wow, i cant believe i forgot that. i'm going to drop 1 bridge for 1 of it, though i'd rather run 2....... i'll find something else to drop. thanks!
yeah, parasite is out and needle is in. was actually thinking of swapping lavamancer and deathrite anyhow, which should make it more resilient to graveyard shinanigans. i really wanted to run surgical but there wasn't anything for me to drop, maybe i'll slide out 2 deathrite for 2 of them. Thanks for the feedback!
always a pleasure aid fellow fungi brewers. i agree that adding pod and corresponding curve would change the core of the deck quite a bit, which could be sketchy at this stage. and i do not think you are crazy in the disliking of savage -- being a 5/2 at 5 cmc, he does the opposite of what fungi are all about, and for that reason i've never run him in any of my numerous fungus 60 cards. however, in thellon EDH, i would definitely run him -- not so much as a fungus, but as an asceticism that also ups my fungus count, if that makes any sense. then again, if your meta doesn't run much regenerate-friendly removal, the protection wouldn't as necessary and so neither would he. so i guess it's up to preference and meta. I was planning to hold out on building my thellon EDH until wizards printed more fungus (IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY I SWEAR), but after seeing this list i'm tempted to go ahead and try it now...... hrm.......
YES FUNGUS. THE ULTIMATE CREATURE TYPE. this build definitely gets my seal of approval. However, that doesn't mean I don't have any suggestions: contagion engine will wipe away an army while multiplying yours, even more so with sporoloth and/or season effects. to a less devistating but much less mana-intensive end, plaguemaw beast is an option. diabolic intent would be nice -- sacing a saproling for whatever you deem necessary at the moment is pretty awesome, and extra sac outlets are always good. also, you missed two good fungi: spore flower and savage thallid. now correct me if i'm wrong, but the weakness of the deck is the fact there are not enough playable fungus in print, and so it can be hard to get the ball rolling. Given that, i've come up with three solutions:the first is Birthing pod. Pod not only allows you to ditch your not-so-fun(gi) organisms for those lucky few who make up the undoubtedly greatest animal kindom of all time, but also offers another sac outlet and the opportunity to run a pod curve, for which i suggest death greeter, wirewood herald (elves and fungus go hand-in-hand), eternal witness , caller of the claw, viridian shaman, savra, queen of the galgari, yamivaya elder, orzhov euthanist, etc., etc. My second solution is patriarch's bidding. it maximizes the value gotten out of each fungus, and is absolutely disgusting with conspiracy down. my final and in my opinion best solution is hibernation's end. it works your way up your fungi curve, from thallid to deathspore to germinator to sporesower to sporoloth/mycoloth to nemata to pentavus to a soul-crushing craterhoof. i dont know what could possibly be more disgusting than that. and that's it for my suggestions. over all, i really like this list. Hypnotist looks sooooooo clutch, i can't believe i haven't seen him before. well done.
much better, however i think now you've actually got the oposite problem -- you've got too many tutors. if i'm not mistaken, fabricate seems so much worse than muddle the mixture and shred, so i'd drop them. that leaves you with 2 open slots, i'd probably run a 3rd surgical and move your sideboarded go for the throat to main. with the third surgical, thats probably enough grave hate, so i'd move the second shred to where go for the throat was in sideboard, and run a single angelsong in that opened slot. or maybe i'd leave shred in and put angelsong in side instead. but that's just my preference, you can do whatever you want with those 2 slots. and now that i've looked at the sideboard, i really like what your doing with the added toolbox pieces. really cool stuff. my only issue is sacrament. usually it's really good, but with only 13 black sources, i think that it'll just sit in your hand for way to long. that leaves you with 2 more slots in sb, i think disenchant would be nice and i say if you don't fit it in main board, angelsong would be sweet.
agreed, you cannot transmute off the scepter. after looking further at the list, i suggest 3 mtm 1 shred split, i feel you already have the surgicals for graveyard hate and the shred will be tutorable, and mtm really shines on the stick. probably include around 2 shred in sideboard.
