then why not be a true 'merican, and run a Ruhan of the Fomori EDH. RUW agro funzies.
you're colors will be GBU and your general will be Damia, sage of stone. and here is the decklist of my dredge spin off , for you sure and WnB. thanks!
u know, for the first time i can remember, i thoroughly disagree with how you have gone about making this deck. i mean no offense, it is just that i would make low cmc tempo deck with lots of cmc 2 and 1 creatures with evasion, and you've made something incredibly different, in fact, wildly different. one thing i do like very much, however, is omniscience. never played it once, but still one of my favorite cards ever, just for the OMGWTF factor. my friend played it once, using this really wierd, thrown together GU ramp deck. he hardcasted it, and then said "AND NOW I PLAY:" he waited, creating a very dramatic pause before playing the only card in his hand, which was the only memnite in his deck. i laughed so hard i almost died. i've been taking a break from the vault recently because i've been busy trying to create a deck which may well become the first legacy tournament deck i will actually get the cards for. i'm super excited about it but have very little idea of what i'm doing, considering the deck will be my take on a deck type i am notably inexperienced in, dredge. do you happen to know who on the vault would be willing to help me out? despite having no idea what i'm doing, i feel it has the potential to be tear 1. thanks, and maybe i'll try my hand on an edric EDH aswell.
are you one of those "dies to removal" people? yes, if you were to counter mindshrieker i would probably loose, but the key is to play around that. if they have mana untapped, wait for them to tap out. also, mineshrieker has a low enough cmc that usualy you are able to drop him turn two without the risk of countering (especially if you were able to reveal a chanceler of the anex at the beggining of the game).
Remember, this deck also works if you get a hand that has an unburial rights and faithless looting. it is not fully reliant on mineshrieker. so the occasions you speek of are very rare. however, you are right -- once in a blue moon, this deck will not be able to function, do to a lack of drawing an apropriet hand. however, i feel it is the same with many other decks out there, and so it doesn't fase me much.
tabernacle is added. i personally dont like delay. i'd rather have holyday or chant imprinted. but thanks anyway!
this looks pretty awesome sure, i likes it. personaly i like running 3 jin, and i would drop elesh for that, but your right when you say elesh is a godsend in some matchups. i'd call this deck BU, on account those are the color spells you'll be casting. I've kinda been taking a break from the vault, as what i'm working on right now includes planechase 2012 which isn't up yet, but this is a nice deck to see upon returning. Though i feel like a lowly beggar for asking, could you check out this deck of mine? got the idea a little while back, and though it's a rough draft i think it has some potential:
Trust me, the fetch lands are worth it. i have a UB mill myself that uses tons of fetches and the crab along with lotus petal. i once had a turn 1: lotus petal, lotus petal, hedron crab, hedron crab, scalding tarn (mill 6) into underground sea (mill 6) , memory sluice + conspire (mill 8). thats a total of mill 20 turn one. and yes, if you add fetches this deck will be quite suicidal, but i've found that just ads to the fun. if you really, REALLY dont want to be that suicidal, i would drop confidant for brainstorm and watery grave for islands/swamps before loosening up on the fetches. they're just to good to be true.
Do you want this to be off-the-charts awesome? then do the following. -5 island -3 swamp, +3 scalding tarn +3 misty rainforest, +2 watery grave. that will take maximum advantage of your hedron crab. after that you need overpowered draw. Thought Scour doesn't cut it, as milling 2 isn't signifigant enough for just 1 blue mana. and you want an absolutely possitively horribly overpowered draw engine. so, -3 thought scour, +3 dark confident (also helps w/ memory sluce's conspire). Increasing confustion is actualy really bad. think about it -- it's hardly useful w/out it's flashback cost. and in this deck, which is a fast mill deck, you dont want to spend the one blue to get it into your graveyard. then, because this is fast mill, the largest you'll ever drop it for (mostlikely) will be for 5. that means X=4, and you mill 8 cards. now look at archive trap. tutors and fetches run wild in legacy, and even if you hardcast it, it's 5 for 13 cards. -3 increasing confusion, +3 archive trap. i'm not a big fan of jace's erasure - i tend to run Shreik Horn over that -- but it's your call. overall, good start to a good deck. Hope i helped!
glad to be of service! it looks pretty damn good now. now that you've mentioned it, i see how the sac outlet isn't necisary.... i just really like the idea of a mass-zubera sacrificing. it would be pretty awesome. though i feel like a lowly begger asking this, could you help me with this deck? it's been giving me quite a bit of trouble, and you have more experience in iso-themed prison-ish decks.
Firespout is actually really good in this deck because i use it aggressively. instead of waiting until the opponent has good board position, i use it to whip after just a few creatures, disrupting their decks flow. it is also really good because i can use it to target either flying or nonflying reliably do to the landbase. preordain is a good idea. i thought about bonfires, but they are just to much mana, even with the mirracle cost. Sylvan library is a good idea, but i dont really like the loosing life aspect, and it's not really necisary; between the tops, brainstorms and guilles this deck has no problem with laying down mirracles. Sage owl is a good idea, but i dont think it will cut it in this deck. i see it beeing pretty useless after i drop a top or guile. then it will just be a 1/1 flying for 2. but thanks for the ideas, i think i'll find a spot for preordain.
Yeah, i'm really surprised noone has realized the mirri's guile + mirricle idea. but surprisingly enough, this deck doesn't seem to run too smooth -- i usualy just get a little to much burn. i'm thinking of dropping some burn cards for some more creatures or tempo cards. what do u think?
eh, did it anyway. actualy it is hardly similar at all....
Probably the first time i've said this, but i dont really like the looks of this deck. The idea is great, it is executed in a way i would not have preffered. i feel you need some sort of sac outlet for the zuberas. I would go with He who Hungers. and where is Infernal Kirin! this is B/U, and a Spirit deck. this is perfect for him. you also need atleast 3 sources of evation for your cutpurse. i would use Hired Muscle, Kami of the Waining moon, or Gaurdian of Solitude. i'd do -2 dream salvage, -1 ponder, -2 Helm (costs too much mana), -1 perplex. then i'd do +3 infernal kirin, +3 source of evation. i'll be honest, i'm not sure what to drop for He who hungers, but he's the least necisary of my suggestions. hope i helped!
DAMNIT SURE! i was going to build a deck extreemly similar to this. :(
Since Emrakul is banned, Choose to run kozilek or Ulamog instead. Ulamog gives you removal and has evasion, but kozilek gives you card draw which can be incredibly powerful with this much mana. your choice.
How would you go about getting a profile picture?
i'm not a big fan of jund charm, but that's more a personal preference. I'm expecting there to be vengevine's and bloodghasts..... maybe some fauna shaman? And definately Lavamancer. hell, i want to make a Lilliana-Jund deck now.
Thrumming Stone, dark ritual and blood pet.
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