
234 Decks, 150 Comments, 27 Reputation

i didnt know how to send you a message, but i know you wanted another magic therory article. Here is another one.

Posted 05 December 2014 at 09:51 as a comment on Cipher through House Dimir


this is all true. i bring up these specific cards because they are hailed for their power and its not immediately obvious why.

In my last deck article i bring up the point that drawing cards doesnt win you games. i would love to have your comments on that thread.

Posted 05 December 2014 at 09:44 in reply to #521085 on econ mtg oppurtunity cost


yeah absolutley, but i would definatley cut paste over word for spelling and grammatical stuff though first.

Posted 04 December 2014 at 22:14 in reply to #520969 on econ mtg oppurtunity cost


lol no worries, im definitley not a skilled writer

Posted 04 December 2014 at 21:25 in reply to #520944 on econ mtg diminishing return


wow, you guys are awesome. it means alot that you guys took the time to read and like my article. I made another strategy deck list that might help some people out. i hope you guys enjoy it.

Posted 04 December 2014 at 15:13 as a comment on econ mtg diminishing return


oh right, my bad

Posted 04 December 2014 at 10:33 in reply to #520680 on Bounce, Bounce, Emrakul!


ideas for this deck. blood ghast, gravecrawlers, attrition, grave pact, i would also add some gold old fashion card draw.

Posted 03 December 2014 at 15:57 as a comment on Sacrifice stuff get profit


hi i wrote an mtg article to help out new players and deck builders. something you might find insightful or mental stimulating

Posted 03 December 2014 at 15:55 as a comment on Sacrifice stuff get profit


you should add some worldly tutors, vampiric tutors,brainstorms.

Posted 03 December 2014 at 15:51 as a comment on Bounce, Bounce, Emrakul!


im writing advanced strategy guides for mtg. I just wrote on this topic it might be interesting.

Posted 03 December 2014 at 15:45 as a comment on Girls Just Want to Have Fun


recommended cards: cephalid constable, parallax wave, mother of runes,berserk is a great way to blow someone out.
also i might consider lower cost counterspells because they allow you to play additional spells during your turn and still hold counter magic. swan song is super underplayed. have you considered a couple extra turn cards or maybe a rule of law (effectively an extra turn.) winter orb is also good so would armageddon because once you have winning power on the board it gg. rancor is also goood. so is cataclsym. my spelling sucks. im drunk lol

Posted 31 October 2014 at 09:08 as a comment on Rafiq of the Many EDH


this deck is badass. but no wheel of fortune?

Posted 31 October 2014 at 09:03 as a comment on Kiki-Jiki, the Mirror Breaker


no worries, its a skill that takes practice.

heres some tips.
1.envision the board state of your winning turn. what does it look like. whats spells were cast, what creature, enchantments, ect...If you cant see it then you dont have a deck really. so step one find the kill.
2. after determining your resources necessary to get your win con you want to find out two things. How can i make it more consistent (tutors, draw, multiple cards that do the same thing) and how can i make it faster (card draw, tutors, MANA acceleration)
3. after you know how you want to win and have the ramp/draw/tutors to make it work quickly and efficiently you need to slow the opponent down. this is the tricky part. because we all know the cards its knowing how many you need to put in your deck. too much and your not making progress to little and you'll never see it. i dont have this figured out to be honest. also what kind of removal. are you multiplayer. or 1v1 are you combo or aggro. are you fast or slow. how competetive are you building.

what i have figured out so far is that counters are used incorrectly. counters are used to delay your opponents win not stop what they are doing. the sometimes look the same but the effect of countering the right spells is needed.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 10:35 in reply to #459487 on Budget EDH: Zedruu's Kindness


to many counters to little ramp. not giving anything backbreaking to opponents. whats the strategies with the walls just curious. to increase power i would get all the cheap low cost mana artifacts i could (up to like 15)

I dont understand the purpose of alot of the spells in this deck. explanation please.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 06:55 as a comment on Budget EDH: Zedruu's Kindness


its deffinatley better hen feast or famine, pro blue draws and shoots creatures, the value, THE VALUE!
jeeze, assuming those are all tuned decks with decent pilots thats a serious play group. fast token i would side in detention sphere.
its hard to say what you should do, being that your buying and replacing cards. i can tell you what to sswap out for what.
as for late game. It sounds like you need to indentifiy game buy game what deck your playing aggro or control. if you are playing against a faster deck, then you are the control deck in the battle in as much that you will not out race the opponent and that you will need to maxsimize early trades, stop the aggro in this fight, and attempt to stabalize. if your faster or have less control elements like card draw and removal, then you are the aggro deck and need to play the aggro game.whcih means going for the tempo plays. so you dont nessacarily need to make deck changes but just change your mindstate going into the fight.

