This deck looks awesome! the only problem is that almost everything costs 5. i'd think of cutting out the verdant embrace for awakening zones, and dropping 2 ryhse the redeemed (they're legendary) and adding another tukatonge thallid and overrun. but if you plan no stalling untill you play your tokens, then i'd suggest instead putting in some wall of blossoms, Carven Caryatids, and things like that. hope i helped.
i made a deck based around Treasure hunt and Seismic Assult aswell. it works realy well in casual, and is very fun to play. here it is: Deck link:
go to 4 consult the necrosages and down to 2 mind rot. Psychic drain is not as good as it seems (i know this from experience), and i would recommend replacing it with traumatize. ribbons of night are good, but i think Mind Control would be more fun. also, baduka bog (not sure of spelling) would be really nice in place of a few swamps. otherwise, throwing in Geth, Lord of the Vault, Beacon of Unrest, Necrotic Ooze or Liliana Vess could be fun. i would actually suggest taking out perplex for mana leak because not being able to counter something big can be the deciding factor of the game. also, think about Mind Funeral. hope i helped.
the one called Taurean Mauler. oh, and Mothdust Changeling can be a one drop chicken.
joraga treespeaker is effectively 3 for a 1/2 with T: add GG if you level her on the turn she comes into play. so she's better than greenweaver druid. otherwise, this looks like a realy cool deck. just watchout for day of judgements, wraths, and the like, and sideboard some gravity well/plummet. Hope i helped.
YES. i want it. though it could use some improvements. look into creatures with changeling. i might steel this idea...
replace hand of emrakul with artisan of kozilek or Iona, shield of emeria. Emeria, sky ruin would also work well in this deck. soul's attendant will help lifegain. conclaves blessing should be taken out for another armoured ascention. kinsbale kavilear (not sure how spelled) is better than white knight when your not playing against black. Kor Cartographer and knight of the white orchid can help with mana exel into your larger creatures. serra angel can be replaced with baneslayer, if you're not on a budget. etched champion seems out of place.
cool! my friend used to have a deck like this that was really good. i would recomend putting in red for reckless wurm, avatar of discord, and others. maybe even chandra ablaze and Dread Slag. idk. think about it.
wow. i like it. all i'd suggest is maybe 2 more land and contagion clasp. maybe swipe out a sarkhan for a koth (more mana exel). nice deck. i might make one like it.
I like it.
dragonspeaker shaman, if you cant get your combo? and KOTH!!!!! (the best mono red mana exeler)
realms uncharted
hey man, just returning the favor of commenting on my Deck Trading. if you think about it, you'll realize that Joraga Treespeaker is better than greenweaver druid, because if you play it and level it up in the same turn, it is effectively 1GG for a 1/2 with T: add GG to your mana pool, wich is ridiculous in mono green. also, cut down to 2 Omnath, because they are legendary. and Rampant Growth or Explore would be realy grate to get this deck up an running quickly. also, if your running 4 Scythe tiger, i'd recommend adding at-least two more land. maybe take out 2 terastadon for a fourth terra stomper. hope i helped, and good luck. oh, and u wanted me to tell you the link for Deck Trading V2, so here it is:
you're completely right -- i'll add in four on my next version, Deck Trading V2, to be made tonight.
i think i might actualy go with Time Reversal, because i just realized that it gets rid of my opponents hand entirely, which is my only danger once i lay down a Shared Fate. but now i want 4 of them.... i think i'm gona stay away from mana leak, for the same reson as before, and instead add wall of frost -- that should keep them at bay. i'll definately make a new version of this. i'll call it Deck Trading V2. but i wont be able to do so untill later tonight.
i would put in mana leak, exept that it would undermine me as i play their deck. i forgot about time warp, which makes me feel very stupid, though idk what to take out for it. maby Mind spring? same deal with time reversal. please tell me what you think i should take out.
this is a really cool idea. i've made a few Hoofprints Decks, but i haven't thought of an enchantment one. i'd suggest atleast 2 more land, maybe a few Tranquil Thicket and Secluded Steppe, and 2 retether, just in case? good luck, and hope i helped.
Thanks man! ghostway is the perfect card. i'll add some in.
no you cant. you can only sac non-ooz creatures to ooze garden. oh, and i cant believe you missed blitz hellion.
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