ok my opinion.-all swords except sword fre/feast-disk-naginata-squire-arashi-brooding-primus-city of solitude-plummet
i know it might sound crazy but im a really good deck builder. And what would take this deck to the next level for CHEAP Would be mana dorks. the myrs, and the cheap low cmc mana rocks. they make life way easier. Also i would add some more draw and take out a little bit of removal.-murder-lightning bolt-tribute to hunger-dark ritual+iron myr+Leaden myr+coldsteel heart+lotus petal
death touch means olivia kills with her ability
you MOST get draw. Add atleast 10 sources of draw. ( staff of nin, scroll rack, wheel of fortune, reforge the soul, sword of fire and ice, mind's eye, sensei's top, mikokoro, memory jar, faithless looting.) i dont know how much experience you have in mtg or edh. but card draw is, like, Everything. More option and the ability to put threats after people answer your threats is pretty huge. Otherwise you gas out and are stuck top decking and being a victim to that state of the board, with card draw and gisela, you can almost never be counted out.ramp you need atleast 10-15 Listing them off is alot of work but you need it for the speed.i dont know how competetive your play group is but being slow is death in most that i have played in. remember 100 card deck your probably only going to see 40. needs multiples of everything.also the reason why you play red why is for one of the best equipments of all time. Sun forger. this thing is a F****n Monster. the other card is of course sunhome fortress which makes anything you attack with when you have gisela out just devestating. Removal: this is your bread and butter, where you should be the king. No other color control the board like the nazi white. (so aura of silence, recurrable with sun titan is a tax a psychological threat and after playing it instant speed uncounterable removle barring stifle effects. swords to plow shares, oblation, chaos war, into the core, return to dust, austere command, terminus espeacily with top. wing shards o ring, the list goes on and on. ditch all the shock burn spell effects. i know i know gisela lightning bolt does 6 for one, but i have news, gisela doesnt live very long, and when you want something gone make sure its dead with a real removal spell.gideon is sweet but i dont like him for this deck.i would also add sun titan for recur, as well as stone hewer giant and stone forge mystic.http://www.mtgvault.com/bakaburger1/decks/gisela-2/ thats my gisela deck check it out for ideas
you MOST get draw. Add atleast 10 sources of draw. ( staff of nin, scroll rack, wheel of fortune, reforge the soul, sword of fire and ice, mind's eye, sensei's top, mikokoro, memory jar, faithless looting.) i dont know how much experience you have in mtg or edh. but card draw is, like, Everything. More option and the ability to put threats after people answer your threats is pretty huge. Otherwise you gas out and are stuck top decking and being a victim to that state of the board, with card draw and gisela, you can almost never be counted out.ramp you need atleast 10-15 Listing them off is alot of work but you need it for the speed.i dont know how competetive your play group is but being slow is death in most that i have played in. remember 100 card deck your probably only going to see 40. needs multiples of everything.also the reason why you play red why is for one of the best equipments of all time. Sun forger. this thing is a F****n Monster. the other card is of course sunhome fortress which makes anything you attack with when you have gisela out just devestating. Removal: this is your bread and butter, where you should be the king. No other color control the board like the nazi white. (so aura of silence, recurrable with sun titan is a tax a psychological threat and after playing it instant speed uncounterable removle barring stifle effects. swords to plow shares, oblation, chaos war, into the core, return to dust, austere command, terminus espeacily with top. wing shards o ring, the list goes on and on. ditch all the shock burn spell effects. i know i know gisela lightning bolt does 6 for one, but i have news, gisela doesnt live very long, and when you want something gone make sure its dead with a real removal spell.gideon is sweet but i dont like him for this deck.i would also add sun titan for recur, as well as stone hewer giant and stone forge mystic.
