
234 Decks, 150 Comments, 27 Reputation

Oh jeez 31 lands. Are you mana screwed often

Posted 15 January 2021 at 02:03 as a comment on Life is Beautiful


a few things i have learned making and studying the control deck.
1. you need less variety to get the consistency you want.
2. your victory should be inevitable if the game goes long. your threats should be extremely hard to deal with.
3. you need to make sure the game goes long.
4. resource denial is the name of the game. you need to block card draw or mana hopefully both.
5. positive resource trades. you will be trading life for the card

Posted 21 January 2020 at 02:05 as a comment on UB Control (needs help)


worldgorger combo xantcha is great. however, hour of promise is a trap and imo your curve is to high for adnaueseum. its like you've built a semi storm deck from legacy. if your trying to storm off you need more tutors to get your combo piece, i would add cards like defense grid, that new 1 drop that blocks casting, and what not to stop disruption. if you just want to go for infinite mana with world gorger then i might get some other ways of generating infinite mana, like rings of bright hearth with your basalt monolith and just vcut all the storm ritual stuff. anyways sick build though

Posted 12 July 2019 at 06:25 as a comment on Xantcha Control



Posted 01 January 2018 at 05:31 as a comment on goblin makes comander


I'm not critizing you. I thought when you posted it as unloved you wanted advice or ideas. Enjoy your deck

Posted 31 December 2017 at 21:41 in reply to #610001 on Muzzio Big Artifacts EDH


I'm surprised there isn't an arcum dagson, kuldotha forge master, master transmuter, tezzeret the seeker, scultping steel, copy artifact, phyrexian metamorph. What about the card draw and some cheap interactive stuff

Posted 22 December 2017 at 09:31 as a comment on Muzzio Big Artifacts EDH


A lot of it depends on who you play with. If you have a very casual group then it's fine. But as you acquire more wins, people will gang up and/or improve their decks. Then speed will be the issue. As the need for speed increases the monetary price goes up as the curve goes down. My play group is super spike cut throat and one of the best decks is child. It plays amazing low cost disruption, almost no permanent besides land and o e shot things like snapcaster. It kills with good old fashion beats.

Posted 09 August 2017 at 00:09 in reply to #603972 on Spoiled Brat


Oh ok, I see.

Posted 09 August 2017 at 00:03 in reply to #603971 on Boom, Headshot


i might stay away from creatures in general. you just dont need them. child can get plenty of kills all by herself. you have access to thebest removal and disruption in the game being 5 color. you might consider taking advantage of the cheap ones

Posted 05 August 2017 at 07:38 as a comment on Spoiled Brat


it seems like this deck might gas out rapidly. like im envisioning you have a hand full of acceleration, some removal, land, and like a draw spell. you drop your ramp, cast your removal and then kinda hope for a draw spell every couple of turns or one of your wind fall type cards. or this deck is beast and it works like a charm.

Posted 05 August 2017 at 07:20 as a comment on Boom, Headshot


i know it seems good but you really do need to get some ramp, removal. ect...

Posted 05 August 2017 at 07:10 as a comment on Sliver edh


i played this deck for awhile and there are a couple cards that were always back breaking when the came out.

luminarch ascension-either they attack you and you get soldiers or they dont and you get giant angels. this card is a dick punch.

angels trumpet- this card is so devastatingly explosive that it will die almost immediately. if they can kill it they will. a hall mark for an excellent card.

ancient tomb- i know its a bit expensive but it is rapid acceleration coupled with soldiers. it should already go in every deck but in darien it does miracles.

path of bravery- it pumps and it gives you life for attacking not just doing damage so lifelink and this doubles up.

worship- the way this card works is that damage cant kill you if you have creatures. it doesnt prevent damage so if you get hit for ten and your at 1 you still get 10 soldiers.

stoneforge mystic + steel shapers gifts- it is so important to get skullclamp.

windbrisk heights- attacking with more then three creatures is easy.

