wow that was two years ago.
i play in a very cut throat group. We only frown slightly win someone plays lame decks like zur or something. but then we just gang up and kill what you want to play in my opinion. make your play group play better more interesting magic.
to kind of piggy back off what doc says, everything he mentioned is true. the merciless is a red black control deck, you would have a much better time with olvia valderan who is a beast. but if your committed imagine how the game is going to play out. this game is going long, so tthe amount of threats you need versus the amount of threats you must be able to deal with is low. i always like grave titan, army of the damned, inferno titan, hatred/runechanters pike+inkmoth nexus, chainer dementia master, and let that be it. the rest is all control, draw and ratio for a control deck like this would be 38-40 lands, 12-15 mana rocks, 2-4 win cons, 10-15 draw spells,the rest control elements.
in any token deck you got to have skullclamp. steel shapers gift and stoneforge mystic. enlightened tutor.
extra combat steps are pretty good in zurgo, mother of runes is ridculous in general. sign in blood and nights whisper are really good. tyhey doint seem great but those little draw effects make a big difference. they add consistency. gods willing is really good also because iots a counterspell that makes your creature unblockable and you get to see the top card of your library for 1 white. eight and a half tails is pretty sick at just over 5 dollars. it is a reuseball white counterspell on a creature that can make your creatures unblockable. spirit mantel is pretty nuts unblockable. fatal frenzy is awesome, seize the day, savage beating,
from my experience running in an extremely aggressive and competitive play group. Like regular turn two jin gixtaxis and 1000 dollar plus decks. the best way to run a deck like nin the paint artist is to almost entirely get rid of creatures. the are a few exceptions but for the most part she will be shooting herself to draw trhe majority of her cards. At least in my version of the deck.counterspells are generally pretty expensive but you do get to use some of the more uncommon ones. things like condescend, power sink, mana leak, remand, arcane denial, snycopate, miscalculkation, misdirection (there is a cheap version of this card), glen elendra, venser shaper savant, daze, spell pierce. in general the idea here is to allow you to cast spells to advance board state or cast nin without being left to vulnerable. most of those cards are relatively cheap also.the second thing i would recommend is a healthy dose of mana rocks. nin really likes them because she can utilize a bunch of mana producers at all time and can also play those cars at relatively little cost . like play a mana rock and usse the mana it produce to play counter spell or some sort of defensive magic. then cast nin and draw a bunch of cards.because you will be drawing so heavily with nin the amount of win con you actually need is low since you will be see most of your cards in a game in away. but the threats need to be mana light so you can protect your threats effectively. dragon master outcast is perfect for this because he is one mana and nin plays the long game like you said. he then produces game ending threats every turn for no cost while producing creatures that you can hit with nin. i also like treachery and vedalken shackles in this sort of deck. stealing creatures is good for nin and also it is generally cheaper then casting the creature if you chose the right spells. bribery is good because of the dispoportionate amount of cost to power ratio yoiu reciece from the card. but theres also runechanters pike and some mana lands like farie conclave or inkmoth blinkmoth nexus, just think l;ow cost cheap so you can protect it.
Vexing shusher is good depending on your meta. If its conteol heavy its good if not its bad. Polis crusher is what I would take out. Savage vent maw is also insane because woth relentless assault it goes infinite. Out post seige just draws cards urabrask is absolutely gross in this deck. Eternal witness is good also, rancor
Vexing shusher is good depending on your meta. If its conteol heavy its good if not its bad. Polis crusher is what I would take out. Savage vent maw is also insane because woth relentless assault it goes infinite. Out post seige just draws cards
cards i would add and have played with in my own xenagos deck are deus of calamity, kessig wolf run, ruric thar the unbowed, vines of vastwood, hunters insight, chandra pyromaster, greater good, outpost seige, vexing shusher, there are a ton of other things i would do with it but then you would be building mine .lol
i dont mean this in a rude way. the internet does not convey inflection well. im genuinely asking why are you marking it as unloved or posting the deck as public. no answer is not totally right and acceptable. i want to contribute to your deck but dont know what your looking for in terms of comments.
its so strange that you post this deck that i jkust finished making. i have got to say mad style points first and formost for picking the sexiest general in terms of suggestions i would make to improve in my perspective an already dope deck are...1. i would lose the equipment, they seem awesome and you can check my profile. im not suggesting to take them out because they are expensive. but they are cumbersome and unnecessary. Dakkon gets plenty massive on his own and doesnt need anything besides evasion to make him ko people. cards that are amazing with this general are artful dodge, distortion strike, steel of the god head, dragon wings, spirit mantle, thasa is amazing in this deck, as well as the very dirty tainted strike. low cost spells that allow him to sneak in and cut an opponent down while still allowing you mana available to keeps protective magic up is where this decks wants to be. the reasoning is that he is exspensive and as your main finisher he needs to be cast as little as possible preferably only once probably like twice or three times depending on how much you scare the table.the other thing to think about is that he is long game. he needs lands in play to be large so he is going to be coming until a little later anyways. that means that you will have 7 lands the turn he attacks anyways which is still three hit kill. it sounds ineffective but 7 is all you need until you get to eleven and you can 2 shot them. keep sword of the animist!!! great calll on that one.2. it seem like your scared of losing your awesome equipment and not getting to use them but my 1st suggestion is to lose them anyways. but protection is important and something this deck seems to be lacking a little. i would add some more counterspells and targeted removal. people say that one for one removal in edh is bad. well they are wrong. you need boardwipes but it needs to mostly be 1 for 1 removal. this allows you to deal with the large threats and the annoying obstacles while you build a 7 drop dakkon. after that you just need to make sure they dont stop you and you should win. cards i would add are, memory lapse, remand, arcane denial, mana leak, swords to plowshares, unexpectedly absent, oblation, path to exile, toxic deluge, cyclonic rift, boomerang, echoing truth, rewind and probably merciless eviction or austere command because you do need a few of mass removal cards. the key here is to think i dont need to stop them, i just need to delay them until i can win. let them have the nonsense cards that are small but if its like 5 mana up iom going to exile kill, counter destroy, whatever you got to do.3. no if you are 1 for 1 removing there stuff for the most part you are going to need lots of draw. otherwise you will cast the cards in your hand blow up a few things and be stuck with only a couple cards in hand. this sucks and is not where you want to be. also you dont want to have alot of cards doing the same thing. you want the draw and the time necessary to get the right cards to win the game. so some awesome fraw cards are ponder, preordain, jace beleren (minus only until you get to one the plus once then go back to minusing), fact or fiction, treasure cruise, dig through time, jace architect of thought, deep analysis, phyrexian arena, necropotence!!! read the bones, and some other low cost draw. low cost means you can keep open mana to protect yourself while still playing spells to help get you ahead.4. a general guidelines, keep it as much at instant speed as you can. it gives you the most options and flexibility. im not bashing your deck or anything, my playgroup is difficult and very goood. so i have had to make my decks as strong as possible. this is the result of many trial and error battles.
thanks man, i appreciate it
thank you i do.
Yeah my grammar is pretty bad...
im happy that you enjoyed the "deck". i hope to put out more of these types to help players advance their skills. Also i am looking forward to seeing what contributions you can make. is an another article that i have posted with a similar idea of helping new players. i would be interested in seeing what you think. also any advice or suggestions would be welcome.
what do you mean?
play pst in flames or yawgmoths will. also you only need one tendrils of agony. you run tutors and ad nauem.
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