Well for one the Blackguard and Prowler no 1 that Ive ever played against that has a faerie deck plays those 2 plus the people Ive played against with faerie decks only ever seem to play with Mutavault conclaves and the faeries you list in this deck minus Oona,Glen,Jace,Liliana nor Pestermite... you need 2 cards for a 60 card deck minimum and I say 2 land heck you could also try Wasp Lancer...but either way you need 2 land.
Not really TjsMagicGirl the only really difference is the Mind Shatter cause I know 2 guys who have black/blue faerie decks and play at least 2-4 Damnations.
Just seems kinda useless to have 1 of's though you know... and conclave can do beats for 4 with 1 Glen and 1 Scion out or can be used as a blocker just incase of fast decks and this deck for sure needs more mana a faerie deck needs at least 21 or more mana so 2 conclaves would do fine.
or how bout Pestermite?
Instead of 1 Damnation and 1 Mind Shatter would you consider 2 Faerie Conclave?
There is an elf creature thats power and toughness is equal to all the elves you control ianman and its standard its called Jagged Scar Archer.
If anything since Wolf is right about the elf thing Id put in Runed Stalactite then equip it to your Wolf Skull then no matter what you get your wolf.
1st off GOOD deck I like it..... Akroma as for what the -6/+1 symbols mean heres the short version.....Ajani gets 4 counters on him when he comes into play then you get to use any of the abilities on the side as long as he has correct amount of counters so when he comes into play you can gain 2 life right away and make ajani a 5... on your next turn you can either gain 2 more life or put +1/+1 counters on each of your creatures.....putting ajani back to 4.. keep it up till there are 0 counters.
Id play the Hypnotic Specters and even Shimian Spector cause not only do you get some cards outta their hands you also get copies of those spells out of their decks as well.
oh yeah and I also dont play the Snitch..... instead I play Profane Command.
from what I can see the choices are easy...... put in Frogtosser Banneret,Earwig Squad,Ooana's Prowler.... that is all.......take out the Macabre,Fodder Launcher, and Link trust me Ive got a powerful rogue deck minus the Prickly and Squeaky Pie Sneaks.... i play Corrupt and Tendrils of Corruption instead.
1st thing I see that needs adjusting is Primal Command even though its a good card the high mana cost makes it useless against my Red deck or even a blue deck..... Id take that out for something more agroish like Boggart Ramgang or if Blue is giving you some issues you could always use Guttural Response and the Susher and even Raking Canopy or you could even put in some Mudbrawler Raiders as for anything else maybe Lignify.
Thank you Smartypants I'll take a look see at ur deck......
What about Shivan Meteor or Lightning Axe?
Oops duh I meant Noggin Whack helps you stay ahead with card advantage at least.
Pestermite is fine if they have at least 1 blocker out or if by some Miracle you still have the 2 Frogtossers in play.
and why you dont have Earwig Squad or even Morsel Theft I'll never know.
Why not use 4 Rune Snag instead of the 4 Ruse?
Well I can tell by Standard you mean just a goblin deck not Type 2 Standard cause Shrine and War Strike among others arent Standard type 2....... good deck all around.... did u think about Goblin Grenade or Mogg War Marshal?
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