Posted 02 May 2017 at 23:30 as a comment on Mono-White Suicide EDH


your deck seems sick, but it looks like you might be a little light on draw. sylvan library, harmonize, slate of ancestry, collective unconcious,mouth//feed, freyalise, garruk, caller of beasts, monri rade, garruk primal hunter, regal force. just some suggestions.

Posted 02 May 2017 at 23:12 as a comment on Saprolings Are Our New God.


This general is awesome. I played him fir awhile and he can be a nightmare. I do have a couple pieces of advice on hiw i would tweak the seck. The main problem is that your opponenta are drawing cards they can use to disruot you. So you need to negate that. Arcane lab is great for that, so is winterorb, stasis, things that stop them from blowing up your pwrmanents. Consider increasing your xounter apell count to negate the draw back of helping them draw outs to your death wheel. Grip of chaos can be tough as well as blood moon, back to basics, ruinatin, kill switch, that way they are helpless but to sit their and just get pounded. Even have outs but wrong or no mana. And even if they do have mama and the destroy spell, you waiting with the counterspell.

Posted 23 April 2017 at 00:00 as a comment on Draw! ~ Nekusar EDH


I can tell you put a ton of thought and work into building this deck. You remind me of me. The one piece of advice i have is that you trying to do it all and will get parts of everything then you will tutor for parts meanwhile the other parts are getting destroyed. Sometimes yiu will be a baller pull it off but alotbif time it will not unfold correctly which will get frustraing. So heres my advice trim out all the combos except like two. A main plan amd a back up. The ones you chose should have as few parts as possible. The rest ahould be disruption and card draw to reach your combo pieces or tutors. Increase land count to like 38, your a blue deck. You want to hit land drops every chance you get. Good luck the deck looks awesome

Posted 22 April 2017 at 23:50 as a comment on Lady Ultron


The deck looks sweet. My only advice is that your curve seems high for the amount of mana ramp that you have. It seems like each turn you would be deciding what ine thing you wanted to do which really limits tour options late game. I would try to get more impactful lower mana cost spells so that you have many options and increase the amount of mana so you can really take advantage of all the card draw tour doing

Posted 22 April 2017 at 20:12 as a comment on Take Control


Kaalia was my first edh win because of that she has a speacil place in my heart. I noticed that your deck seems light on draw power with only three spells. As a fellow kaalia player you know that kaalia is a number one target. You need heavy draw to get more demons and such in your hand and have the access to removal you want as well. I wiuld try necropotence, nights whisper, promise of power, and the like to fuel kaalias madness. Also you dont have to play as many demons ect if your drawing more whih is nice.

Posted 22 April 2017 at 19:41 as a comment on Kaalia EDH 2017


I played numot for a long time. Something i found interesting was that making him unblocksble was usually worse then just killinh the enemy flyers plus that same spell could be used defensively and deatroy their annoying creatures. As you well know, once you sit down to battle anything can happen and the more veraatile my moves the better you are. Also numot cost a billion mana and i usually like to cast him and have some sort of defense up like a counterspell or a fog or a destroy spell. So alot of ramp is really important as well so you start casting numot early and begin blowing up lands. Finally the strangest thing ive learned is that you dont need to many creatures besides numot. He kills people all by himself.

Posted 22 April 2017 at 19:02 as a comment on Here come the police : EDH


Your playing one of my favorite generals of all time. I have been playing him for awhile and their are a couple allstars that i play that are both cheap and absolutely backbreaking for the opponent. Nightshade peddler and basilisk collar. They allow marath to deal lethal sniper shota on enemy creatures.

Posted 22 April 2017 at 18:14 as a comment on Adventures in dice land


The deck looks sweet. But i noticed no instants. As a five color general yiu have access to some of the most degenerate cards instants in the game. Great opportunity to play all of them. Also you seem light on acceleration. Five color dwcks can be a little clunky in the beginning without proper acceleration. Some spell based land ramp like skyshroud claim, nature lore, ect ..can be good as well because they dont get seatroyed when baby go boom.

Posted 22 April 2017 at 18:09 in reply to #509851 on The Ugly Baby


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