if it was me building a jenara french deck. i would add more counter magic. because think about one of the biggest bonuses to playing jenara. No.wasted. mana. so even holding counter magic up isnt a waste. and stick to a tempo based aggro plays. so remand delay, memory lapse. Your deck feels really bulky and slow with cards like solemn, soverigns, unexpectedly absent (sweet card wrong deck imo. why not play snap, bounces there loker untaps for counter magic worst comes to worst you use the untapped mana to pump jen) render silent (cool but slow), ect...alot fo your cards are half long game and have slow game. why not play silence. medoami, is slow because its six then it needs to attack and you arent hitting land drops consistently so these card are sitting in your hand most of the time and are dead draws in the early game because you have so little acceleration. eldrazi conscription might as well caost a million because you arent hard casting it. i dont like tezzert or kiora for this deck but it seems like your into your equipment. Survival of the fittest should be in this deck.llanowar elves, dryad arbor. I dont like training grounds, Im not a fan of steel of the god head or angelic destiny though i like rancor quite abit.

Posted 15 March 2014 at 01:15 in reply to #446893 on Jenara French EDH

i was looking at that but i looked around more and this list is out of date it looks like.
yeah lotus cobra is essential, its just super good with fetches.
i didnt even see body and mind, i saw fire and ice, no yeah body and mine is lacking compared to war and peace.
i mean war and peace is fine for now, but the games are to quick to think about tutoring up a second sword and and then casting plus equip. thats 6 mana most of the time your getting your better swords or jitte depending. But thats in the future, we cant deal with that now.
what has your deck struggled against. i dont see any artifact hate, nature's claim, viridan shaman

Posted 14 March 2014 at 22:22 in reply to #446893 on Jenara French EDH


this deck now that im looking over it seems like a budget build. is it budget ish or do you not know about some cards. not insulting im literally asking
bond is banned, i have never cared about my life at all. the only one that matters is the last life beyound that its just a resource. and im not saying black im mean if you can afford the damage then theres no difference between taking the blow and a fog. you know what i mean. war/peace, the only real relevance to me is the pro white. and i would run the remand and delay so on to take of the targeted removal. this dekc should win before life becomes an issue. you would almost never look for war/peace over jitte or feast. almost never. Also i would cut boots for like misdirection or redirect. you dont need the haste that bad you more need the protection and you dont need constant pro you just need it for the few moments bewteen deathstrikes. i would ditch the aquos form for sylvan lirbary, not creature dependent and you go deeper with the option to draw. just way better.
your mana curve is low but the spot light doesnt seem worth a slot. the problem with jeneara is shes slow. relatively of course, rafiq doesnt need hsate because he makes any person mash. spot lights a good idea but i would go seal of cleansing or nature's claim because its prob coming throough boots( i know they have built in hex), but those cards also serve other usefull purposes like killing swords and what not. i would put in beast over rapid for utility even if it cost more.

Posted 14 March 2014 at 06:57 in reply to #446893 on Jenara French EDH


i got you, first the obvious your over card limit. i would increase artifact ramp to 15 different pieces. so sol ring, mana vault, coldsteel heart ,solemn sim, coalition relic, darksteel ingot, chromatic latern, rakdos signet, leaden myr, iron myr, palladium myr, ancient tomb, thran dynamo, gilded lotus and scultping steel.

then i would add a ton of draw, ancient cravings, phyrexian arena, promise of power, ambitions cost, necropotence, decree of pain, spiteful visions, syphon mind, wheel of fotrune, reforge the soul.

tutor: diabolic tutor, diabolic intent, death pact, increasing ambitions,demonic tutor.

removal: flesh bag, innocent blood, kagemaro first to suffer, barter in blood, snuff out, fire covenant, chaos warp, damnation, mutilate,vandal blast.

Posted 13 March 2014 at 13:28 in reply to #445597 on Rakdos Nope Deck


is this for 1v1, also in most play groups mana bond is banned. i would cut glaring spot light and sword of war and peace, it also depends if your trying to be a fast deck or not. Fast you might want to increase tempo cards, but even then i would ditch mana leak. kiora is someone i would cut personally. she doesnt do enough here in my opinion. theres much better ramp, and her first ability is very good. no one cares about ultimates. I would add more ramp, lots more ramp. you only have 8. the signets are very good. i would go to atleast 15 for consistency.

Posted 13 March 2014 at 13:26 as a comment on Jenara French EDH


i built a beast animar deck that is just crazy. cards that take this deck to the next level are primordial sage, soul of the harvest, the creatures that untap when they come into play. kozilek, is awesome. you want alot of creatures that cantrip and draw you cards, mulldrifter and the like, man o war, solemn. and deffinatley cloudstone curio, phantasmal image and phyrexian metamorph.also emarkul is banned

Posted 13 March 2014 at 13:15 as a comment on Animar EDH


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