I would stick in more Fallowsage and also Ink Dissolver plis more Harpoon Snipers plus more Sygg take out Deepchannel he's useless really... here's the deck you should have...... 4 Stonybrook Banneret 4 Merrow Reejerey 3 Drowner of Secrets 3 Judge of Currents 3 Silvergill Adept 3-4Ink Dissolver 3 Harpoon Sniper 3 Summon the School 4 Sage's Dousing 3 Sygg,River Guide 4 Rune Snag/Remove Soul/Oblivion Ring/Unsummon/Boomerang/Broken Ambitions/Pollen Lullaby 3 Stonybrook Schoolmaster
Here is the ultimate redgro beat down deck with a turn 4 win. Creatures 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Primal Forcemage 3 Groundbreaker 3 Timbermare 3 Murderous Redcap 4 Giantbaiting 3 Spark Elemental 4 Incinerate 4 Riftbolt 4 Shock 4 Boggart Ram Gang Land 10 Forest 10 Mountain Sideboard 4 Disintegrate 2 Sudden Shock 3 Blaze 2 Vexing Shusher 4 Keldon Marauders Run it,Love It,Kill with it. This is my own person standard deck it works very Well.
This must be an old standard deck cause Scab-Clan,Burning Tree and Solifuge are no longer standard.
hmmm no frogtossers??
or you could put in 2 Mortivore instead of Liliana Vess. Sideboard could be 4 Mortivore 4 Cruel Edict 3 Terror 4 of whichever you didnt take from the list above.
Are you trying to make this standard?? If so here is a deck for you 20 Swamp 4 Augur of Skulls 4 Hypnotic Specter 4 Ravenous Rats 3 Mind Shatter 4 Stupor 3 Megrim 4 Distress 4 Mind Rot 4 Funeral Charm 4 Tendrils of Corruption/4 Comsume Spirit/4 Sudden Death/4 Nameless Inversion your choice... 2 Liliana Vess
Oops 4 to many Disintegrate put in 4 Keldon Marauders instead.
try this deck of mine....... Kills turn 4 Creatures 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Primal Forcemage 3 Groundbreaker 3 Timbermare 3 Murderous Redcap 4 Giantbaiting 3 Spark Elemental 4 Incinerate 4 Riftbolt 4 Shock 4 Boggart Ram Gang Land 10 Forest 10 Mountain Sideboard 4 Disintegrate, 2 Sudden Shock 3 Blaze 2 Vexing Shusher 4 Disintegrate Nough Said.
Turn 1 Forest llanowar Elf turn 2. Mountain and Primal Forcemage turn 3.Forest or a mountain and another Forcemage. turn 4. Mountain/Forest then with 4 land and llanowar out play Timbermare 1st keeping 1 Mountain untapped then play Spark Elemental smack your opponent for 20 and call it a Day.
1st things 1st in every Red/green agro deck you need burn and fast stuff here is my redgro deck just for you to see and its a turn 4 killer.... Creatures 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Primal Forcemage 3 Groundbreaker 3 Timbermare 3 Murderous Redcap 4 Giantbaiting 3 Spark Elemental 4 Incinerate 4 Riftbolt 4 Shock 4 Boggart Ram Gang Land 10 Forest 10 Mountain Sideboard 4 Disintegrate, 2 Sudden Shock 3 Blaze 2 Vexing Shusher 4 Disintegrate
My Deck Creatures 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Primal Forcemage 3 Groundbreaker 3 Timbermare 3 Murderous Redcap 4 Giantbaiting 3 Spark Elemental 4 Incinerate 4 Riftbolt 4 Shock 4 Boggart Ram Gang Land 10 Forest 10 Mountain Sideboard 4 Disintegrate, 2 Sudden Shock 3 Blaze 2 Vexing Shusher 4 Disintegrate Turn 4 Death to you can you see the play?
red/green haste-like trample decks need Timbermare nough said.
Dude your forgetting Timbermare for one and 2nd only 1 spark elemental..... dude my redgro deck that was kinda like this but all Standard would make this deck look like a joke.
26 land is 2 much for one bring it down by 4 then cut the 2 peppersmoke put them in the sideboard same with Distant Melody.... cause you dont really have that much creature removal ie Remove Soul,Rune Snag,Cancel,Unsummon,Boomerang so you'd only be trying to get more of your faeries into your hand with that so it just seems a bit wasteful cause you might end up using the melody and end up with more than 7 in your hand and have to pitch cards you really want to keep.
Thank you smartypants I was thinking of putting fallowsage in but the high mana cost to me says NO...... I would of also made it with white and put in Judge of Currents with Sygg and harpoon sniper but i thought about trying to go more mono colour agroish....... cause Id say 75% or more of the time I seem to get mana screwed.
I agree with Tobias take out Magus also take out ivory mask for true believer and lastly take out the Moat cause if you dont only Reveillark will be your only attacker.
Or you could try to play Kithkin Zephyrnaut.
Im surprised to see a black/red gob deck that doesnt play any Wort's or even Mogg Fanatic or even the Murderous Redcaps.
i like it.
i like the deck but yeah I agree with Tobias put in 4 Brigid and id take out the 4 changeling and put in 3 Brigid and make Ballyrush also 3.
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