Also if you own Pillar of Flame we could also work it so that you add a playset of those in here as well.
I like the idea of this deck and Ive played an all american control deck with limited cards myself(no snapcaster mages). Looking over this deck I would drop the 2 Righteous Authority, 2 Hypersonic Dragon's plus 2 lands(1 Mountain and 1 Guildgate). Put in 1 Dissipate,2 Martial Law and 1 more Inaction.
I have yet to play against a boros bushwacker deck everyone at my local FNM likes to play NET decks cause their all idiots who have no imagination and spend hundreds on NET decks that still LOSE most of the times to my own creations.
Oops wrong on turns sorry sometimes by turn 6 though it will kill.
This deck does seem slow YES but trust me it works.....Ive played against mono black vampires and turn 4 hit em for 9 plus killed off a creature or 2 along the way.... Other games Ive played with this deck have gone.... 1st tap land 2nd land Putrid Leech 3rd land Blightning or Terminate depending on the game hit for 6 4th land Bloodbraid Elf Cascade into Ball Lightning smash for 15 GAME OVER..... its RARE I know but still I have yet to lose with it.
I remember playing against a deck like this with my mono black deck I used Darkness and Damnation to stop that easy deck.
Only 18 land here hmmm I dont think thats enough for this deck if anything at least 4 more land trust me.
Ive seen this deck b4 and it works but not against me I stomped it with 2 cards..........Darkness then DAMNATION.
I had to put in Pyroclasm because I only own 1 Volcanic Fallout and my local store didnt have the other 2 I needed.
Sorry but this deck would so not be legal in any tournament.....Why? You ask.....Cause you cant play more than 4 REFLECTING POOLS......must be a noob.
What do you do to counter EVERLASTING TORMENT?..... Everlasting Torment would just wreck this deck.
Unknown.... dude what are you smoking all they have to do is play a bunch of his creatures and have Savra out then either attack with the other creatures or use them as FODDER for blocking then when blockers are declared BOOM you SAC em off to Savra.
I like the deck but if anything Id get rid of the Harbringer cause what else do you search for besides another one seems useless.....Id put in burn(Lightning bolt,tarfire) also deny reality is a good late game card but when you play a turn 4 Mindlock and they get rid of that then a turn 5 Heavyweights would be a bad card to try and get out.
Sideboard is 4 Nameless Inversion 4 Inkfathom Infiltrator 3 Sygg River Cutthroat 4 Wanderbine Rootcutters
My black rogue deck isnt on mtgvault anymore for some dumb reason so here it is...... 4 Oona's Blackguard 4 Oona's Prowler 4 Nightshade Stinger 4 Prickly Boggart 4 Frogtosser Banneret 4 Stinkdrinker Bandits 4 Earwig Squad 4 Morsel Theft 4 Noggin Whack 4 Profane Command 20 Swamp
Id rather play 4 Profane command than Smother just because they are still standard legal and dont play Pie Sneak either not in this deck instead 4 Oona's Prowler.... take a look at my Black rogue deck for a better choice.
I think my stuffy doll deck is way better.
Sorry but you can only have 4 Ancient Ziggurat in your deck.... overall its ok but can be way way better. Dramatic Entrance rings a bell for Progentius.
You should take a look at my type 2 4 Colour Control deck that I made a few days ago is just rocks all kinds of decks.
What no Dark Ritual ahhhh the real good ole days and Korlash hell ya.
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