i had forgotten about shred memory, and that is a pretty cool trick. i feel MtM is allot better on the stick than shred, but shred is really sweet graveyard hate. i say its sorta a meta call -- with more graveyard based strategies, shred, and with less, MtM. maybe you could run like 2 mtm 2 shred mainboard and 2mtm 2 shred sideboard so you could swap out for whatever is best in each game. also they tutor for eachother. cool stuff
this actually looks really cool, especially for being so budget. there's only 2 issues i have. the first is that you have a total of 6 effects that will shuffle an opponents library, and yet you are running playsets of both psychogenic and surgery. the second issue is you have no tutors and very little draw, making it really hard to hit that needed scepter. being on a budget is tough, so here's what i say you do. Muddle the mixture. it hits scepter, seek, psychogenic, surgery, pox, charm, hopes and distress -- yeah, thats 24 of the cards in your deck right now, including the stick and the best things to put on it. it can even go on the stick if you have nothing better. so now that we know what to put in, what do we drop? well, why not kill two birds with one stone? -2 psychogenic -2 surgery +4 muddle the mixture. Now, weather you like it or not (though i dont see what's not to like), you are running a really huge toolbox. this means you can drop to one-ofs on things that seem a little shaky. i still think the total of 4 "when opponent shuffles" effects is to many, so i'd go -1 surgery and -1 psychogenic (leave one of each so that you can tutor for the best one in the right situation) and +1 scepter (since the density of its targets is increased with MtM) and +1 whatever you like. i'd probably run a go for the throat (that way you have spot removal in the toolbox) or path in that spot, but you can do whatever you want with it. i am also not a big fan of distress, especially with a budget land base, and would run raven's crime or maybe cry of contrition over it. unfortunately, this is the type of deck that can only be so good with budget lands, but i still think it looks really cool and is a good take on modern. nice building.
wow, you remember my decks better than i do. you are the previous whiteandblue? i cant figure out how to friend you, but the intent is there i assure you. i guess i can see how lilliana's +1 could backfire in this deck, with so many deathrites running around. and come to think of it, i agree, there's nothing really to drop for lingering souls. My feel for this archetype is pretty shot after so much time off.
Hello, i'm not sure if you remember me because i took a few years off, but i'm more or less back and i'm trying to re-learn how to use Vault now that it has gotten all fancy. Really cool list, psycho probe has been one of those cards i've looked at off and on for a while thinking "there's really evil potential in this..... how do i do it....." and i think you've found it. looking at those 14 color producing lands makes me squirm a bit, but i'm a little rusty and you really know what your doing and do serious testing, so i'll take you at your word on that. i really feel like i've lost allot of my feel for these type of designs in my time off, so i will not suggest and instead i'll ask -- have you tried lilliana of the veil or lingering souls in lists like this? are their effects not powerful enough, or are they to much of an investment at 3 mana?it's good to see you and most of the possy is still around, i'll be sure to check out some of your and their newer decks, see if i can re-gain my touch a bit.
what i'm saying is that if it doesn't reveal a card, it skips to the next part of the ability because it says untill instead of If. if you don't beleive me, you can look it up.
It does work. Charbelcher doesn't say "if you reveal a land," and so it's ability just goes as far as possible (reavealing the entire deck) before progressing to the dealing damage section.
drop explosive vegetation for skyshroud claim, drop rampant growth for natures lore, drop explore for khalni heart expedition, and boundless realms is overkill -- drop it and 2 primal bellows for a playset of harrow. honestly, you've got to many win conditions. if i were you, i'd cut dourbark and traproot kami (it's better to just race their speed with your ramp than use a turn to play something to stall) for 2 more forest (despite being a ramp deck, you want to have enough lands to hit atleast your first 3 land drops), 4 harmonize (with this amound of mana you'll need the draw) and 2 of a more sollid win condition than dourbark. maybe wurmcoil engine, the rest of the primeval titans, or avenger of zendicar. that should set you up with one hell of a casual ramp deck.
Sorry to be the party pooper here, but doublstrike doesn't effect trepon blade. it triggers when a creature attacks, not when it deals damage.
ancestral recal, Goblin Lacky, Mystical Tutor, Vamipiric Tutor, Imperial Seal, skull clamp, sol ring, mana vault, glimpse of nature, demonic cunsultation, the list goes on.
if gruul gets anything relevant it will beat ass. it's already got rootbound geist, flinthoof boar, and huntmaster. with just a little more push, it could be very ugly.
that is because i had missed the adding of flamekin. i had coppied the decklist and ended up with 59 cards, so i had added an extra thug. i realize i had somehow missed flamekin. the cardsleeves must have stuck together or something. my bad.
in this deck, if i reanimate griselbrand, i win. if i reanimate a zealot, there's a chance i wont have enough tokens, or my opponents will have enough blockers. when i hit griselbrand though, my entire deck flips, and i get bragillions of zombies. because my deck flips, i only need one zealot, because my entire library will be in my graveyard, and therefore zealot will HAVE to be in my graveyard. but your right that griselbrand may be overkill at 4. dropping it to three may be a good idea. it's just that it's also good because if u have extra you can pitch it to ichorid..... if i were to drop it to 3, should i grab an extra land or my last eye-daimond? thanks for the comment!
this decklist is not finished, but yeah, it is crazy. could you to me a flavor, and check out my "Griselbrand Dredge"? it's the dredge deck i needed help on. Thanks!
dude, unfortunately you weren't the first one to think about it, cause i was building a deck like this just a few days ago. however, it is a very new decktype. storm is a cool idea for it, but i think that 4 conflux and 4 cruel ultimatum might be a better win condition (it's the win-con i'm running). i likes the deck, and burning wish is a great idea, i had forgotten about it. i'll add it to my design.
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