My other rogue deck only lost to 2 decks a Blue/black faerie/razormane masticore deck and a blue/white wierd deck that had merfolk and a strew of other cards.
Its called Hasties Kill.
check out my redgro deck thats also pretty nasty and hurtful to my opponents.
I like it but Id put in more Forcemage's really and take out the Arbor's and add 1 more Farhaven elf.
I put in Rathi cause of 3 reasons....1 He would end up a 2/4 for 1 if Blackguard and frogtosser are out 2. He can help me get through my opponents creatures by tapping them 3. He can also help kill creatures after I turn my opponents into 0/2 with sudden Spoiling.
1.Nova Chaser 2.Taurean Mauler 3. Sudden Spoiling 4.Sudden Death 5. Terror 6. Nameless Inversion 7. Spark Elemental 8.Brightearth Banneret 9. Flamekin Harbinger 10. Rift Bolt 11. Incandescent Soulstoke 12. Smokebraider 13. Cruel Edict 14. Shriekmaw..... only to name a few hope all those help.
I think I might just revamp my mono black deck and add squeaky with sudden spoiling main board.......
This deck looks nice I hope they bring back some of the ravnica cards again cause damn who can live without Glimpse that card was the BOMB.
I put in pestermites cause well I can flash it in at anytime and with 1 frogtosser and 2 Blackguards out it becomes a 4/3 for 2 that can help in the Killing process.
I was thinking about taking out Noggin whack and putting in 3 Pie Sneaks cause even though Noggin whack is a wicked turn 2 drop after hitting with Nightshade I might put it in the sideboard and take out the Unmake's.
So then maybe 3 nameless inversion and 10 swamp 10 Island and 3 Reef's?
No Aemageddon Helix isnt type 2 legal.
heck even 2 more Blooms would be just as good.
And the reasons for Berserker? You champion NOTHING wasteful and useless card in this deck play 1 more Clockspinning and 1 more Visions.
How do you enchant Gibbering descent to youself?? Gibbering descent's ability happens on both players upkeep not just yours.
you'll be LUCKY to get a land every 4 cards with this deck.
Dude your forgeting Imperious Perfect thats so needed in any elf deck. it pumps all your elves plus it makes elf tokens for G and tapping it.
Fill in a 60 card deck wtf are you talking about I see 60 cards.
This deck would die to my Millfish and Rogue deck and Redgro hasties deck.
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