
234 Decks, 150 Comments, 27 Reputation

white sun zenith i would cut. sweet tech but ghave is or god in this case. no deviatiopn from the true

Posted 26 August 2013 at 03:32 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


ok enchaments these are going to be super beast anything not back breaking an awesome is out. on that note
..iam going to build a have deck when this is over and post it.
bowers passage. not good.
collective blessing: good but there is stronger
diversionary tactics good i like that it can tap down something like ulmaog huge kresh ext..but those arent good enough reason to add it.
growing ranks and into the wild: populate is a lame ability in yourcase you only make one ones so meh. into the wild can be replaced with better ramp(oddly enough creatures ramp this time.)
underworld connections: we can do better.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 03:31 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


sadistic hypnotast: seems nasty but hes a little off theme and is a huge threat. replace with mindslicer of myogin of nights reach.
sigil captain seems good. idk if he would make final cut. making the three is pretty sweet thoug. but hes a maybe for me.
skirsdag making one 5/5 a turn is weak sauce.
slum reaper is a not good version of fleshy bag murderer.
basically no creature making tokens i a fan of. replace those with ghave. :)
souls attendant: better things out there
triskel..: worse version of triskelion. and he could deffinatley be in this deck instant win with mikaeus.
solarion: doesnt do anything besides get bigger nd he doesnt have then mirrodin ability that transfers counters so meh.
unruly mob: no evasion no protection and a lame late game draw. cut
victories herald, evasion sweet. life gain is meh cut
i like volturus zombie cool ability and it anywhere but... your not miling and lord of extinction exist so...meh.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 03:12 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


fertilid. there are just better ways to ramp.
faceless butcher: underrated removal very good but..your run white which easily has the best removal in the game.
gigantomancer and elder of laurells creature based power is a weakness because if the kill it your effed. cathar's crusade crecendo of war, ext.. harder to remove red cant do it black cant do it blue only temporarily. but everyone can kill the eff out of creatures.

healer of the pride: life gain is always not worth it in edh unless you are hurting your self badly. and i personally would put exsanguinate kokusho ext..

hells's cartaker. there is just better. karmic guide, revilark, suntitan, chainer, then all the the black enchants that do it. oh good thought angel of despair would be amazing. saffi eriks dotteror whatever its called.

wildbeast master again only o so. i would replace with crater hoof behemoth. comes into play and al your saparolings and everything else get massive. oh man rampaging baliths. I shudder at the thought of those guys in thisdeck.

aqua strand spider: very weak: We want fire power. we want a billion mana and drop bombs on there face. this guy isnt the one to do it.

plagued rusalka: i see here shes tempting: she kills indestructible. but again your running black and white. we can do better.

i kinda like lumber not hugethreat hard to deal with fits theme:. but possible cut hes good but he's conditional but a deffinte maybe in my book.

mentor of the meek : good in alot of mono white decks but you have alot of free non creature(read hard to get rid of) draw . so good just wrong deck but right deck, as in syngery theme but underpowered compared to other options.

miotic slime: fun card and the idea of just eating this guy over and over with a doubling season and some sort of boost effect makes me smile but he doesnt do anything with out them. so i would scratchthis one.

necropolis regent : i would have to play test but triple black in a three colored deck seems hinky. but that can be easily circumvented. so it works but again creature ramp but with a single antheme your creatures demand a board whipe or the opponents face certain death.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 03:10 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


ok coll and i hope i didnt offend i know how it is you put your proverbial blood into a deck and to have some stranger tell you its no good is Super annoying. i dont mean anything negative i just want to help.

on that note hears wht i personally would cut WHY i would cut it and what i would replace it with.

armillary sphere: your green your major adavantge and what makes it the strongest color in edh is its ramp.
replace all artifact ramp with cultivate, kodama's reach, explosive vegitation, farseek, ect.

crown of convergence: is just a bad card. +1 isnt strong enough. replace with top. or mirris guile.even oracle mul daya.

