) and 1 Myclolth (same reason, and it isn't part of the combo). Actualy, i think i'll make my own version of a deck like this so you can check out my ideas. i'll post the link when i make it.
how about stigma lasher? that would be ridiculous with haste.... and everlasting torment should help aswell.
This looks like a sick deck. but dropping it sixty cards will help it's reliability. to do this, i would recomend taking out 2 ashling the pilgrim (because it's legendary), 1 lava axe (becauseit costs alot and doesnt go with the theme), Furnace of wrath(because it benifits your oponents), 2 Flamekin Spitfire (because it's ability costs too much), 1 Fiery Hellhound (because it's worse than Flamekin Brawler, which i will talk of later) and 3 lightning elemental (because it is 4 for a 4/1 Haste, not a good deal.) then, i would replace 4 flameslash with 4 flamekin harbinger, take out Sunflare shaman for 2 more brightheart baneret and 2 more Incandescent Soulstroke. then, take out 2 fiery Hellhound, 1 Lighting Elemental, and 1 fire elemental for 4 Flamekin Brawler. through in 4 Nova chaser for 1 Fire elemental, 2 Valakut Fireboar, and 1 claws of valakut. exchange 2 lava Axe for 2 Beacon of Destruction. also exchange 4 heat ray for 4 Banefire. take out 1 mountain for 1 Valakut the molten pinacle. also, think of adding Primal Beyond and Smoke Braider (also mana exel) to splash other colors for things like supreme exemplar, Horde of Notions, Crackleburr, Eyes of the Wisent, Hoofprints of the Stag and more. Hope i helped.
Thanks man. i totaly forgot of Sign in Blood. Thanks a bunch. and though Diabolic tutor is good, it's cmc is too high, and i will be drawing so many cards, it wont be funny. so i dont think i will need it.
Wow.... this looks like an awesome idea. but you will need more than 20 land. add 4 Seaside citadel. i'm not sure what you should take out... but looks nice. and whichever sliver gives everything doublestrike (i forget which one) would be amazing in here. think of going more toward black b/c of the amazing amount of tutors. looks great.
-2 clone, +1 Splinter twin, +1 Rite of replication should help. and i would suggest exchanging 1 Minion Reflector and 1 obelisk of bant for 1 island and 1 mountain, just to help the land count. otherwise, looks like a great deck.
-2 solemn offering, -1 Swamp, -1 plains, -1 lightkeeper of emeria, -1 suffer the past, -4 tendrills of Corruption, -2 Essence feed, +2 Angel's Mercy, +2 Rest for the Weary, +2 Felidar Sovereign, +4 Marsh Flats, +2 Divinity of Pride. That should help. and Eternity Vessel is always fun.....
-3 Air elemental, +3 Sara Sphinx. -2 brainwash, +2 pacafism. -3 Wall of Spears, +3 Plumeveil. -2 Ethersworn Shieldmage, +2 Angelsong. -3 Crusade, +3 Honor of the Pure. these are all the obvious suggestions i can think of off the top of my head.... and i definately agree with kaim arouet -- you will only need 24 or less land.
i know about beast of burden, but at 6 mana it is to high for the curve. thanks for the comment.
you only have 4 soldiers in the deck... and how is this supposed to win?
Sounds like you are into fungus... in wuch case, please check out my fungus deck -- i think you'll enjoy it: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=67280
Looks like a good idea, but i think for a wolf deck it should be mono green and be focused primarily on Wolf tokens, and Secondarily on Elves. if you decide to make it this way, i'd suggest Wolf-Skull Shaman, Wren's Run Packmaster, 2 or more howl of the night pack, and some elvish mana exel. But if you are making a deck based on Ajani Goldmane, look more toward mono white. if you decided to make this mono white, i would suggest 4 rest for the weary and 2 or less angel's mercy, Cradle of Vitality, Felidar Sovereign, possibly Angelic Chorus, and other generaly good things that i cant remember.
You should deside to either go with "ANYTHING that gets me Saps" or "FUNGUS that give me saps." i say this b/c most fungus are only realy good in a fungus deck. if you choose to go with fungus, you will definately need Thealon of havenwood, and it would be a good idea to splash Black for deathspore Thalid, Savra, queen of the Galgari, saprogenisus, etc. and where is Mycoloth??? you NEED mycoloth!
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