Its true Dagonium this deck is poor you should look at my rogue deck for a really good deck.
Sage's Dousing is great cause just look at the deck a good chunk of the merfolk are WIZARDS and you get to draw more cards and with Bannerets out Dousing cost at most 2.
Since you like some old school goblins might I suggest goblin grenades.....and just for even more fun mogg fanatics heck even some mogg war marshall they're always fun.
Avalanche Riders would be Ok in this deck but I thought about using the Redcaps instead cause of the persist but I guess they could make the sideboard if I take out either tarfire or shock's.
Boom Smash Death.
I put in 2 Cloak's cause I dont have 4 Earwig's nor 4 Prowler's.
or you can even play sages dousing.
1st off get rid of Paperfin he's useless.... if you have the money get sygg and get rid of 1 commerce cause 4 of them are also useless play 3 and 3 only trust you have some options on what to do with this either get rid of the 3 paperfins and 1 Commerce and get yourself 3 Sygg and 1 more drowner of secrets or you can play 4 fallowsages or even Harpoon Sniper or you can play 2 more drowners and 2 more witsnipers or you can make it blue mill and put in silvergill adept's and traumatize.
Darn I guess that would beat my 1 Shock and 1 Land hand ahaha.
I would Akroma but this is a standard deck.
I dont know Spell Burst is ok but to counter something that cost a person 2 to play and put it back into my hand it would cost me 6 seems kinda dumb dont you think?
have you thought about the Golden Cricket? or even Paladin en Vec? and to play Wrath of God dude you only do that if your on the losing side of the battle how about playing Holy Strength? What about Mantle of Leadership? Or how about the Wilt Leaf Cavaliers I like the Shield of the Oversoul as well..
Just cause they are unblockable with Deepchannel doesnt mean they are burnable..... this deck would be rocked by my mono red burn deck.
for black discard depending on if your trying to make this a standard deck or not take out all your 1 of's 1st and also take out Mind Stab cause its only half decent against a blue deck and even then its still make this a standard deck and to keep cards out of your opponents hand Id put in Hypnotic Specter's Augur of Skulls,Mind Rot, Stupor,Mind Shatter all those work and Megrim as well plus The Rack its a good 1 drop early also Mortivore.... the more creatures that die the better.
He is a good one true but why pay 3 to mill for 3 when you can tap fallowsage with drowner out and mill for one plus draw plus if you have Merrow out you can always untap land or even fallowsage when you play your next fish then just keep it going.
DAMN way to many 1 of's not good.
Hey Dx those 2 cards are in Merfolk decks for 2 reasons.... 1 cause they draw you cards Adept when he comes in and Fallowsage anytime he gets tapped (ie attacking or tapping for drowner or even Summon the school) thats why they are both good in Merfolk decks.
If only Mana Tithe and Savannah Lions were standard.
You could play Call to the Netherworld instead of Corrupt cause that is kind of a junk card in this deck and since Last Gasp isnt standard anymore try Namless Inversion... I would also put in Shriekmaw unless you play mono black as well but for 2 mana you get 2 creatures into the grave beefing up Mortivore.
10 Plains and 10 Island
101-120 of 269 items