mimic vat:never does whatyou really want. and you attract huge attention wants you get a creature and the annoyance of other people when you take it. alot of political hate for not alot of card. replace with phyrexian reclamation. good recursseion low cost and instant sepped with a low black commitment.

sol ring:because i personally wouldnt run any ramp that makes null rod insane it hoses so many decks. basically any deck that not green who really on artifact ramp is done. any equipment is done mean while your ramping out of your mind. even if they destroy it the dame is done. two turns of you rampaping and them not being able to play makes you miles ahead. you timewalked.

skull clamp: its ultra tempting so powrful but i would ditch it for some black draw spells and green draw spells. replace with necropotence and greater good momentus fall ect..

blood gift demon. there is just betterin black but him and grave bornmuse are both tempting. your not failing with it but there are better. replace with draw effectsmentioned.

capatain ofthe watch. no blink. now soldier theme. she's strongest in soldier decks and standard.

so i will say all the creatures i would replace and put in at the end.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 02:48 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


deffinatley better im am in apporval. what turn are you casting your jin on thou. like consistently . your general is so important because in a hundred card single ton you will always have access to that card. no need to search for it its in every hand and at every part ofthe game.

whats the combo with the maniac.

also you need more ramp. you need like ten mana rocks. I like your thinking with witch bane orb but you would be better moving with topor orb which absolutley breaks alot of decks who souls source of removal or value or combo relies on etb's. ilike tefferi puzzle boxs in this deck sweet tech. the journal and things like that. iThis is a control deck you dont really care about life gain. itsnot that good in edh because 21 general damage and your dead no matter how much you gain.

river kelpie would be a nuts draw card. ensnaring bridge because your deck needs away to fight the aggro decks being able to drop your hand is crucial. how wil you controlt he field. nev's disk and oblivion stone are needed. how will you deal with enchantments a karn would be good. meekstone. stops alot of bs.

think this way. what am i trying to do. then add cards that support that and synergies with it. then think what will they try to do and adds cards to stop that. then finally think how am i going to recover after they try to stop me.

thats how you start building vicious decks. anything that doesnt tstop them recover your parts or facilitate your victory cut. mystifying maze would be good acdaemy ruins would be good mindslaver would be good. mind over matter would be good. temple bell would be good.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 02:25 in reply to #390795 on Evil Blue EDH


i hope you dont mind the critique but now im really sitting down and like looking it over. the funny thing is you are playing so many unuasl cards that i ahve to read them all
not a fan of soul foundry the ascension seems way stronger where your just getting huge creatures for cheap. also the angel mircale card would be good. storm herd could be good. HOnestly i would scrap the tool box idea. ghave doesnt produce enough tokens on his own to make them good and if you have a way of making infinte which there a a few then you dont need them you know. just overrun them and its over. so on that note all creatures except...yavimaya elder pupteer clique eternal witness acidic slime mikaeus seems bonkers.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 17:56 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


there was a couple of cards in here that i was curious about in card selection
soul snare seems a little meh. because you arent really playing a deck thats got an enchantment theme. so like hana or something i could see it because you could reuses itover and over but for you its seems like limited one shot removal that they can disenchant before you get to select them as a target.

a good card would be crescendo of war. card is insane
i would cut personally abundance and gravity well and righteous cause. just dont really do enough. sadistic glee is good and i see what your doing. but enchant creatures without a way of recouring them readiliy is rough. getting two for one'd all day.

now that im looking at it you kinda have this tool box sac theme going on. i personally havent seen it done with ghave. i used to play an ednrek to similar effect. i want to say its a really REaLLY rocky road because if your token generator gets nuetralized you have a real problem.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 17:50 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


yeahno worries. when i say fantasy deck i mean like a deck building challenge but maybe one you wouldnt build outside of proxy. that way anything goes and you can build an absolutle monstrosity with no exspense spared because no exspense will be paid. doubling season on a when you find it send me a message and leave me some lol.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 17:35 in reply to #390796 on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


last suggestion unless you have a question is play to your generals strengths. i personally would have just bombs in this deck. because when everyones on topdeck mode facing something super scary just praying for an answer. also jinis going to get stolen so homeward paths aand sac outlets. the only one who gets to control jin should be you.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 17:32 in reply to #390795 on Evil Blue EDH


there are some good mana rocks for cheap like worn powerstone and felwar stone ur golems eye. ok, well for counterspells the reasoning there is that people will have a billion mana in edh so any spell that says unless they pay x is going to be paid.There is exceptions to every rule but those arent it. standard to edh is a weird rtansition.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 17:31 in reply to #390795 on Evil Blue EDH