well the problem with red black is it doesnt have land ramp. to counter that you need artifact ramp. i like to go somewhere between 10-15 ramp spells. so on that note, sol ring, b/r signet, thran dynamo, gilded lotus, sculpting steel (copying someone elses ramp or your own), all the b/r ramp you can put in, ancient tomb would be sweet also. all the way till you get to ten+ but no more then 15. also the other mana doublers (crypt of agadeem, cabal coffers, crypt ghast, caged sun, gauntlet of power,extraplanar lens) would be awesome. those doublers work into mana ramp countreason ing: being able to play more spells means you push the pace and have more options per turn. since your in black, being able to refill hand after dropping threats (because you have the mana ramp) means you dont have to worry about gassing out.needs more draw: drawing is crucial. more options to play, and it allows you to keep the pressure on. Rejoice for you are in black. which has the best card draw. I would add ( syphon mind, promise of power, ancient cravings, ambitions cost, phyrexian arena, wheel of fortune, decree of pain)it needs recursion. They will try to stop you. Your coming at them with a badass vampire army, life has been made difficult for them by you. They do not like you. So some ability to recover after being stopped is in order (yawgmoth's will, xiao dun, phyrexian reclimation, volrath stronghold, living death, geth, animate dead, oversold cemetray.)reasoning: this makes you way harder to stop. if i keep killing your stuff and you keep bringing it back. it is not only waste of my precious removal that i need so much, its totally demoralizing to see a problem you thought you had dealt with rise from the grave yard. speaking of graveyards you need...removal: i see you alot of targeted removal, this is good and should not be underestimated. But you should really consider getting some mass removal (flesh bag maurder, paired with phyrexian reclimation geth or volraths stronghold makes a very difficult for people to hurt you. mutilate, black suns zenith, kagemaro first to suffer, innocent blood.)Reasoning:this makes it difficult for them to kill you, and your black you arent worried about creatures dying just revive them. also when you use spot removal that isnt multiuse (cheers drana) you are getting into card disadvatage which is a no no. you use one card they lose one card _ but in edh a non targeted opponent had his opponents both lose one card at no cost to him. where as mass removal hits more then one card like 5 if everyones got one or two, minus the card you spent plus the few creatures you lost, you come out ahead.if you would like some suggestion on what to cut. reply if not i hope that helped
so question, there is alot of ways you can make this deck better. but what is you budget for the deck
wheres the solatari confinment, necropotence, and phasing.
no rancor! what about the armor that one for everycard in hand the one zur uses
welcome to one of the most broken commanders ever. This deck can just be about as brutal and cutthroat as you want. literally every tournament this deck makes up like three of the top ten. on that note its still fun cause there is an elemnt of randomness to it. so let me know if youd like some advice for fixing it up to brutal form
man i doubt you will even read it all but there it is. my full and honest attempt to help you with your deck. i havent tsted it out yet but that looks like a consistent, resilient fucking monster right there. we substituted bad creatures with good ones. utilized the sacrificing ti get more value and addedan element of reanimation for increased resiliece and utility. iknow its exspensive but...that right there is how a deck is made. work towards making that. not all of that is exspensive. any questions i hope you know by now that you should just fire away
landsurborg tombdiamond valleyhigh marketgaeas cradlecabal coffersthen duals all between the colors.
spells entomb demonic tutorvampiric tutornatural ordertooth and nailaustere commandwrath of god
spells exsanguiateentombdemonic tutorvampiric tutor
landshighmarketdiamond valleyphyrexian towerold dualsnew duals yawgmoths tombbut i would have like 38 lands total.
spells:demonic tutorvampiric tutorkrosan gripwrath of godaustere commandexsanguinateentombregrowthcultivatekodamas reachliving death
enchantmentsgreater good: draws all the cardsnecropotence: best drawin magicphyrexian arena: phyrexian arenanecromancy:reanimationphyrexian reclimation: good recoverymana reflection: doubles manaanimate dead: goodfecundity: drawsgood.survival of the fittest
artifacts: null rod:shuts downalot off decks.sensei's top: with oracle mul daya is just unfair.lighting greaves: protect ghavepithing needle: seems like it doesnt do anything but it stops o, stone other generals,disk, you name it.creatures:oracle mul daya: ramp and card advantge for for mana. goodscavanging ooze: hurts alot of other decks really badly and he gets huge and he gains you like and heas cheap and they just made him pretty cheap.asuza:ramp reasonabley costed and hopefully they waste removal on it. one turn with azusa and damage is done.solemn: love to get eaten love to be reanimated ramps for four. amazing.kokusho. loves to be eaten huge loves to be reanimated gains lifekarmic guide. reaniamtes loves to be eaten.revilark: reanimates loves to be eatensuntitan massive reanimation huge better viglance. amazing.crater hoof. makes all your guys huge.avengar of zendikar: makes alot of guys to get eaten its an etb so instant value loves to get reanimatewd loves ramp. winning hereangel of despair: likes to be eaten so she can be reanimatedbutcher of malakir: grave pact number 2.rampagin baloths. makes dudes to be eaten huge beats likes ramp. amazing.pupteer clique: loves to be reanimated loves to be eaten provides food and beats. really good.acdemy rec: amazing you know the scor on this one.yosei the morning star: just shut them off loves to be eaten wins games breaks backs.saffi: loves to help cards get eaten loves to get reanimated.woodelves: good ramp reanimationflicker wisp: good with etb's so its ramp reanaimtion loves to get reanimated acidic slime good blocks good etb good to get reanimatedlinvala: hoses decksrestoration angel:good blink etbs.aven mind censor: hoses decksstonecloacker: exile stuff bouce goodmycoloth makes a ton of guys.eternal witness: super good.mikaues the unhallowedsyslvan primodial houseterrastodon house woodfall primus house
cut allsorceries except cultivate and rangerspath. for the reasons of not ghave we can do better. ok time for replacements.
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