Honestly (and this is my untested idea) try gut shot, I believe that's what it is called. 1 damage kills most first turn drops, or any illusion. And paying 2 life second turn is worth the bloodthirst imo.
The lavamancer doesn't fit this deck, all the other creatures are aggressive. I would drop all 4 and add some vapor snag, I think those will play out better.
I really don't think the chancellor fits this deck all. The way this is built, getting 7 mana would take too long.
You really don't need all those sets of 4.
Hey thanks, It's one of my favorite decks.... and I dislike infect :P
Thanks for looking at my deck. My opinion for your would be to add some equipment, or enchantments. viridian claw?
Okay, but id rather another arbor elf rather than explore. I don't see explore helping this deck much at all...
Hey thanks, I have most of the cards for this deck, bit I wanted some fresh opinions.
Ohhh, don't you those fetch lands, land coming in tapped only slows you, and for infect, that is bad. Also, if you add a melira or two, your hydras have a tough time dying.
This is supposed to be tournament material?
Really not sure how I forgot about that wolf spell.... but I'm not sure where to fit lone wolf in, I really like it, because it works with the snake enchant drawing.
Nice idea.
Maybe some sign in blood? A little draw goes a long way.
It is a very nice spell, but gigantiform both makes my creature larger than the armor would abd also gives trample, which is the back up win condition. Very often I can get anywhere between five to seven infect by the third turn. Even without livewire, drawing into the enchant makes a pretty simple finish.
And your win condition is?
Imo, this deck should work off of 20 land, which gives you some more space for things like beast within.
I would suggest some culling dais. It both allows card draw, makes chump blocking less wasteful, and of course, can combo with the sky ruin. Or a carnage alter, which works nicely with a mana loop.
Imo - 4 Master's call - 4 Spawning breath -4 Brood birthing + 4 lighting bolt + 4 ichor wellspring
Not sure a red deck isn't running some lighting bolts, but I've been wanting to make this deck myself, but I've only got 3 raids, if I recall. I don't think the spawn spells should he there either, its simply too limiting. Maybe spell bombs or shrines would work better.
I'd your going to be running those blades, shouldn't you have more removal?
161-180 of 188 items