Type your deck name...i guess i havent done upadates yet, so cloudstone was in portent was out and blessing of nature was out. i would have to go back and check for the other changes. i think your talking about infint with the kozilek. i play tested it and the thing is the only reason kozilek is in the deck is because its a free draw spell.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 17:50 in reply to #390797 on its the rush


ok, so i am going to assume this is like a fantasy deck a bit.

doubling season is an auto include. so is parallel lives. they are just dumb in ghave. mana reflections, is insane also.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 17:24 as a comment on EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores


ok some thoughts...
all the creatures except tefferis and ulamog have got to go. i dont know what your budgets like but snapcaster , glen elendra, consecrated sphinx, kira glass spinner, old man by the sea. things like that.
all the artifacts except witchbane orb and trading post. blue needs ramp its only got rocks and hightide. so caged sun gauntlet of might, exptraplanars lens mana vault crypt and sol ring are good. no howling mine effects in any deck but espeacilly blue. You have the best draw spells in the game no need to help your opponents. helm of possesion, vadalkan shackles, sensei's top lightniong greaves. smooth out draws protect jin and and control the field. also blue really wants to win by combo because it doesnt really have any big beaters. so a common strategy is infinit mana with grim monolith basalt monolith and rings of brighter hearth followed by blue sun zennith. control the field get your combo win.

but where your real power is is in the spells. most powerful spells in magic. cyclonic rift is a absolute back breaker. evacuation is a beast, aetherize is insane, capasize is a win con, counterspells. Get rid of all the counterspells there except...counterspell. replace with mana drain, hinder, spell crumple, mind break trap, the one that untaps lands, maybe even desertion, force of will. so on. time stop, a couple of five mana extra turn spells time stretch. echoing truth.

draw spells fact or fiction is amazing. blue sun good choice. brainstorm good choice. rhystic study(enchantment) frantic search, braingeyers, stroke of genius and just plain old jin :)

as for planeswalkers i like tamiyo alot but i would cut jace and go with karn and tezzert. they are so powerful.

that should be a good skeleton. im not trying to tear you down, but you looked lkike you might need a hand.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 17:19 as a comment on Evil Blue EDH


i love this snarling toes guy.hes hilarious

Posted 09 July 2013 at 22:08 in reply to #375689 on self-sacks


id put glory over valor

Posted 11 June 2013 at 22:25 as a comment on Blinding Crusade


this seems like a unique build. how well does it perform or does it still need some work.

a couple things i was thinking when i saw this was, where are the board wipes. wheres the solid draw and tutors.

i have a maga build and i look at other ones for inspiration. check out my build. i think it might help you out a little. its a veery good deck, tried and not found wanting in the gauntlet if you know what i mean. ; )

Posted 01 June 2013 at 22:39 as a comment on EDH-MBC


how does the deck play out

Posted 28 May 2013 at 09:21 as a comment on Illusions of Grandeur EDH


so for an idea, this is how i ran my animar. The deck is so disgustingly good i took it apart. its way to consistent and way to cut throat for casual play but if you want to dominate a game this is the deck. It will "go off" consistently turn five you can be killing the whole field. the other piece of it is that the deck is so damn resilient. you dont need animar to win abut he is super useful and a massive threat. So here you go

Posted 28 May 2013 at 09:13 as a comment on Riku/Animar EDH


yeah np, i just didnt know how serious it was and i didnt want to come off as trying too steal your baby. lol good luck. message me if you need any ideas

Posted 27 May 2013 at 22:43 in reply to #357176 on Exalted EDH


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